Senju Hashirama,"At this moment, Gaara has already recognized Uzumaki Naruto in his heart."

"People like Gaara, once they identify with someone, will do anything for that person."

"Even in the future, Uzumaki Naruto said that he would destroy the world"

"I will definitely follow him."Gaara

," You are right, I am such a person"

"After all, other people have no value to me."

"Why don't I follow the people I like and do something meaningful?"

"So what if the world is destroyed?"

"Anyway, I have been the one who was destroyed since I was a child."

Uzumaki Naruto,"As the Jinchūriki of the Tailed Beast, is my fate destined to be tragic?"

"I don't believe that I can change my fate through my own efforts."

"Just like me in the parallel world."

Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee,"Hehe. I didn't feel lonely since I was a child."

"Who dares to isolate me?"

"They are all people from my isolated village.���"

"Who wants to play with those messy people?"

Uzumaki Kushina,"Then your mentality is really good and happy."

"I'm afraid you are the only one among the nine Jinchūriki."

At this moment, the mysterious masked man hiding somewhere was also feeling lucky.

"Fortunately, in our world, there is no difficult character like Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world."

"Otherwise, my plan will never be completed."

"Please mourn for me in the parallel world."

"Alas. That world is destined to be unable to complete the Infinite Moonlight Reading Plan."

"After the movie is over, my plan must be accelerated."

"Watching the movie will definitely have a great impact on everyone. I don’t know if it will ruin mine."

For a moment, the mysterious masked man in this world became worried....

【Gaara saw his own shadow in Uzumaki Naruto. They are of the same kind.】

【I have been excluded since I was a child, isolated by everyone, and I don't get any warmth at all.】

【It's a cold world.】

【Gaara said,"The most ridiculous thing is that my father doesn't even love me. Instead, he will send someone to assassinate me after a certain period of time."】

【"The so-called purpose is ridiculous and simple. It is to test whether I can control the tailed beast without losing control."】

【Gaara has completely become friends with Uzumaki Naruto, sitting together, chatting about daily life.】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled softly and said】

【"At this point, I can't understand that my great father sacrificed his life to protect this ridiculous village."】

【"The irony is that I was isolated by the people in the village."】

【"Sometimes I wonder, what was the point of protecting those who might hurt me?"】

【Gaara looked at Uzumaki Naruto with some sympathy and said】

【"You are so powerful now, why don't you kill them all? It's something you can do easily."】

【"There's no point in killing all those ants, it just gets my hands dirty"】

【"In other words, those people are not worthy of my attack at all. They are too weak, just ants. I don't care about them anymore."】

【"Besides, I don't really care about their ridicule."】

【"The strong, why would they care about the voices of the weak? They don't deserve it."】

【"I found that those foolish people were all led by one person."】

【"This person is the current Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen. He killed many people because of his selfish desires."】

【Uzumaki Naruto began to talk to Gaara and counted the many crimes of Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【Gaara was so angry that his veins popped up.】

【"Sarutobi Hiruzen is really a scumbag."】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"So, to some extent, Orochimaru and I have the same goal."】

【"Oh, that's right."】

【"In fact, your father is dead now, and now he is Orochimaru playing the role of"】

【The fact that Uzumaki Naruto said immediately shocked Gaara.】

【He couldn't tell what his emotions were.】

【He didn't have much hatred for Orochimaru. After all, he also hated his father.】

【But if he had the chance, he would still kill Orochimaru.】

【After Gaara knew that all this was Orochimaru's conspiracy, he naturally changed his plan.】

【No longer focusing on releasing the tailed beasts to overthrow Konoha, but listening to Uzumaki Naruto's】

【"Naruto, I will stay in Konoha for now. If you need any help, just let me know."】

【Afterwards, Uzumaki Naruto also told Gaara about the mysterious masked man's intention to collect the tailed beasts.】

【After hearing this, Gaara said that there was no problem and that he would stay with Uzumaki Naruto for some time to come.】

【He will start to work hard to improve his strength and then fight alongside Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Uzumaki Naruto is Gaara's first friend】

【This feeling of being with friends makes Gaara feel very fresh】

【It was a kind of joy that he had never felt before. 】

Orochimaru,"My situation in the parallel world is becoming more and more dangerous." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"The plan has been revealed. I wonder if Gaara will seek revenge on me."

"Suddenly I felt that my life in that world was really hard."

"Obviously, he is so strong, but he is suppressed by someone who is even stronger."

"Being born in the same era as a genius is sometimes a tragedy."

Hinata Neji,"Congratulations to Uzumaki Naruto, you have another little brother, and he is a die-hard fan."

"I guess, after the Chunin Exams were over and Sarutobi Hiruzen was killed"

"Uzumaki Naruto's next step should be to go to the Hidden Sand Village and take control of it."

Gaara,"If I also had a friend in this world who I could confide in, how great it would be."

"I've never felt that feeling before."

"But it looks extremely beautiful."

Temari,"It is obvious that Gaara in the parallel world has become much more cheerful."

"I really hope that his personality can change."

【Uzumaki Naruto and Gaara formed the most sincere friendship】

【Uzumaki Naruto's own idea of peace and unifying the ninja world was also passed on to Gaara.】

【After saying it, of course, it was well received by Gaara.】

【In response, he expressed his willingness to follow Uzumaki Naruto to achieve that goal.】

【Afterwards, Uzumaki Naruto used the Flying Thunder God Technique to send Gaara back to the previous battle site, where he reunited with Temari and Kankuro. 】

0Please send flowers

【Gaara and the others continued with the next assessment.】

【After returning, Temari and Kankuro were also surprised to find】

【Gaara's previous cold personality has changed and he is different now.】

【Now, there seems to be a more human presence in him.】

【Before, he was completely cold, like a beast without emotions.】

【Temari and Kankuro were both shocked by this.】

【Temari,"Could it be......Where did Uzumaki Naruto take Gaara to, beat him up again, and then completely subdue him?"】

【"Doesn't he have any special hobbies?"】

【"Suddenly I felt so horrible"】

【Kankuro,"From now on, you must stay away from Uzumaki Naruto. He is so scary that he can actually change a person's personality. It's weird."】

【Xiao Li, Hyuga Neji and others were also nearby and were equally surprised when they saw this scene.】

【Xiao Li,"Uzumaki Naruto is really a great leader. He has a strong mind."】

【"Look, just by taking Gaara to a place and chatting with him for a while, after coming back, Gaara has changed so much."】

【"I'm really curious about what they said."】

【Hyuga Neji,"Don't care what they said, I only know that what Uzumaki Naruto said always makes sense, he is the truth"】

【"Congratulations to Gaara, a lost child who has found his home since then."】

【Xiao Li suddenly clenched his fists and said,"In the future, I will work harder to train."】

【"More and more companions gathered around Uzumaki Naruto, which made me feel a little bit threatened. I can't fall behind."】

【Uzumaki Naruto went to the other side of the battlefield, and directly used Flying Thunder God to flash to the side of Orochimaru.��

【Because, just now, when Uzumaki Naruto was fighting Gaara, he discovered that Orochimaru had arrived.】

【And the other party's eyes were still intentionally or unintentionally sweeping over Uchiha Sasuke】

【Uzumaki Naruto knew that his warning to Orochimaru was ineffective.】

【He is still coveting Uchiha Sasuke and wants to take his body away.】

【Since I have nothing to do anyway, I might as well come over and find trouble with him and teach Orochimaru another lesson.】

【At this moment, Orochimaru had just finished fighting with Mitarashi Anko, and defeated the opponent with an overwhelming victory.】

【Mitarashi Anko was covered in blood, gasping for breath on the ground. It was obvious that she had fought very hard in the battle just now.】

【At this moment, Mitarashi Red Bean is also in despair.】

【The opposing Orochimaru is indeed too strong】

【At such a critical moment, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly appeared】

【Orochimaru's face immediately turned green】

【"When did you leave a mark on me?"】

【"Why are you here again? You really are haunting me."】

【As for Mitarashi Anko, she suddenly felt that hope had come, as if the clouds had been cleared and the sky was bright, and she felt suddenly enlightened.】

【The despair in her heart immediately disappeared, and was replaced by full of hope.】

【"This handsome kid really gives people a sense of security. Hạnh

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