【Many teams quickly entered the dense forest and began the exam.】

【They need to collect both the Heaven and Earth scrolls within a certain period of time and reach the tower in the Death Forest.】

【In this process, all teams can kill each other.】

【This is also the first time for those Genin to see the cruel ninja world.】

【Only when all aspects of quality have reached a certain level, can one be qualified to be promoted to Chunin.】

【Uzumaki Naruto first gathered Rock Lee, Hinata Hyuga, Yamanaka Ino and other team members and held a small meeting.】

【In their previous interactions, these people had already regarded Uzumaki Naruto as the boss.】

【He will also be a member of the team that will unify the ninja world in the future.】

【"This Chunin Exam is still a bit risky for everyone."】

【"Although everyone's strength is already very strong, far beyond other Genin, they must have strength above Chunin."】

【"But we can't take it lightly"】

【"Konoha's S-rank rebel nin Orochimaru should join this exam. I wonder what he is up to."】

【Originally, everyone was not so nervous, and even felt confident of winning.】

【After all, they have been working hard since they were young because of the top student Uzumaki Naruto.】

【The current strength is indeed very strong】

【But after Uzumaki Naruto said this, they were also shocked.】

【Orochimaru is the epitome of evil. He has the power of a Kage. I wonder what conspiracy is hidden behind his involvement.】

【Yamanaka Ino said,"I know Orochimaru is very good at disguise."】

【"I don't know if we will be unlucky enough to meet him, and the person we want to snatch the scroll from is him."】

【Yamanaka Ino came over to Uzumaki Naruto, grabbed his sleeve and said】

【"Naruto-kun, how about we follow you? It would be really dangerous if we separate. I’m a little scared."】

Haruno Sakura,"Hey, Yamanaka Ino, you are too scheming."

"You are not afraid at all, your face clearly shows a look of smug joy and anticipation."

"You just covet Naruto-kun, that's too much"

"Isn't Naruto-kun's meaning obvious? We need to act separately to train you."

Yamanaka Ino,"Don't you know that?"

"In front of the man she loves, a girl will naturally become delicate, just wanting to rely on him."

"Of course men like gentle girls, not those who go berserk at any time like Haruno Sakura. You have no chance."

【The originally shy Hyuga Hinata was stimulated by Yamanaka Ino's behavior and also took a step forward】

【She even hugged Naruto's arm】


【"I'm scared too......."】

Yamanaka Ino,"Hyuga Hinata, it turns out you are more scheming. You are going too far."

"There are so many people watching, and you are hugging each other openly, which is immoral."

Hyuga Hinata,"What's wrong with this?"

"Before, when Naruto-kun carried me home under the moonlight, you all saw that scene."

"The relationship between us is much closer than you think, okay?"

Uzumaki Kushina,"Okay, okay, you are all excellent girls, stop arguing."


Everyone has a share. Naruto is a man of love after all."......"

In the mountains,"......"

Orochimaru,"Haha, women will only affect the progress of scientific research."

"Uzumaki Naruto. You've done a very bad job on this point."

"What's the point of keeping such a troublesome creature around?"

Jiraiya,"Orochimaru, you are so perverted. You don't understand the pleasures of women. It's really pitiful."

Tsunade,"What are you two talking about?"

"Shut up"

【Uzumaki Naruto is obviously used to this kind of jealousy.】

【Very naturally, I touched the heads of the two cute girls】

【"Okay, okay, if you come with me, you will become dependent on me."】

【"This is not conducive to your growth."】

【"I really hope that you can all grow up to be big figures who can stand on your own in the future."】

【"This will help me in the future, right?"】

【A few words immediately made Yamanaka Ino and Hyuga Hinata decide to be independent.】

【Being able to help Uzumaki Naruto and be useful to him is more important.】

【Of course, Uzumaki Naruto must ensure their safety.】

【"Each of you carries a kunai of my Flying Thunder God Mark."】

【"If there is a situation that you cannot cope with, use the chakra to input the mark, and I will arrive in time."】

【Then, Uzumaki Naruto looked at each of them as if he was inspecting his subordinates.】

【He first said to Haruno Sakura】

【"Xiaoying, your current main development direction is medical care"】

【"Someone is bound to get hurt along the way. It's up to you."】

【Haruno Sakura immediately straightened her back and said,"No problem, leave it all to me."】

【Then Uzumaki Naruto looked at Rock Lee】

【Rock Lee admires Uzumaki Naruto very much. He can even defeat his teacher Might Guy.】

【Moreover, at the request of Might Guy, Rock Lee trained with Uzumaki Naruto for a period of time.】

【For Uzumaki Naruto's hard work, pursuit of goals, understanding of life, etc.】

【All of this made Rock Lee admire Uzumaki Naruto even more. That period of time was extremely pure.】

【In his heart, Rock Lee has already regarded Uzumaki Naruto as his second teacher, and Might Guy is���etc.】

【He also always wanted to prove himself to Uzumaki Naruto.】

【"Xiao Li, after practicing hard, your physical skills have become very powerful"】

【"However, you also have a weakness, which is that you are not smart enough, are more reckless, and easily impulsive."】

【"You have to remember one thing, it is not wrong to burn your youth"】

【"But don't be stupid. At the critical moment, don't sacrifice yourself. You must defeat the enemy. It is better to keep your strength and wait until you can make a comeback."】

【"You are still in the growth stage, far from reaching the peak of your strength."】

【"If you hurt yourself due to some accidents during this period, it will be difficult for you to grow up later and you will regret it."】

【After thinking about it, Rock Lee nodded heavily.】

【"I understand, Naruto. I will balance the relationship between burning my youth and dealing with things flexibly when things go wrong. I won't be reckless all the time."】

Rock Lee,"Uzumaki Naruto, you really care about me."

"If I had said that to him in this world, there would not have been such a tragedy."

Might Guy,"Yes, when Gaara broke your hands and feet with sand and you might not be able to be a ninja anymore,"

"I also regret and reflect on myself, is there something wrong with your education?"

"Life should be used to burn, but it should be used at the most important moment."

"This is different from recklessness."

"If you can balance the relationship between the two, you will be a more qualified and better ninja."

Uzumaki Naruto,"It's a pity. Xiao Li's physical skills are so good, in the future, he will definitely surpass Might Guy's."

"But now, his bones are shattered. I don't know how long it will take to recover. Even if he recovers, it will not be better than before."

"Although I believe that his ninja journey will not end here."

"But the journey ahead will be extremely difficult indeed."

Mei Terumi,"Uzumaki Naruto is indeed a man who can accomplish great things."

"At this moment, he was like reviewing his soldiers, not wanting anyone to get hurt." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"With the existence of Uzumaki Naruto, the ninjas of Konoha will become even better."

"I can even foresee that in the future, each of them will be a famous big shot."

【Uzumaki Naruto continued to say to Yamanaka Ino】

【"You have mastered the art of mind-switching, which is a very powerful art."】

【"But one thing to note is that after controlling the opponent, be careful of the opponent's teammates."】

【"We are all kind, but we are not sure whether the enemy will attack teammates."】

【Yamanaka Ino immediately nodded obediently】

【"I understand, Naruto-kun, don't worry, I will be smart."】

【Uzumaki Naruto continued to speak to the others】


【After encouraging each other, everyone officially started to act as a team.】

【Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, this team's marching style is completely different from others】

【They are more like walking in the jungle】

【There were still some laughter along the way..】

【Uzumaki Naruto did not use Flying Thunder God, but flashed directly to the tower.】

【For him, walking is also a form of practice.】

【He was thinking about the ninjutsu he had learned and integrating them.】

【The other teams tried to stay in the shadows.】

【Every team walked cautiously and anxiously.】

【After walking for about an hour】

【The team of Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro met the team of Uzumaki Naruto and his team】

【There was another three-person team at the scene.】

【This team was unlucky. They targeted Gaara and wanted to steal the scroll.】

【As a result, the next moment, he was imprisoned by the ferocious Gaara with sand.】

【One of them was crushed to pieces.】

【Of the remaining two people, one had a broken arm, and the other was not much better, with only half his life left. They were struggling to survive.】

【Even more horrified】

【"Please, let us go. You have already got the scroll. Why do you have to kill us all?"】

【At this moment, Gaara's face was full of a perverted murderous expression. To him, it was just killing two ants.】

【This Chunin Exam, you can kill people】

【Even though the three-man team is begging so miserably now, if Gaara was at a disadvantage, they would have killed him.】

【Just as Gaara was preparing to control the sand and crush the remaining two ants to death】

【Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and their picnic team appeared, talking and laughing.】

【When Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara saw the faces of these three people, their eyes immediately widened in shock.】

【There are looks of fear among them】

【"It's that person!"】

【The three of them couldn't help but take a half step back, and instinctively took a defensive stance.】

【Yesterday, the traces of battle left by Uzumaki Naruto really shocked Gaara and the others.】

【Even left a psychological shadow in my heart】

【The three of them thought that if they were there when Uzumaki Naruto was fighting,】

【Even if it was just the residual power of the battle, they would not be able to bear it. If they were not careful, they would be killed.】

【After returning, the Kazekage told them that they must not provoke the team led by Uzumaki Naruto, otherwise, they would definitely die miserably.】

【Although Gaara's strength is abnormal, he is not a fool.】

【The next moment, Gaara immediately controlled the sand and took it back.】

【"Leave the scroll. Let's go."】

【He didn't have time to kill anyone, so he called out to Temari, and Kankuro immediately retreated.】

【The act of leaving the scroll behind further illustrates Gaara's surrender.】

【It's similar to the rule of not killing people if they lay down their weapons. 】

0.9【He deeply understands the rule of the survival of the fittest, and then he can continue to snatch the heaven and earth scrolls from other teams.】

【Anyway, don't chase after them just to grab the scroll from Uzumaki Naruto, the killer.】

【And this scene suddenly happened】

【The two ninjas from other villages who thought they were going to die were stunned.】

【The sand monster that could control their lives at will was actually scared away?】

【This one appeared. It looks like a very good-looking team of three. How powerful are these monsters?】

【However, the blond boy who was leading the group looked very sunny and handsome, not like a murderer.】

【The two of them had been frightened by Gaara before, and now they were like frightened birds.】

【They don't have time to think more】

【Struggling to get up, running away】

【After all, this is a terrifying existence that can scare away the sand monster boys who can wipe out their lives at will!】

【Uzumaki Naruto,"?"】

【"Was he actually scared away?"】

【"This tailed beast Jinchuriki seems a little timid and shy."】

【Originally, Uzumaki Naruto wanted to have some contact with Gaara.】

【Wait until you are familiar with it】

【Prepare to tell him that the mysterious masked man may have coveted the tailed beast.】

【Ask him to stay in Konoha for a while after the exam.】

【I didn't expect that the first time we met, the other party was so scared that he ran away......】

【Uzumaki Naruto stroked his chin and thought,"Do I have a bad reputation that has spread out?"】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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