I love Luo,"......"

"I am really embarrassed in the parallel world"

"I was beaten to tears by the enemy."

"This is simply unforgivable."

"This must be fake. Why is my mentality so weak in the parallel world?"

Temari,"Compared to the same period, Gaara in this world is much stronger."

"In the parallel world where evil spirits were everywhere, Gaara was very miserable because he could not keep up with the little strong men of Konoha."

"Including me and Kankuro, we are both extremely strong in the Sand Village, the pride of heaven."

"But after arriving in Konoha, compared with the same period, it was like going from heaven to hell."

Kankuro,"Who among you understands this feeling of disparity?""Uzumaki

Naruto,"Okay, okay, you guys, stop complaining here, as if everyone is the same."

"No matter how big the gap you feel, is it as big as mine?"

Temari,"Hahahaha, I suddenly feel balanced, haha."

Uchiha Sasuke,"......"

Shukaku,"Okay, okay, no one is speaking up for me, right?"

"I was the worst off. Half of my body was beaten off."

"The Uzumaki Naruto in that world is really too cruel and has no humanity at all"

"A disagreement destroyed half of the person's body."

"Or the Uzumaki Naruto of this world is better."

Orochimaru,"I agree with you on this point. Sometimes it's not a good thing for a person to be too strong. It will make people hate him."

Jiraiya,"Orochimaru, don't be resentful here."

"It's obvious that your strength is 780% weaker and you can't keep up with the times."

Tsunade,"That's right, Orochimaru, face the reality as soon as possible."

"The Uzumaki Naruto of this world will grow up sooner or later"

"I advise you to turn to the light as soon as possible."

"Help him grow together, and perhaps, in the future, you can continue your research safely."

【The commotion here was so loud that it naturally attracted the attention of this issue's examiner, Mitarashi Anko.】

【Although she was shocked and terrified by the energy fluctuations here, she still came to check the situation.】

【At the same time, the movement here was reported】

【When she arrived at the scene, she was immediately shocked.】

【I was so scared that my scalp went numb】

【As the smoke and dust slowly calmed down, Mitarashi Anko dared to step forward and ask】

【"Uzumaki Naruto, here......here......"】

【In fact, she wanted to know what was going on here.】

【What is the whole story?】

【But then I found that she didn't seem to have much say.】

【She even felt a bit servile when facing Uzumaki Naruto, as if she was facing an important person.】

【Uzumaki Naruto waved his hand at her and said】

【"Nothing serious happened, just a friendly match."】

【"Now, I want to discuss something with this friend from Shaying Village."】

【"Continue to organize this exam and proceed as normal."】

【It seems that Mitarashi Anko received this order subconsciously.】


【The next moment (abfb), I saw Uzumaki Naruto, grabbing Gaara, and using Flying Thunder God, disappearing on the spot】

【Mitashi Red Bean finally realized something was wrong】

【Uzumaki Naruto is just a contestant, why should she respect him so much?】

【It seemed that at that moment, she felt that Uzumaki Naruto should give her orders.】

【A feeling of shock surged in Mitarashi Anko's heart.】

【"Could this be the aura of a superior?"】

【"Uzumaki Naruto's father is the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze"】

【"So being a leader is in their blood."】

Senju Hashirama,"Even this little guy can feel the aura of a superior being that is increasingly evident from Uzumaki Naruto."

"Did you choose to surrender involuntarily?"

Senju Tobirama,"That's not surprising."

"After all, Uzumaki Naruto's aura is really strong now."

"Now, it is hard to feel that he is just a child of twelve or thirteen years old."

"Our inherent impression of children as weak and feeble is not reflected in Uzumaki Naruto at all."

Yamanaka Ino,"Suddenly I felt a sense of trance. It turns out that Uzumaki Naruto is only twelve or thirteen years old now."

"In the parallel world, Uzumaki Naruto has already conquered the world at this age."

"And we in this world, at this age, are still struggling to become Chunin from Genin."

"The gap between the two is so huge that it is simply unacceptable." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Gaara,"I have to admit that Uzumaki Naruto is indeed excellent, and he also has the qualities of a leader."

"The point is, he is also a tailed beast Jinchuriki, and has similar experiences to me"

"We are the same kind of people, and he was able to come out of it, and those who successfully bullied him no longer dared to bully him."

"This makes me admire him especially"

"I want to say that if he needs me, I will also choose to be his subordinate and fulfill his dream with him."

"Create a world of peace, no war, harmony and love"

"What a wonderful dream this is"

【Mitarashi Anko comforted the other contestants】

【Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly detected the presence of Orochimaru.】

【"Why did that guy appear in the Death Forest?"】

【"He had obviously defected a long time ago. His return this time must be a big conspiracy."】

【Mitarashi Anko immediately followed】

【Orochimaru was walking slowly in front, as if deliberately trying to let Mitarashi Anko catch up.】

【Mitarashi Anko's eyes were fixed on Orochimaru, and she made a vow】

【"Orochimaru, I will definitely keep you here and let you receive the judgment you deserve."】

【"Even if it means using forbidden techniques, it is worth dying together......."】

【The battle in the Forest of Death naturally reached Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【He pinched his eyebrows worriedly.】

【These days, Uzumaki Naruto has brought him too many shocks.】

【"Uzumaki Naruto's current strength is so strong that it is terrifying"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he had adapted to it a little bit, and he was used to the numbness of his paws.】

【"Even if the other tailed beasts were transformed, they would still be beaten by Uzumaki Naruto."】

【"Why, now that Konoha has a powerful killer like Uzumaki Naruto, I feel a little unhappy......"】

Uzumaki Kushina,"You can't be happy. When the power is beyond your control, you will naturally be left with panic."

"Especially, you know very well in your heart what you, an old man, have done to Uzumaki Naruto since he was a child."

"You will become more and more restless in this position of Hokage."

Namikaze Minato,"When the power does not belong to you, it is natural to start to feel panic."

"Because you can't control him."

"On the contrary, you will start to be wary and afraid that he will take your place at any time."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, if you had treated Uzumaki Naruto well when you were young, you could have had a good result now."

"But you have done so many evil things, there is no possibility of easing up."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"......"

【Sarutobi Hiruzen,"I didn't expect that the Sand Village would actually send a Jinchūriki to participate in this Chunin Exam."】

【"Sure enough, just as I predicted, this time, something big will happen."】

【"Orochimaru, just at this moment, arrived"】

【"Is there any conspiracy between the two parties?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed deeply and began to worry.......】

【On the other side, Uzumaki Naruto took Gaara to a deserted place.】

【Have a quiet conversation with him】

【"I know your past very well, because I once faced the same situation."】

【"We are all dangerous Jinchūriki, hated and feared by the people in the village since childhood, and we all bear the loneliness alone......."】

【In fact, people like Gaara are those who desire to be loved.】

【However, for a long time, people like them have only been ignored by others.】

【Slowly, they will choose to close their hearts】

【Now, Uzumaki Naruto, a fellow traveler, took the initiative to open his heart to him.】

【Moreover, on this premise, the other party also has enough strength to defeat him.】

【And now, he seems to be living a happy life. It also makes me admire him and want to learn from him.】

【Gaara could clearly feel that there was no disdain or hatred in Uzumaki Naruto's eyes.】

【There is only a kind of peace. Just this look makes Gaara feel that he is very gentle.】

【Gaara is absolutely isolated in the village.】

【Even his sister Temari and brother Kankuro looked at him with fear in their eyes.......】

【Gaara suddenly felt like crying again, this time not because he was abused, but because he was moved.】

【He suddenly realized that there were still people in this world who could accept him, and he was not alone.】

【This also made Gaara take the initiative to open his heart to Uzumaki Naruto, a fellow human, and tell him about his miserable childhood.......】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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