【Uzumaki Naruto has almost unlimited chakra, so summoning Rashomon is not too stressful for him.】

【He keeps trying】

【Suddenly, he summoned a new Rashomon, and Uzumaki Naruto's eyes lit up.】

【This Rashomon seems to meet Uzumaki Naruto's requirements. 】

Senju Hashirama,"Is he really a genius?"

"He found the result he wanted so quickly."

Senju Tobirama,"Brother, I'm so excited now."

"Do you understand the fun of developing forbidden techniques?"

"That kind of joy really makes people feel quite wonderful."

Orochimaru,"Uzumaki Naruto is really too evil."

"At that time, I spent some time learning the triple Rashomon."

"I never thought that Uzumaki Naruto would learn so quickly and have deeper thoughts and make improvements."

"I really want to invite him to do experiments with me"

"Together, we explore the end of life and the end of ninjutsu."

Uzumaki Kushina,"I'm curious about the effect of this Rashomon."

"If it is really as Naruto imagined, then congratulations to him, he has mastered a powerful defensive method."

Uchiha Madara,"Attack is the best offense, Uzumaki Naruto and I have the same philosophy."

"I never thought that there would be a day like this, where I would be able to appreciate a younger generation boy across time and space."

【After summoning this Rashomon, Uzumaki Naruto immediately conducted an experiment】

【He first used a less powerful Rasengan to attack the Rashomon from a distance.】

【The blue Rasengan hit Rashomon and was immediately absorbed without causing any splashes.】

【It was as if this attack had never been attacked.】

【However, Uzumaki Naruto could see that the color of the pattern on the Rashomon Gate had become darker.】

【The chakra energy of that Rasengan has been absorbed by him.】

【The next moment, under the control of Uzumaki Naruto】

【Suddenly, the Rasengan that was absorbed by Rashomon reappeared out of thin air and bounced back in the original direction.】

【He could feel that the power had not weakened.】

【A smile appeared on Uzumaki Naruto's face, proving that his idea could be realized】

【"In this way, no matter how much energy the enemy uses to attack me, it will be rebounded."】

【"It's a very good move."】

Yamanaka Ino,"It worked, the effect is perfect, Naruto is a genius." The

Fourth Raikage,"I'm afraid that with just this one ninjutsu, it can make a family famous and leave a legend." Senju Tobirama

,"Sure enough, it can be listed as a forbidden technique." Uzumaki

Naruto,"I will definitely learn this move in the future."

"At that time, I will directly challenge Sarutobi Hiruzen and let him kill himself with his own moves."

"Although it consumes a lot of chakra, the me in the parallel world can do it. The me in this world also has no shortage of chakra, so I can definitely do it."

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"Let's try again to see how much power he can withstand."】

【This is also very important. If the summoned Rashomon absorbs less chakra energy, it will still be useless.】

【Uzumaki Naruto condensed a super large Rasengan and attacked Rashomon】

【The power of this Rasengan is equivalent to the power it used to defeat Orochimaru.】

【At that time, the three Rashomons summoned by Orochimaru were all destroyed when they tried to block the Rasengan.】

【When the Rasengan was spinning and attacking the Rashomon, the next moment, just like before, its power was completely absorbed by it.】

【This Rashomon did not even tremble. Apparently, it could still accommodate even greater power.】

【Uzumaki Naruto had an interesting smile on his face.】

【"Then try another one."】

【Soon, the power of another super-large Rasengan was absorbed by this Rashomon.】

【Based on his observations, Uzumaki Naruto believes that this Rashomon can continue to absorb, which is far from reaching his bottom line.】

【"This Rashomon is indeed very powerful. Of course, when summoning it, a huge amount of chakra is consumed."】

【"I'm afraid that, except for me, it would be difficult for others to summon this"】

【"If you forcefully summon, your chakra will be drained away by the other party first."】

【The next moment, Uzumaki Naruto controlled Rashomon and released the power of Chakra】

【The enhanced version of the super-large Rasengan shoots a laser】

【With a bang, a large area of forest was destroyed.】

【The sound was mighty and seemed to shake the world】

【The Nine-Tails is still asking Uzumaki Naruto】

【"Can you now release the Tailed Beast Ball on your own without relying on my power?"】

【"Uzumaki Naruto, could it be that you yourself are also one of the tailed beasts?"】

【The Nine-Tails suddenly panicked. Maybe in the future, Uzumaki Naruto would no longer need his power.......】

Senju Hashirama,"I never thought that this Rashomon move could be used like this."

"If I knew this trick back then, it would be much easier to deal with the Nine-Tailed Fox."

"It directly absorbed the energy of its Tailed Beast Ball, and it rebounded, causing him to suffer."

"At that time, I relied too much on Wood Release and neglected the development of other ninjutsu. Now that I think about it, I still feel a little regretful."

Senju Tobirama,"I'm so excited, brother, you finally realized this."

"Developing ninjutsu is fun, isn't it?"

"If we can be resurrected next time, I hope that I can develop another ninjutsu, and you don't have to ban it anymore."

Uchiha Madara,"Hashirama, it's a good thing that you didn't know this Rashomon back then, otherwise, I'm afraid I would suffer a great loss."

Ohnoki,"Uzumaki Naruto has successfully discovered another forbidden technique"

"I just don't know if this Rashomon can only absorb chakra energy, or if it can also absorb and rebound the force of physical attacks at the same time."

"If the force of physical attack can also absorb the rebound, this Rashomon will be really perverted."

【Uzumaki Naruto also thought of this】

【He began to try to use physical attacks to attack this Luo Shangmen.】

【When he controlled a clone and kicked it with his foot】

【At the same time, a force equal to his kick was generated, which bounced back.】

【He then tried more violent means.】

【This Rashomon is extremely solid. No matter how strong the attack is, it can bounce back.】

【It combines both defensive and offensive features!】

【Uzumaki Naruto was very satisfied with this.】

【The effect that this Rashomon can produce is really quite significant.】

【"The Water Mirror Technique can also replicate the enemy's attack, but its targeting is relatively limited."】

【"However, this Rashomon technique can be used on large battlefields, and the scope of influence will be wider."】

【"It can be said that it is an all-powerful killing weapon on the battlefield!"】

【"Now I suddenly remembered that the cold-looking Orochimaru was kind of cute. He brought me a good thing."】

【"In the future, I want to truly unify the ninja world, and perhaps a large-scale war will be necessary."】

【"If this thing is used on the battlefield, it is powerful and can also intimidate others."】

【"Maybe it can help me effectively and end the war quickly."】

【"The original appearance of this Rashomon is very intimidating, and its actual effect is also intimidating."】

【"Nice ninjutsu"】


"I feel jealous."

"I'm so angry. Why didn't I discover such a powerful ninjutsu before?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Jiraiya,"Orochimaru, don't think too much."

"Maybe it's simply because you don't have enough chakra."

"There is another reason, maybe in terms of IQ, he is indeed not as smart as Uzumaki Naruto." Orochimaru,"Jiraiya, if you don't want to live, just say it, and I will give you a quick death." Uzumaki Kushina,"Congratulations Naruto, you have learned the powerful ninjutsu of Rashomon."


"As he said, this ninjutsu will establish his position in the future to unify the ninja world."

Senju Hashirama,"I really want to use my True Thousand Hands to test the power of this Rashomon.""

Senju Tobirama,"Brother, I also have this desire"

【Orochimaru was blackmailed by Uzumaki Naruto and gave him 50 million taels of ransom and the Triple Rashomon Ninjutsu Scroll.】(abah) [Afterwards, after some reflection, I decided to meet Uzumaki Naruto again���noodle】

【Although, Uzumaki Naruto said to Yakushi Kabuto at that time】

【As long as Orochimaru pays the ransom, Uzumaki Naruto will not leak their information and tell Sarutobi Hiruzen, causing the mission to fail.】

【But Orochimaru is still a little worried about this.】

【He wanted to meet Uzumaki Naruto in person to see his true intentions.】

【Although, through some intelligence collected, Orochimaru knew that Uzumaki Naruto hated Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【But I am also afraid that at the critical moment, Uzumaki Naruto will betray Orochimaru.】

【In that case, the plan to overthrow Konoha would become a trap set by Sarutobi Hiruzen, allowing Orochimaru to come in and be abused.】

【Of course. Even if this is true, Orochimaru will not be too afraid. He has plenty of ways to come back to life.】

【But he didn't want to fail in this mission, because the feeling of failure would be very uncomfortable.】

【Orochimaru also knew another thing. Many people in Konoha disliked Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【Therefore, he dared to carry out the plan to subvert Konoha in this way.】

【Orochimaru discovered through special means that Uzumaki Naruto was practicing in the jungle.】

【Afterwards, he went to meet Uzumaki Naruto, and on the way, he was also thinking about】

【"I still can't figure out this little guy Uzumaki Naruto."】

【"If you communicate with him, you may end up being eaten by him if you are not careful."】

【"However, this is also a very interesting thing"】

【"Let's see who will be the final winner......."】

Uchiha Madara,"Orochimaru, if you compete with Uzumaki Naruto, you will only lose miserably."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Orochimaru, you also want to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen"

"But you will definitely not succeed, Sarutobi Hiruzen will only die in Naruto's hands"

"He can let you continue your plan, but he will never let you kill Sarutobi Hiruzen. You'll see."

Orochimaru,"Uzumaki Naruto is such a hateful guy."

"I can see that the reason he kept me here was not to disrupt my plans."

"The main purpose is to let the parallel world me to clear out those lackeys of Sarutobi Hiruzen for him."

"It's a good calculation."

"I just want to say that I am not a simple person either. It is hard to say who will have the last laugh."

【When Orochimaru showed his perverted smile again, he suddenly heard a loud rumbling sound.】

【He looked up, but was surprised to find that in the dense forest ahead, there were actually many Rashomons.】

【He knew that direction was where Uzumaki Naruto was.】

【In other words, this Rashomon was summoned by Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Even a ninjutsu genius like Orochimaru could not help but be surprised at this moment.】

【"It didn't take this kid that long to successfully communicate with Rashomon?"】

【"What else is going on?"】

【"Didn't I give him the scroll of triple Rashomon's ninjutsu? Why could he summon five Rashomons?"】

【"Is it because I have never really mastered this technique?"】

【At this moment, Orochimaru almost shut himself up again.】

【He found that comparing people with each other can really make people angry.】

【Especially Orochimaru, who was determined to learn all the ninjutsu and believed that he was very talented in learning ninjutsu.】

【But at this moment, jealousy made him unrecognizable】

【The pharmacist who was following him was extremely shocked.】

【"Uzumaki Naruto......Is Uzumaki Naruto’s learning talent so terrifying?"】

【"How can he be so strong?"】

【This also made Yakushi Kabuto's idea of rebelling against Orochimaru and joining Uzumaki Naruto stronger and stronger.......】

【As for the Rashomon that Uzumaki Naruto tried later, the other changes made Orochimaru even more shocked.】

【Regarding this Rashomon ninjutsu, Orochimaru has always been respectful.】

【He never thought that he could explore in this direction.】

【"I used to call myself a genius."】

【"But I didn't expect that there was still a long way to go before I could become a true genius."】

【Orochimaru suddenly began to think deeply, as if he was going to adjust his future development direction.】

【When he opened his mouth again, he said something that made Pharmacist Dou speechless.】

【"Uchiha Sasuke is not my target anymore. If I can take over Uzumaki Naruto, wouldn't that be even better?"】

【Pharmacist Dou swallowed his saliva, and finally couldn't help but say this】

【"Lord Orochimaru, Uzumaki Naruto is too strong. This goal is really impossible to achieve."】

【"In fact, I don't even recommend trying to seduce Uchiha Sasuke anymore. After all, he is Uzumaki Naruto's best friend......."】


【"Okay, stop talking sour, let's go see Uzumaki Naruto first."】

Akimichi Chouji,"I'm dying of laughter. The expression of doubt on Orochimaru's face is so funny."

Nara Shikamaru,"Actually, I can understand the loss of Orochimaru's mind at this moment."

"In the past, he thought he was proficient in all aspects of ninjutsu, but at this moment, he was severely hit by Uzumaki Naruto.

"It's a good thing that I didn't live in the same era as Uzumaki Naruto.""

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll lose."

"Although I have never experienced the feeling of being defeated, judging from Madara's expression, it must be unpleasant."......"

Senju Tobirama,"I just want to say that Orochimaru is a little confused."

"He actually started to covet Uzumaki Naruto. Who gave him the courage to think like that?"

Orochimaru,"Don't ask me. I don't know what I think in the parallel world."

The Fourth Raikage,"Orochimaru, go and try it."

"What if there is a possibility of possession?"

Orochimaru,"Do I look like a fool?"

" Hạnh

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