【Gaara first transformed one of his arms into a tailed beast, but was beaten badly by Uzumaki Naruto】

【I have absolutely no power to fight back.】

【Anger clouded Gaara's mind】

【He completely released the One-Tailed Shukaku.】

【A giant raccoon cat body appears, with Gaara standing on his head】

【"The Art of Sleeping"】

【The next moment, Gaara completely handed over the control of his body to the One-Tailed Shukaku, letting him go crazy as much as he wanted.】

【The one-tailed Shukaku howled to the sky, that was the freedom that was finally released】

【He couldn't wait to vent his anger, he wanted to destroy everything around him, he wanted revenge......】

【"Let me see who doesn't want to live anymore"】

【Then, he saw Uzumaki Naruto standing opposite him in his half-tailed beast form.】

【At that moment, he showed some hesitation.】

【But soon, he spoke】

【"It turned out to be Jiu Lama, you bastard"】

【"We haven't seen each other for a long time."】

【"If it's you, I won't hit you. Get out of here and let me destroy this place."】

Senju Hashirama,"If I didn't know the details of Shukaku, I would really be fooled by his acting skills."

"He obviously can't beat Kurama, and if he starts a war with him, he's afraid he'll be beaten up by him."

Senju Tobirama,"You're right, I also saw Shukaku's hesitation just now."

"Although I'm not afraid of him, after all, he is also a tailed beast."

"But it obviously didn't want to fight Kurama and was quite worried."

Uchiha Madara,"It's just a tailed beast, how dare it be so arrogant?"

"If you are not afraid of death, come and shout at me."

Ohnoki," the scene suddenly became awkward."

"Shukaku is obviously scared"

"Before being released: Whoever bullies Gaara, I will kill him"

"After releasing him:"Oh, it's Kurama, that's all right."

Uzumaki Naruto,"So the tailed beasts are also bullies, I thought they were brutal and inhumane."

Shukaku,"Don't talk nonsense, who said I was afraid of that stinky fox?"

"After all, they are all tailed beasts. If I hit him, what if others see me as a joke?"

Kurama," You haven't gained much ability, but you are so arrogant."

【Jiu Lama,"You are too weak, there is no point in fighting you, and I am too lazy to fight you."】

【"But now, it's not my business, it's Uzumaki Naruto who wants to beat Gaara"】

【"He wants to complete his hegemony, and Gaara is the part that needs to be recovered."】

【"And you can see that Gaara is a very rebellious kid who won't listen unless he is beaten."】

【"So, I'm sorry, Shukaku, you just have to take the beating."】

【"I asked Naruto to be gentle as possible so as not to hurt you too much."】

【Kurama's words immediately made Shukaku angry】

【"If that's the case, then we have nothing to say."】

【"Wind Bullet"】

【Shukaku opened his mouth and ejected extremely destructive air bombs towards Uzumaki Naruto.】

【For Uzumaki Naruto, to fight Shukaku, he doesn't need to completely transform into the Nine-Tails.】

【Just now he used the tailed beast transformation just to beat Gaara head-on】

【He returned to his normal form】

【"Spiritualism Rashomon"】

【He pressed his hands to the ground. A ferocious Rashomon rose from the ground and was summoned by him.】

【Shukaku laughed arrogantly and shouted】

【"Foolish human. How could this thing possibly block my wind escape technique?"】

【Puff puff】

【He blew out several more air bullets in succession.】

【The scene that Shukaku imagined, where the air bomb directly destroyed Rashomon, hit Uzumaki Naruto and killed him, did not happen.】

【On the contrary, after being hit, Rashomon was completely silent, without any splashes.】

【Shukaku frowned, wondering】

【"How could this thing have such strong endurance?."】

【"Even giant mountains will be destroyed by my air bombs."】

【Shukaku opened his bloody mouth and spurted out several powerful air bombs again.】

【The strong winds from the air bombs uprooted the surrounding trees.】

【In the sky, sand and gravel are flying】

【Xiao Li, Hyuga Ningji, Temari and the others could not bear the remaining power at the scene and fled to the periphery.】

【If they were affected by the battle at the scene, they would either die or be injured.】

【Shukaku's air bomb hit Rashomon, but had no effect at all.】

【"Could this be a powerful illusion, an attack designed to trick me?"】

【Shukaku leaped up and smashed his huge body into the upright Rashomon.】

【He wanted to step on this weird little thing. 】

Senju Hashirama,"When I caught Shukaku, I felt that this guy was stupid."

"Now it seems that he is almost the same as before, his IQ has not increased, hahaha, he looks quite cute."

Senju Tobirama," Uzumaki Naruto's Rashomon Ninjutsu is definitely another super S-level forbidden technique"

"Its effect was so terrifying that all the air bullets that Shukaku launched, which were as powerful as A-level ninjutsu, were absorbed by Rashomon."

"Rashomon doesn't look like he can't bear it."

"His tolerance is too great."

"Moreover, with so much energy gathered, if we fight back......"

"I'm afraid that Shukaku will most likely be killed instantly by this blow."

Gamabuntai,"Shukaku is very powerful."

"At least I can only take two or three of the air bullets he fired."

"Uzumaki Naruto's Rashomon is really amazing."

Shukaku, I, who didn't watch the movie and didn't know the power of Rashomon in the parallel world, will suffer."

"Don't let this really kill you."

"Suddenly I don't dare to look at it"

【Just when Shukaku's big foot was about to step on Rashomon】

【Uzumaki Naruto controlled the power absorbed by Rashomon, gathered it together, and bounced it back to Shukaku.】

【A powerful air bomb with a penetration force more than 10 times greater blasted out.】

【Half of Shukaku's body was destroyed in one blow.】

【Shukaku was even more affected by the residual force and retreated hundreds of meters.】

【The pain of the body being torn apart caused Shukaku's face to twist.】

【At the same time, his heart was extremely shocked.】

【"What kind of monster is that little devil?"】

【"No wonder, it seems that the Nine Lamas all follow him as their leader, he is indeed quite capable"】

【"It's really not easy to mess with"】

【"What should I do now?"】

【I didn't expect that Rashomon was so weird.】

【At this moment, he was extremely afraid of Uzumaki Naruto. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【If he was a little less lucky, it would not be that half of his body that was hit. Now, he would be dead.】

【Just continue to slowly restore the chakra and wait for many more years before coming back to life.......】

【Shukaku is not stupid. Uzumaki Naruto can easily perform such a method as Rashomon.】

【For the application of other ninjutsu, it is definitely not bad】

【Maybe there will be more perverted tricks waiting for him.】

【And don't forget, this is just Uzumaki Naruto's own combat ability, he hasn't used the Nine-Tails yet.】

【"The tailed beast ball of Kurama is enough to crush me......."】

【For a moment, Shukaku was in a dilemma, and even thought that it would be best if Gaara could wake up now and re-enter the Jinchūriki.】

【Just with that Rashomon attack, Shukaku felt like he was shutting himself in.】

【I'm so confused!】

【Orochimaru feels the same way about this situation.】

【He knew very well that Uzumaki Naruto must not be provoked, at least not now, because his methods were too strange.】

【At the scene, not only Shukaku was shocked, but also at a loss for what to do.】

【Temari was so shocked that she couldn't even move for a moment.】

【"it turns out......He was able to rely on his own strength to suppress Shukaku and almost beat him to death."】

【"Too powerful, no one can resist"】

【"Rashomon......What kind of move is that? Unheard of, unseen"】

【Kankuro's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.】

【"Was Gaara's strongest move so easily neutralized?"】

【"It looked like Uzumaki Naruto hadn't made any moves at all, and he still had a lot of strength left."】

【Orochimaru took a few deep breaths】

【"Uzumaki Naruto is such a monster, how on earth did he do this?"】

【"Why does the Rashomon I summoned only have a blocking effect?"】

【"The Rashomon he summoned had an almost miraculous effect, capable of rebounding attacks!"】

【At this moment, Orochimaru fell into autism again, and was numbed by jealousy.】

【His lifelong dream is to learn all the ninjutsu in the world.】

【Facing the ninjutsu genius Uzumaki Naruto, he was naturally extremely envious and jealous. 】

Senju Hashirama,"Look at Shukaku's expression, he is really scared by him."

"If he hadn't considered saving face in front of his old friend Jiu Lama, he would have chosen to run away."

"After all, half of his body was already destroyed. It would take a long time to recover his chakra."

"From this perspective, the three captured Vulpix are still lucky, at least there is not such a big loss."`.No comparison, no harm"

"I used to think I was miserable, but now I find that I am very happy."

Senju Tobirama," The Rashomon summoned by Uzumaki Naruto is a really amazing skill."

"His lethality is really great."

"Moreover, Uzumaki Naruto can only summon one"

"When facing head-on, he is simply an invincible weapon."

"However, this ninjutsu can only be used once."

"After all, after suffering a loss once, the enemy will not use ninjutsu chakra to hit this Rashomon again, right?"

Uchiha Madara,"That's right."

"But it’s effective enough"

"When the enemy releases Ninjutsu Chakra for the first time, Rashomon can perfectly rebound the damage"

"After being hurt by the rebound, even if he bypassed Rashomon and went to cause trouble for Uzumaki Naruto"

"What awaits him will be a stronger forbidden technique, or death."

The Fourth Raikage,"In short, Uzumaki Naruto has grown to the point where going against him will basically mean death."

【Shukaku is also thinking about whether to open up a new battlefield】

【He also discovered that long-range attacks had only one result.】

【That is, at the moment he launches the attack, Uzumaki Naruto will summon Rashomon to rebound.】

【In other words, the only thing Shukaku can use is close range attack.】

【At this moment, the spiral shuriken was spinning in Naruto Uzumaki's hand.】

【The other party showed his sharp teeth and asked him with a smile】

【"Shukaku, are you sure you want to fight? I wanted to spare your life because you are an old friend of Kurama."】

【Shukaku felt the Rasenshuriken that was comparable to the Tailed Beast Ball and fell into silence.】

【"This guy is really a headache."】

【"Not only can you not defeat the opponent in long-range attacks, but you will be even worse off in close-range attacks. What’s the point of this?"】

【Jiu Lama jumped out at this time, laughing and said】

【"Shukaku, stop struggling and go back quickly"】

【"Naruto, next, it's time to talk to that brat Gaara."】

【Shukaku was speechless, but he had no choice but to return to Gaara's body.】

【When Gaara slowly woke up, looking forward to seeing the victory result】

【I found Naruto sitting leisurely opposite】

【Even the clothes on my body are completely clean, without even a speck of dust.】

【Looking at myself again, I was covered in wounds and my clothes were torn to pieces.】

【I love Luo,"......"】

【He sighed deeply, knowing what the result would be.】

【I'm afraid that the reason I'm still alive is because the other party showed mercy.】

【Gaara suddenly spoke in grievance】

【"It was your people who forced me to transform into a tailed beast."】

【"It's not what I want."】

【"I'm already trying my best to avoid you, what else do you want?"】

【As he was talking, tears welled up in Gaara's eyes.】

【After all, he is just a teenager.】

【At this moment, the feeling of grievance almost made him burst into tears.】

【Uzumaki Naruto,"Okay, okay, I didn't say anything."】

【"Don't cry, I have something to talk to you about next."】

【"Don't worry, I don't want to beat you to death, otherwise, you won't wake up at all"】

【Gaara retorted stubbornly,"I'm not crying!"】

【Uzumaki Naruto,"Okay, okay, I'll pretend I didn't see the tears in your eyes."】

【"Let's talk business."】

【"You don't have to think of me as an enemy. After all, we both have the same destiny......."】

【"We all just want to save ourselves"】

【These words immediately caught Gaara's attention.......】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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