【Orochimaru then found Uzumaki Naruto】

【Tell him the purpose of this visit.】

【Immediately, he was mocked by Uzumaki Naruto】

【"Orochimaru, I thought you were an S-rank rebel ninja from Konoha, you must have some outstanding qualities"】

【"You should have a lot of courage, but now it seems that is not the case.-"】

【"You actually came to me with such a boring question.-"】

【"If I really want to stop your plan"】

【"When they find you, they will go straight to tell that old man Sarutobi Hiruzen"】

【"Wouldn't it be better to nip you in the bud before your plan is fully launched?"】

【"Would you wait until now?"】

【"Anyway, believe it or not, your plan to overthrow Konoha will not be launched."】

【"I don't have time to argue with you here."】

【"I also want to warn you of one thing: don't try to get Uchiha Sasuke again."】

【"Otherwise, you will really die."】

【After saying that, Uzumaki Naruto used the Flying Thunder God Technique and disappeared from the spot.】

【Didn't give Orochimaru any face at all】

【It seems that Orochimaru has gotten used to Uzumaki Naruto's arrogance.】

【Moreover, because the other party is a genius, he approves of his arrogance.】

【Orochimaru thought for a while and showed his signature perverted smile.】

【"I know what Uzumaki Naruto is planning."】

【"He also doesn't think highly of Sarutobi Hiruzen and has hatred towards me."】

【"The reason why he didn't stop us was that he wanted to watch us fight each other, and when the time was right, he would come out and make a big profit."】

【"To reap the greatest benefits"】

【"Then let's see who will have the last laugh."】

【As an S-rank rebel ninja of Konoha, Orochimaru would not be frightened by a few words from Uzumaki Naruto. 】

Senju Hashirama,"If Orochimaru doesn't leave now, he will fight with Uzumaki Naruto."

"I'm afraid I'll suffer a big loss soon."

"Let's make a bold guess. In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely die."

"Orochimaru intends to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen and will also send his men to eliminate the enemy's forces."

"Finally, after Sarutobi Hiruzen's men are cleaned up, Uzumaki Naruto will officially appear and kill Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru."

"After Konoha was completely cleaned up, it completely became its own power."

"The next step is to unite with Wuying Village and continue to clean up other villages."

"Then slowly, step by step, he will eat away at the entire ninja world until it is unified."

Uchiha Madara,"At least from the current point of view, the entire thread of Uzumaki Naruto is very clear."

"The plan is progressing rapidly and has been successful."

"I even thought that maybe Uzumaki Naruto would be able to complete his hegemony before he turns 20."

Ohnoki," I feel very excited just watching it."Orochimaru,"

I, in the parallel world, naturally know how dangerous it will be next."

"But this is also his excitement."

"How could I possibly lose to Uzumaki Naruto? I must fight him."

"Konoha is mine."

Jiraiya,"You are still as stubborn as when you were little."

"But it's up to you. You have more lives anyway, so you're not afraid of being killed."

【In Sarutobi Hiruzen's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen rested his hands on his chin, thinking about something.】

【The battle between Uzumaki Naruto and Orochimaru at that time was very noisy, so it was naturally noticed by Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【People were sent to the scene to check and found traces of Orochimaru, as well as traces of Uzumaki Naruto's Rasengan and Uchiha Sasuke's Lightning Release Kirin.】

【These traces at the scene were transmitted back to Sarutobi Hiruzen, making him feel even more shocked.】

【If this battle had taken place in the village, Konoha would have been basically destroyed.】

【This made Sarutobi Hiruzen once again marvel at Uzumaki Naruto's destructive power.】

【For this, he was shocked and a little anxious.】

【"Uzumaki Naruto's current destructive power and killing power is probably no less than that of the Nine-Tails."】

【"Not to mention, there is also the Nine-Tailed Fox in his body. The threat posed by the combination of the two is unimaginable."】

【"I don't know why Orochimaru had a conflict with Uzumaki Naruto."】

【"What was the purpose of this traitor's sudden return? Could it be that he wanted to seduce Uzumaki Naruto and destroy Konoha?"】

【"There is such a possibility, then, Uzumaki Naruto naturally rejected this proposal and angrily beat Orochimaru"】

【"The stronger Uzumaki Naruto is, the tougher his character becomes. He even dared to do that to me last time and embarrassed me."】

【"Now is not the time to be angry with him. We should put the overall situation first. We should be nicer to him for the time being and try to appease him."】

【The policy of combining kindness and severity was abandoned by Sarutobi Hiruzen. Now he has to lick Uzumaki Naruto first.】

【"As for Uzumaki Naruto, just wait, you are in the palm of my hand and you can't make any waves"】

【"I will let you know that I can become Hokage twice and suppress Danzo so much that he can't raise his head."】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Haha, this old man Sarutobi Hiruzen is still living in his own imagination"

"You are just wishful thinking if you want to control Naruto."

"Soon, you will be humiliated by him in front of everyone."

"I will expose all the bad things you did behind my back, and you can die."

Uchiha Madara,"Sarutobi Hiruzen is indeed old, and he has been in the position of Hokage for too long."

"He has already decayed"

"Not only about rights, but also his thoughts"

"Now, he is more like a landmark placed on a high platform, and has no idea what the real situation is below."

"There are already many people, including Hyuga Hiashi, who are dissatisfied with his leadership."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen still thinks he is so great, it's really ridiculous"

【A member of the Anbu suddenly came back to report and said】

【"Lord Hokage, we haven't found any trace of Orochimaru. His hiding skills are really amazing."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen hummed."Orochimaru's sudden appearance in Konoha this time must have his own conspiracy."】

【"Recently, we have increased the intensity of patrols, paid attention to protecting the safety of all parties, and must be careful and cautious."】

【"I doubt he's going to do it during the Chunin Exam."】

【The next sentence he said was to himself.】

【"However, Orochimaru, it is not that easy for you to succeed. Although I am old, I still have some power left."】

【"When you defected before, I couldn't bear to kill you, but if you don't mend your ways, don't blame the teacher for being ruthless this time."】

Orochimaru,"Haha, Sarutobi Hiruzen, you are old, just admit it."

"And this time, you are doomed to die."

"Not only am I doing it, but Uzumaki Naruto, who you thought you could easily control, is also going to kill you."

"Let's see who killed you."

【Afterwards, new members of the Anbu came back to report the situation.】

【Describe the situation in which Uzumaki Naruto summoned Rashomon and caused damage】

【This time, Sarutobi Hiruzen arrived at the scene in person.】

【The traces of destruction left at the scene include several-meter-long gullies, cracks, and many fallen trees.......】

【Rich Chakra......】

【This made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel shocked and even a little frightened.】

【"Could it be that Uzumaki Naruto has developed a new forbidden technique related to the Rasengan?"】

【"Why can he cause such a terrifying attack effect?"】

【"This power can completely destroy Konoha!"】

【In his heart, Sarutobi Hiruzen has already raised Uzumaki Naruto's danger level to a level higher than the Nine-Tails.】

【"The Nine-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball is very destructive and can destroy a village."】

【"But now Uzumaki Naruto is more dangerous than the Nine-Tails. He possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique, which can quickly reach any place and cause destruction."】

【"There is no one who has the strength to seal him quickly."】

【This idea poured cold water on Sarutobi Hiruzen. 】 (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【He suddenly felt that his previous idea of controlling Uzumaki Naruto was extremely stupid.】

【The ultimate power possessed by Uzumaki Naruto forced Sarutobi Hiruzen to face reality】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and thought】

【"Fortunately, Uzumaki Naruto is only a 12-year-old child. As long as we treat him better in the future,���It can make him feel at ease."】

【"You must never use both kindness and force again, you must follow his wishes"】

Yamanaka Ino,"Haha, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally recognized the truth"

"But I realized it was already too late."

"When Uzumaki Naruto was young, he schemed against him. How can he make amends now?"

Mei Terumi,"This also taught me a lesson. First of all, you must be sincere to others."

"Secondly, once you become a shadow, remember not to hang high in the sky."

"Be sure to be down-to-earth and know the real thoughts and needs below"

"Otherwise. Actually, the roots are already rotten, but you are still complacent."

"In addition, I can be the substitute of the Fifth Mizukage in the parallel world."

"In this world, Zabuza has already died in battle. I should be able to become the fifth Mizukage."

Gaara,"Maybe in the future, I will also be the Kage of the Sand Village."

"First of all, I will record the experience of Sarutobi Hiruzen not being a good Hokage. I will never make the same mistake again."

【Uzumaki Naruto summoned Rashomon, and the noise he made was really too loud】

【Shimura Danzo also came to learn about】

【After being shocked by the traces of fighting at the scene, he began to have other thoughts.】

【Shimura Dan hid in private and had many contacts with Orochimaru】

【He knew that Orochimaru could use the Triple Rashomon ninjutsu.】

【Moreover, this ninjutsu is unique and only a few people know it.】

【He was usually good at using conspiracy, and he also thought of the time when Orochimaru angrily came to him to borrow money. 】

0Request flowers0

【"Why did he say that the information I gave him about Uzumaki Naruto was wrong?"】

【"And I'm still angry about this."】

【"Could it be that he lost the fight with Uzumaki Naruto and the other party blackmailed him?"】

【"Including the Triple Rashomon Ninjutsu Scroll and the 50 million ryo, do they need to be given to Uzumaki Naruto?"】

【"Therefore, now Uzumaki Naruto will use skills like Rashomon to"】

【Shimura Danzo thought he had found the truth, and then he had a headache.】

【"I wonder if Uzumaki Naruto will ruin our plan."】

【For a moment, Danzo Shimura felt extremely anxious. Why did the situation become such a mess?】

【After returning, he kept thinking about it, but couldn't figure it out.】

【I was so worried that I couldn't sleep all night.】

【The movement here also attracted many people to come and check it out.】

【Basically the entire Konoha was alarmed】

【Including Kakashi, Jiraiya and others】

【For them, it felt okay. After all, they were used to Uzumaki Naruto's powerful strength.】

【Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and others from the Sand Village arrived later and gasped in shock.】

【Gaara,"This battle was so destructive that it even exceeded the level of the One-Tail."】

【"Konoha is really a hidden tiger���, who on earth has such great power?"】

【"It seems that this secret operation is not as simple as imagined."】

【"I need to go back and discuss the battle plan with my father."】

【Temari and Kankuro were so shocked that they were speechless.】

【They knew that if they were to encounter this battle head-on, the residual power alone would be enough to kill them all.】

【"I feel like Konoha is dangerous"】

【Even at this moment, they have already had the thought of retreating. 】

Senju Hashirama,"Are you so shocked just by looking at the scene destroyed by the battle?"

"Are you feeling scared already?"

"If I tell them that this was just a random noise made by Uzumaki Naruto when he tried the Rashomon ninjutsu, how shocked would they be?"

Senju Tobirama,"No wonder they were shocked."

"After all, the combat effectiveness of these people, overall, is relatively average."

"It is naturally difficult to understand the destruction caused by those ceiling-level combat forces."

"It is a normal reaction to make a fuss."

Uzumaki Naruto,"The me in the parallel world is really strong."

"Just a few traces left behind casually shocked so many people that they were speechless."

"I was so scared that I couldn't sleep, haha, it was so cool"

"One day, I will also reach such strength and be worshipped by everyone."

Uchiha Sasuke,"This is exactly the power I admire."

"If I had such power, Uchiha Itachi would not be my opponent in one move."

"The Q&A session is coming soon. I hope to get something that will bring me back to a parallel world."

"I want to follow Uzumaki Naruto, become stronger, and come back for revenge."

Orochimaru,"Uchiha Sasuke, you can also become very strong with the power of my curse seal."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Shut up, how can you compare with Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world?"

【Uzumaki Naruto didn't pay much attention to the shock of those people.】

【He slept soundly. The next day, he had to continue to participate in the Chunin Exam. The second exam was the experience in the Forest of Death.】

【Although for him, it was more like an outing】

【However, he also needs to take care of his little brothers.】

【Hyuga Neji, Hyuga Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choji, Rock Lee, etc.】

【That night, Orochimaru, who was disguised as the Kazekage, also gave instructions to Gaara and his men in the Sand Village.】

【Tell them not to provoke Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke】

【"You just saw the traces of battle left by Uzumaki Naruto in that dense forest."】

【"Even I, I am afraid, will be defeated in front of him."】

【"Gaara, even if you release the One-Tail, you are no match for that kid Uzumaki Naruto. He is also the Nine-Tail Jinchuriki."】

【This made Gaara deeply shocked and even felt a strong sense of frustration.】

【He is unbelievable】

【Uzumaki Naruto, the blond, blue-eyed, handsome guy who is the same age as me, is so ridiculously strong.】

【It's incredible】

【Although Gaara is aloof and looks crazy and mentally ill, he is not really stupid.】

【It has been decided that in tomorrow's battle for the Heaven and Earth Scroll, I will stay away from Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Day 2, 2nd Assessment, the Battle for the Death Forest Scroll Begins】

【After the examiner announced the rules, many teams entered the Death Forest.......eight】.

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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