【Mitarashi Anko was still immersed in the shock and didn't react.】

【When Uzumaki Naruto came in front of her and waved his hand in front of Mitama Red Bean's face for a few times, she suddenly woke up.】

【The scene just now was too shocking.】

【"Thank you for saving me"】

【Mitarashi Anko immediately put away her chaotic emotions and thanked Uzumaki Naruto】

【As for this examiner, Uzumaki Naruto had a good impression of her. She was a very capable ninja.】

【But at this time, Mitarashi Red Bean couldn't hold on any longer.】

【Earlier, when she was fighting with Orochimaru, she was wounded in many places and was bleeding.】

【Now, one of them can no longer hold on, his body is weak and he is about to fall to the ground.】

【Uzumaki Naruto's strong arms lifted her up and said】

【"I'll take you to the medical department."】

【A flying thunder god flashes directly】

【The next moment, Uzumaki Naruto brought Mitarashi Anko to the room where the medical team was located. 】

Hyuga Hinata,"From here, we can see how Uzumaki Naruto treats you and me."

01"You are just a passer-by to him."

"Mitarashi Anko, I advise you not to have any wrong thoughts. There is no possibility between you two."

Mitarashi Anko,"Hey, Hyuga Hinata, you are too domineering."

"That's a story from a parallel world, what are you telling me here?"

"Besides, Uzumaki Naruto in this world is so weak, how could I possibly be interested in him?"


He is a world away from the handsome Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world. Well, don't worry."...."

He felt like he was hurt again....

"When will I be able to grow up? It really hurts to be compared like this all the time."

【While the medical team was treating Mitarashi Anko's injuries, Mitarashi Anko suddenly had an attack of pain.】

【The source is the curse on her body.】

【Mitarashi Red Bean is using her own chakra to suppress this force】

【Don't let him explode.】

【Uzumaki Naruto went over and used his chakra to press down, and the curse seal was instantly calmed down.】

【He carefully felt the power of the curse】

【Before, when Orochimaru bewitched Uchiha Sasuke, the other party once said that he had mastered a particularly powerful power.】

【As long as he has this kind of power, Uchiha Sasuke will definitely be able to succeed in revenge.】

【"This is it. It has some merits."】

【"This is a different energy from Chakra."】

【"If you use it to perform ninjutsu, the power will be even more powerful."】

【Uzumaki Naruto's mouth was grinning】

【"Orochimaru is really a treasure, he has a lot of good things on him"】

【"Go ask him where the source of this curse power comes from"】

【At this time, Kyuubi suddenly said】

【"This kind of power seems familiar to me, but I just can't remember where I've encountered it before."】

【Uzumaki Naruto's attitude was quite good."Okay, if you can't remember it, then you can think about it slowly."】

【"I'll go ask Orochimaru, it won't be difficult"】

Orochimaru,"I give up, this guy is really haunting me"

"Little ghost, do you know that you are very annoying?"

"Besides, you really are not shy at all."

"You just killed me in the parallel world, and now you come to me again, wanting to know something as good as the curse seal. How shameless!"

"That's something I worked hard to research. Do you know how much energy and effort I put into it?"

"Now, you just come here and want to snatch this achievement from me. You are really........."

"You are simply a robber!"

This really pissed off Orochimaru.

He cursed for several pages in the live broadcast room.......

Jiraiya,"Orochimaru, just tell me right here, what kind of power does this cursed seal have?"

Mei Terumi,"Hahahaha, I'm almost dying of laughter."

"It seems that Uzumaki Naruto has Orochimaru firmly under his control now."

"Although there is a life-and-death feud between these two people, why do they feel that they have reached a new harmony?"

Kakashi,"In fact, Orochimaru is a relatively pure person." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Not really a villain."

"He just wanted to do his own research."

"Uzumaki Naruto can definitely subdue him and make him his subordinate."

"Let him conduct research on the right path in the future."

"It will definitely make a significant contribution to the ninja world."

Tsunade," That's true."

"Although this guy, Orochimaru, is hateful, he still has some value."

"It would be best to give him a place where he can't be touched by others."

"No matter where he is, let him do his research peacefully."


"I found that all of you guys have learned bad things from the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world."

"How could you have such a vicious idea?"

"A warrior can be killed but not humiliated."

The Fourth Raikage,"Orochimaru, don't be so stubborn here."

"Let's see what will happen to you in the parallel world when you face Uzumaki Naruto next."

"It's so funny. When Orochimaru first appeared, he was so cold and looked so powerful."

"Why does it feel like I've become a dog under Uzumaki Naruto's command now?"

"Very embarrassed, completely suppressed and controlled."


He was indeed angry about what happened in the parallel world.

"I am really too cowardly in the parallel world. I can't stand it. I can't watch it anymore!"

He is Orochimaru!

One of the three ninjas of Konoha, the famous S-level rebel Orochimaru!

How many powerful people, seeing Orochimaru appear, were so scared that they trembled all over and dared not move their hands.


In this live viewing room, I was actually teased like this.......

"You guys, just wait, now you are making sarcastic remarks. I have memorized the list."

"Wait until the movie is over and see how you guys can keep your mouth shut."647

【On the other side, Orochimaru had just been reborn and was cursing Uzumaki Naruto.】

【"Uzumaki Naruto, the hatred between us has accumulated, just wait"】

【"You are so disrespectful to me today, one day, I will step on you and humiliate you severely."】

【"I will take away your body, take away your honor, and it will all be mine."】

【Next to Orochimaru is Kabuto Yakushi, who used the power of the curse seal to revive Orochimaru.】

【Kabuto Yakushi, who was once Orochimaru's most crazy supporter and most loyal subordinate, now dares not speak】

【In fact, he really wanted to persuade Orochimaru to face reality.】

【Don't go against Uzumaki Naruto】

【The opponent is too strong, they really can't defeat him for the time being.】

【Moreover, the gap between the two sides will become larger and larger in the future.】

【It is better to surrender early so that there will be a good result.......】

【But at this time, Orochimaru was in a rage, so it was obviously inappropriate to say such things.】

【Pharmacist Kabuto could only shut up helplessly.】

【Suddenly, Orochimaru and Kabuto felt a strong chakra appear in the room.】

【Their eyes immediately looked over......】

【Then I saw Naruto coming again!!!】

【Orochimaru's face immediately turned green】

【He is devastated!!!】

【This unlucky guy, why is he here again?!!】

【It's just like a haunting ghost.......】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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