Gaara,"What do you mean? You said I'm timid and shy?"

"Although it is me in a parallel world, it still makes me feel uncomfortable"

"Uzumaki Naruto, you have no idea what you have done, right?"

"If I meet a dangerous person like you, it would be abnormal not to run away."

"We are not fools."

Temari,"That's right, Gaara, don't listen to Uzumaki Naruto's nonsense."

"He also mocked you?"

"He doesn't even have a clear idea of his own strength. We in the parallel world have no problem escaping."

Kanjiro,"Yes, we are the smart ones."

"Only by preserving your strength in time and living better can you grow up."

"In the ninja world, the ability to save life is also very important"

"Those who don't have good eyesight have already died."

Rock Lee,"Gaara, who looks extremely dangerous in the eyes of everyone, trembles in front of Uzumaki Naruto like a stray puppy."


This is power. It feels so good to have power.���Killing me"

"In Uzumaki Naruto's eyes, Gaara is timid and shy"

"This adjective makes me feel that he is very cute."

Uzumaki Naruto,"This feeling of power is so good that it makes me intoxicated." Orochimaru

,"Uchiha Sasuke, look, this is the coolness of power"

"The curse I gave you also has the power to make you so powerful. Come to me."

【For Uzumaki Naruto, the encounter with Gaara was just a small episode, and they continued to move forward.】

【After a few hours】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke met Rock Lee, Hyuga Ningji, and Tenten's team】

【When Lee, Hyuga Neji and the others saw Uzumaki Naruto】

【I immediately felt my tense nerves relax.】

【Xiao Li seems to be reporting a mission】

【"Naruto, we have successfully collected all the scrolls of heaven and earth"】

【"As you said, I was very cautious this time and not reckless."】

【"After Ningci spotted the team from afar, the three of us hid in the dark, seized the opportunity, used our strongest moves, and delivered a burst of firepower."】

【"Extremely crisp and neat"】

【"After the fight, he didn't even give them time to react and immediately hid himself."】

【"I doubt they know who attacked them."】

【Uzumaki Naruto gave him a thumbs up】

【"When you don't know the enemy's strength, the more cautious the better"】

【"Suppressing with the strongest firepower is the only way to be safe and avoid accidents."】

【"Remember, at any time, don't delay"】

【"Saving your own life is the first priority"】

【Xiao Li nodded heavily】

【Youth is meant to be burned, he must better protect his life and burn well.】

Might Guy,"Why do I feel like something is wrong?"

"According to Xiao Li's description, he is not cautious, and his style of play is a bit sneaky."

"This is a sneak attack. He was originally an upright ninja."

Kakashi, Xiao Li is obviously normal now."

"Of course, we have to hide from the enemy and create the most favorable situation for ourselves."

"Take advantage of their inability to react and defeat them with a violent storm."

"As ninjas, what we need is victory and absolute advantage."

"Instead of defeating your opponent fairly like you did before."

"This will take a lot of effort."

"It's not the way of a ninja."

Xiao Li,"Although I feel something is wrong, I do seem to have grown up."

Hyuga Neji,"The Xiao Li who burned with youth and was upright is about to go offline."

"Xiao Li, who plays in a dirty way, is about to appear"

【The chatter here attracted the attention of the three people from the Sound Village in the dark.】

【They are the experts brought by Orochimaru, and they are very powerful.】

【Through the leaves, I could see that there were only a few children below.】

【They immediately wanted to snatch the scroll.】

【Orochimaru did not specifically instruct these cannon fodder subordinates about Naruto.】

【The three of them attacked from a sneak attack angle】

【One of them fired an air cannon】

【This attack naturally did not hurt anyone.】

【The first to attack were Xiao Li and Hyuga Ningji】

【As for Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, these small characters are not worth their efforts at all.】

【Xiao Li rushed towards the three people and shouted】

【"Konoha Cyclone"】

【Under his powerful physical skills, the three were swept away and fell to the ground in a very embarrassing state.】

【When the bandaged Otonin bounced up from the ground, Xiao Li had already arrived in front of him and kicked him in the chin, sending him flying into the air.】

【"Table Lotus"】

【In an instant, Xiao Li had a faster speed】

【From the air, it wrapped around the Sound Ninja and slammed heavily into the ground.】

【His companion was using hand seals to soften the ground in an attempt to neutralize the attack.】

【But he was a step slower】

【Xiao Li had already smashed the Sound Ninja to the ground, seriously injuring him.】

【He bounced back and kicked at the Sound Ninja who was performing the ground softening technique.】

【Another Otonin offline】

【The remaining one has been dealt with by Hyuga Neji】

【When he finished all this, Xiao Li turned around and looked at Uzumaki Naruto with an expectant expression on his face.】

【Uzumaki Naruto could clearly see that Xiao Li was asking for praise.】

【Indeed, Xiao Li's moves are neat and powerful.】

【Uzumaki Naruto is not stingy with praise】

【"Yes, this time, we have made great progress compared to the last time we fought."】

【"I can see that you are a good seedling, and in the future, you will be able to kill a shadow-level person with one kick."】

【Hearing the praise, Xiao Li jumped up immediately】

【Thumbs up and a signature smile】

【"I will definitely keep working hard, be less reckless, and grow up successfully."】

【Xiao Li is a child who can't hide his thoughts】

【The smile on his face lasted until the two teams separated for a long time.】

【Xiao Li shouted in his heart】

【"I practiced so hard and finally got Naruto's recognition"】

Rock Lee,"My strength in the parallel world is indeed much stronger than mine back then."

"At that time, it was already difficult to fight against the three people from the Sound Village."

"After I used the Lotus Flower, my body became weak."

"But I in the parallel world did not show that kind of performance, which shows that my physical fitness is extremely strong."

"Now, I can almost face them alone."

"This is me in a parallel world. I usually train with Uzumaki Naruto. The reason for the sparring is"

"It is so important to have a good leader."

Uzumaki Naruto,"I understand, I will go and become stronger, don't worry."

"In the future, I will also be your faith."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Come on, Naruto, mom will always believe in you."

Might Guy,"Xiao Li, you in the parallel world will definitely be able to beat Gaara up when you fight him."

"I'm beginning to look forward to seeing the powerful you"

"If you are given a few more years to grow, you will definitely be another Konoha blue beast."

Xiao Li,"Teacher Kai, I am very excited now."

【After being praised by Uzumaki Naruto, Xiao Li became inflated】

【For him, life is a constant challenge, and he is ready to take on more difficult challenges. 】 (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【"Ningci, we definitely can't beat Naruto"】

【"But Naruto also said that Gaara is also a Tailed Beast Jinchuriki, so why don't we go and test his level?"】

【Out of admiration for Uzumaki Naruto】

【This made Hyuga Ningji have the same idea. They wanted to challenge Uzumaki Naruto.】

【But I also know clearly that it is impossible to do】

【Gaara, who is also a Jinchūriki, is a good substitute.】

【Hyuga Neji immediately agreed to this idea】

【As if they were injected with chicken blood, they began to sense Gaara's presence and quickly killed him.

Might Guy,"Good man, Xiao Li from the parallel world is so arrogant!"

"However, what we need is this kind of spirit of not admitting defeat and not accepting anyone's defeat."

"Konoha's Canglan beast is no joke, he is really fierce."

Xiao Li,"I hope that the me in the parallel world can break his legs and avenge me."

Hyuga Neji,"I suddenly got excited."

"I just feel like the characters of Xiao Li and I have become thorns. We are so radical now."

【When Rock Lee, Hyuga Neji, found Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and others】

【The other party has snatched back the Heaven and Earth Scroll from another team.】

【At this moment, Gaara's face was filled with more anger.】

【Obviously, he was also angry because he ran away from Uzumaki Naruto.】

【"If I didn't have a plan to implement, how could I have run away just now?"】

【"The worst that can happen is that we can just release Shukaku to fight him."】

【Temari and Kankuro didn't dare to speak.】

【I really don't dare to provoke Gaara.】

【I'm afraid that even if Shukaku is released, he can't beat Uzumaki Naruto.......】

Shukaku,"Theoretically speaking, Kurama and I are both tailed beasts, so our strengths are at the same level."

"Gaara, you shouldn't be afraid, fight him bravely."

Kurama,"Shukaku, do you dare to say this in front of me?"

"It is well known that your One-Tail is extremely weak."

Eight-Tail,"Shukaku, you are not ashamed to say that?"

Senju Hashirama,"I can prove this, the Nine-Tail is indeed the most powerful among the Tailed Beasts."

"Ichibi, you still have a lot to go."


One tail, Shukaku,"......"

【Xiao Li, Hyuga Neji, felt the dangerous aura from Gaara】

【But overall, the strength is limited】

【"As both are tailed beast Jinchuriki, Gaara is far inferior to Uzumaki Naruto, so there is no need to be afraid of him."】

【"Gaara, let's see how strong you are."】

【"If we can’t beat Uzumaki Naruto, can we still beat you?"】

【Xiao Li's extremely fast Konoha whirlwind is about to kick Gaara in the face】

【It was automatically blocked by Gaara's sand shield.】

【At the same time, Gaara was confused.】

【He felt that these ninjas in Konoha were all mentally ill.】

【Why were they forcibly pulling him and Uzumaki Naruto together, and comparing them, making him the one being stepped on?】

【A rage burned in Gaara's heart.】

【First of all, he didn't mess with anyone!】

【Secondly, after the Kazekage told him that Konoha's Uzumaki Naruto was difficult to provoke, he became careful in every way and tried not to make enemies with Konoha.】

【However, what he got in return was provocation from the other party. Gaara couldn't stand it and fought back.】

【I have to say that the strength of Xiao Li and Hyuga Ningci is indeed very strong.】

【Especially after Xiao Li opened the Eight Gates, Hyuga Ningji also did not hold back.】

【They beat Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro so hard that they couldn't even raise their heads.】

【Gaara was so angry that he couldn't control himself and had to ask Shukaku to come out.

Gaara:"It's so embarrassing that you're using Shukaku's power at this time."

Xiao Li���"The me in the parallel world is so strong that it feels like it is not a problem to beat Gaara with one hand."

Hinata Neji, there is no more entanglement and hatred in my heart. After I was determined to become stronger"

"On the contrary, I was able to calm down, understand the power, and polish the Eight Diagrams 64 to perfection."

Naruto Uzumaki,"So strong, really strong, Xiao Li is like a beast"

【After seeing the other party transform into a tailed beast, Xiao Li and Hyuga Ningji became more cautious.】

【Uzumaki Naruto told them that after transforming into a tailed beast, its strength will become extremely terrifying.】

【After Xiao Li and Hyuga Neji went forward to fight and were knocked away by Gaara, they realized that they could not fight any further and had to retreat.】

【The two did not try to fight desperately. Today, the purpose of their coming here has been achieved.】

【The movement of the tailed beasts was immediately noticed by Orochimaru who was also in the Death Forest.】

【Using the destructive power of the One-Tail Jinchūriki to destroy Konoha at the right time is also an important part of his plan this time.】

【But according to the plan, now is not the time】

【Orochimaru immediately swam over to check the situation.】

【At the same time, Uzumaki Naruto also felt the power of this tailed beast】

【He began to teleport quickly through Flying Thunder God and soon arrived at the scene】

【The moment he saw Uzumaki Naruto appear, Gaara, who was already irrational, completely lost his mind.】

【Because I also think that this is a sting operation, they just want to beat him up.】

【Let Xiao Li and Hyuga Ningci test him first】

【When he counterattacked, Uzumaki Naruto appeared and beat him up in the name of protecting his teammates.】

【"I didn't expect that my tolerance would be met with your suppression, so let's just fight!"】

【Uzumaki Naruto didn't understand, what was Gaara thinking?】

【But since the other party wants to play a game, then play with him.】

【Uzumaki Naruto has already subdued two tailed beasts and has a lot of experience in dealing with Jinchūriki.】

【For this kind of person, you must first defeat him before you can calm down and talk about the rest.】

【When Orochimaru arrived at the scene, he was speechless.】

【As soon as I arrived, I saw Uzumaki Naruto beating Gaara】

【Orochimaru patted his forehead】

【"Didn't I tell him to stay away from Uzumaki Naruto? How come he still bumped into him?"】

【"Deserve to be beaten"】

【Orochimaru was speechless, and he didn't dare to go up to help.】

【The pain of Uzumaki Naruto killing him with the Rasengan is still vivid in my mind! 】

Gaara,"I can see that as the Jinchuriki of the tailed beasts, we will inevitably be beaten by Uzumaki Naruto." The

Six-Tails Jinchuriki Yugao,"I agree." The

Three-Tails Jinchuriki Yagura,"I agree." The

Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee,"You are being beaten because you are not strong enough. I will definitely not be treated like this." Eight-

Tails,"You are bragging, don't bring me into it"

"To be honest, if we only talk about ability, I can't beat Kurama. He is indeed the strongest among the tailed beasts."

"Can you beat Uzumaki Naruto in a one-on-one fight?"

Killer Bee, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki,"Is that even necessary? Of course I can't."

The Eight-Tails,"So, you can't beat Uzumaki Naruto, and I can't beat Kurama. Even if we put them together, we still can't beat them, and we will be beaten back even more miserably."

Killer Bee, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki,"I didn't say I was going to beat him, I'll hide so he can't find me"

"Yo Yo Chek Noisy." eight-tail,"......"

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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