【Uzumaki Naruto told Kabuto Yakushi to go back and give Orochimaru a message.】

【"Let Orochimaru send a ransom of 50 million taels later, and use it as a ransom for you."】

【"And the reward for us to play with him"】

【"We also spent a lot of effort to beat him just now"】

【Pharmacist Pocket,"......"】

【Yakushi Kabuto was already very sure. Uzumaki Naruto was a person that he absolutely could not mess with. Next time he saw him, he would immediately stay away from him.】

【The other party is not only powerful, but also has a dark heart.】

【What you said was so cruel!】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"Also, I am somewhat interested in the Triple Rashomon he just performed. Send me the Ninjutsu Scroll."】

【"I believe that Orochimaru will not refuse to give it to you."】

【"After all, he came back to Konoha this time with a big plan to implement, and he didn't want it to be ruined by me, right?"】

【"You tell him that I already knew about the conspiracy between Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo."】

【"I am even more certain that his purpose of coming back this time is"】

【"I also know about him pretending to be the Kazekage."】

【"Go, I need something, I hope I can see it when I finish dinner and go home."】

【"Just put it in my yard and don't come into my house. Do you understand?"】

【The pharmacist smiled bitterly and could only agree.】

【"Got it, I'll pass it on."】

【Yakushi Kabuto left in a hurry, fearing that if he left a little later, Uzumaki Naruto would change his mind and he would not be able to leave anymore.】

【Uchiha Sasuke immediately gave Uzumaki Naruto a thumbs up】

【"We have Orochimaru in our grasp, this wave is another win-win situation"】

【"Yes, we win together."】

Uchiha Madara,"Uzumaki Naruto is getting more and more skilled at robbing." Ohnoki

,"Orochimaru is also unlucky and has no foresight. He ran into these two killers."

"At this moment, he must be so depressed that he vomited blood."

"I wanted to trick Uchiha Sasuke, but I was beaten up and blackmailed by Uzumaki Naruto."

"Not only can't you retaliate, you have to give them money and ninjutsu scrolls."

"If he doesn't give it to me, Orochimaru will suffer a huge loss."

"After all, this time he came to Konoha, he had a big plan that could not be destroyed."

Senju Tobirama,"I like Uzumaki Naruto's style of doing things."

"Only such people have the ability to make money and successfully lead the operation of the country."

"This also reminds me of my eldest brother. When the tailed beasts were separated, if I hadn't reminded him, he would have really given them away for free."

Senju Hashirama,"Haha, money doesn't seem to mean much to me."

Uzumaki Kushina,"It's good to be a little bit cruel, at least you won't be bullied by others."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Mom, I know. I won't be kind anymore. I'm going to be a little bit cruel, too.""

【The little white snake that escaped was the reason for Orochimaru's rebirth.】

【After wasting some energy, he came back to life and took on human form.】

【Orochimaru's face was gloomy. Looking back at the battle just now, he was deeply shocked.】

【"I didn't expect Uchiha Sasuke to be so strong. After a short fight, he really took him down. There is no way."】

【"The Uchiha clan has two extraordinary talents."】

【"But fortunately, for the time being, I can still suppress Uchiha Sasuke"】

【"If you want to take over his body, this plan must be advanced as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be difficult to execute in the future as he grows stronger and stronger."】

【"What I didn't expect was that Uzumaki Naruto's strength was so strong"】

【"Moreover, it seems that he still had some room for improvement, and he didn't even completely transform into a tailed beast, but he beat me into this state. It's really terrifying."】

【"It really gives me a headache."】

【For a moment, Orochimaru was at a loss as to what to do next.】

【His plan to overthrow Konoha had been in preparation for so long, and in the early stages, it went quite smoothly. The people he led were all lurking inside.】

【But I didn't expect such a big change.】

【If Uzumaki Naruto wanted to stop him, Orochimaru knew that his plan would never succeed.】

【"Is this going to end here?"】

【"The information provided by Shimura Danzo is far from the truth.."】

【"He did say before that Uzumaki Naruto was very strong, but he never said he was this strong."】

【"Shimura Danzo, it seems you have other thoughts in mind too"】

The Fourth Raikage said,"Orochimaru, you are wrong about this."

"I believe that Shimura Danzo was conspiring with Orochimaru to overthrow Konoha, and then Shimura Danzo himself would become Hokage."

"However, Shimura Danzo himself did not know how terrifyingly Uzumaki Naruto's strength had improved."

Senju Hashirama,"That's right, Uzumaki Naruto's strength is improving by leaps and bounds every day."

【When Orochimaru was worried and didn't know what to do, Kabuto Yakushi came back.】

【He was very helpless and conveyed what Uzumaki Naruto told him.】

【Orochimaru was so angry that he had never seen such an unreasonable person.】

【"Uzumaki Naruto beat me to death, and then he asked me for money? He even said that this was the fee for his sparring with me?"】

【"Pharmacist Kabuto, have you ever seen such a shameless person?"】

【Pharmacist Dou shook his head helplessly.】

【"Lord Orochimaru, but if we really don't give it to you, it won't work......."】

【Orochimaru was so angry that he cursed】

【"He is just taking advantage of the situation"】

【"If we compromise today, he will use it as a threat to extort other things from us tomorrow."】

【How could Pharmacist Dou not understand these things, but what else could he do?】

【Who made Uzumaki Naruto hold the power now?】

【Yakushi Kabuto said,"Lord Orochimaru, we have to give you this money and the scroll of the Triple Rashomon Ninjutsu."】

【"If you don't give it to me, Uzumaki Naruto will immediately tell Sarutobi Hiruzen that you are the Kazekage in disguise."】

【"We have been planning for so long, but now everything has gone to waste."】

【"A little impatience can ruin a big plan, Lord Orochimaru"】

【"Or should we focus on our plan to overthrow Konoha?"】

【In fact, there is another sentence that Kabuto Yakushi did not tell Orochimaru.】

【That is, if Orochimaru didn't give these things, Uzumaki Naruto would think that it was Kabuto Yakushi who delivered the message but didn't deliver it well.】

【Uzumaki Naruto has left the mark of the Flying Thunder God on Kabuto Yakushi】

【The result did not satisfy him, so Uzumaki Naruto jumped out and slapped Yakushi Kabuto】

【When you are unhappy, just kill him.】

【Under such a threat, Kabuto Yakushi could only choose to surrender and try his best to help Uzumaki Naruto.......】

【There was even a moment when Kabuto Yakushi was wavering, wondering whether he should betray Orochimaru and follow Uzumaki Naruto in the future.】

【After all, this is not only a move away from darkness and joining the light, but Uzumaki Naruto is still so strong, so the chances of him winning are obviously higher.......】

【Orochimaru had never been threatened like this before, and after finally calming down his anger, he could only do as Uzumaki Naruto asked.】

【He didn't have 50 million taels of money with him, but Uzumaki Naruto demanded that he see him before returning home that evening.】

【In desperation, Orochimaru could only secretly go to Shimura Danzo to borrow money.】

【Uzumaki Naruto also left a psychological shadow in Orochimaru's heart】

【"This guy is not to be trifled with. Stay away from him from now on."】

【Orochimaru himself would certainly not like to admit it, but it does exist.】

【He was not only shocked by Uzumaki Naruto's strength, but also secretly afraid of him.

Uchiha Madara,"I'm dying of laughter. Orochimaru, a dignified S-rank rebel ninja from Konoha, one of the three ninjas from Konoha"

"In order to avoid the mission failing, he actually went to collect money for the ransom at night." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Too embarrassing, too funny"

"Shouldn't the plan to overthrow Konoha be a scene of blood and tears?"

"This kind of funny scene of borrowing money is mixed in, which seems very inconsistent."

Orochimaru,"The me in the parallel world is so embarrassing."

"Uzumaki Naruto has completely calculated this."

Yamanaka Ino," Hahahaha, I'm laughing so hard that my stomach hurts."

"Originally, when Orochimaru appeared in this world, he was so powerful that people were afraid just by looking at him."

"But the Orochimaru of the parallel world seems to be very down-to-earth and funny to watch."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Congratulations to Orochimaru for becoming Naruto's source of money."

"I hope you can make more money in the future, so that this kind of embarrassing thing won’t happen again. When it comes time to pay the ransom, you still have to beg people to borrow money."

"You are the boss of an organization, it is really embarrassing to do this."

Uzumaki Naruto,"I learned it, it turns out that making money is so easy, I will try it in the future." Senju Hashirama

,"Don't try this method lightly, it is easy to be beaten to death by others"

【Orochimaru finally met the conditions that Uzumaki Naruto had asked for, 50 million taels, plus the Triple Rashomon Ninjutsu Scroll.】

【Before Uzumaki Naruto and his friends finished their dinner, they put it in his yard.】

【As for sneak attacks, Orochimaru didn't even think about it.】

【Orochimaru doesn't dare to do anything to Uzumaki Naruto for now.】

【Orochimaru,"Just wait, Uzumaki Naruto, when the plan is completed, it will be time for you to pay with blood."】

【Uzumaki Naruto knew all this, but he didn't care at all.】

【His confidence comes from his growing strength.】

【Picking up the scroll of the Triple Rashomon Ninjutsu sent by Orochimaru, Uzumaki Naruto began to read it.】

【Triple Rashomon, Ninjutsu Level A】

【The function of the first door is to directly withstand attacks.】

【The function of the second door is to reduce the power of ninjutsu chakra.】

【The function of the third door is to spread the power of ninjutsu】

【Uzumaki Naruto recalled the scene when his super-large Rasengan hit the Triple Rashomon summoned by Orochimaru.】

【The triple Rashomon did have a certain blocking effect, but it was not completely effective.】

【"The energy of the Rasengan exceeds the blocking power of the Rashomon."】

【"Actually, this ninjutsu is pretty useless to me."】

【"The effect of the Triple Rashomon ninjutsu is quite impressive."】

【"Whether it is Flying Thunder God or Water Style Water Mirror Technique, they are very effective when used in the face of attacks."】

【"But now that I have it, it is not that difficult to learn, so I can just learn it."】

【Uzumaki Naruto begins his contemplation of the Triple Rashomon】

【The essence of this thing is still spiritualism】

【The overall learning difficulty is not high, and Uzumaki Naruto learned it quickly.】

【He used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport to an open area and successfully summoned the first level of Rashomon.】

【Finally, it was the second and third levels. At this point, Uzumaki Naruto discovered that as long as the amount of chakra was sufficient, he could continue to summon】

【Then he channeled the fourth and fifth levels of Rashomon】

【Uzumaki Naruto felt that he could summon the sixth Rashomon, but the chakra consumed was too huge. It was not worth it. 】

Senju Hashirama,"`.I know that with Uzumaki Naruto's talent, he would not be able to summon only the triple Rashomon."

"Sure enough, what I can do, he can do too, that's right."

Senju Tobirama,"Has Uzumaki Naruto grown to the point where even his elder brother can look at him with equal eyes?"

"It seems that the elder brother completely regards him as a person of the same level, not a junior."

Uchiha Madara,"If it is just a defensive Rashomon like this, it really doesn't have much meaning."

"Offense is the best defense."

Orochimaru,"You people, please don't use the achievements of monster-level geniuses to belittle others, okay?"

"I dare say that, besides me, there are no more than two people who can summon Rashomon."

"This ninjutsu's defensive ability is already very strong."

"For a normal ninja, it is impossible to break his defense. Its effect is very great."

"It's just because I met Uzumaki Naruto, a genius."

【During the process of Uzumaki Naruto summoning Rashomon, he also discovered some other things】

【Each Rashomon has its own special effect】

【Uzumaki Naruto was also thinking】

【"Since there is a Rashomon that can disperse the power of ninjutsu, this is already a very special ability, not just to resist physical defense"】

【"So, can it have an absorbing effect?"】

【"Is it possible that some Rashomons can absorb the ninjutsu chakra energy of the enemy's attack and then bounce it back?"】

【With this idea, Uzumaki Naruto (Nono's) people began to try. 】

Senju Hashirama,"So Uzumaki Naruto, are you going to make a new discovery?"

"Actually, I didn’t do much research on the Rashomon technique at that time."

"That year, after the Nine-Tails released the Tailed Beast Ball, I summoned the Five-Layered Rashomon to block it."

"In fact, the purpose of the two Rashomons behind is mainly to change the trajectory of the Tailed Beast Ball."

"The role of Rashomon does have different"

"I think that Uzumaki Naruto's thinking in this direction may yield some results."

Senju Tobirama,"Is this how Rashomon is?"

"But brother, it seems that you only used it once before, this technique is not common."

Orochimaru,"There is nothing wrong with what Uzumaki Naruto said"

"At present, even those who have mastered Rashomon have not studied it in depth."

"Since some Rashomons have a weakening effect, and some Rashomons have a spreading effect"

"So, why can't there be something that can absorb the chakra energy of ninjutsu and then bounce it back?"

"Sure enough, as a genius, Uzumaki Naruto, his perspective is different from that of ordinary ninjas, right?"

The fourth generation Raikage,"If Uzumaki Naruto can really summon the Rashomon that rebounds the damage,"

"This A-level ninjutsu will immediately become an S-level ninjutsu."

"Regardless of whether it is the difficulty of learning or the power, it will increase exponentially."

"The more powerful Rashomon seems to be, the more chakra and difficulty it will take to summon him."

Orochimaru," I suddenly felt a little sad. Could it be that the direction I am heading is wrong?"

"I am determined to learn all the ninjutsu in the world, but I have not practiced them to perfection."

"This is also a pity for me. Perhaps, Uzumaki Naruto can make up for this pity."

"Not only can he learn all the ninjutsu in the ninja world, but he can also develop them to the extreme."

Senju Tobirama,"I would like to call Uzumaki Naruto the true master of forbidden techniques."

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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