【Orochimaru looked at Uzumaki Naruto fiercely, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.】

【"You are such a haunting fellow, I can't get rid of you anywhere."】

【"But next time, you won't find me."】

【"The reason why you were able to use the Thunder God Technique and transfer directly here is probably because the coordinates are on Kabuto Yakushi's body."】

【"This is a new body of mine. It will no longer bear the mark of your Flying Thunder God Technique."】

【Orochimaru is a smart man, he can see】

【Next time, at worst I won't be with the pharmacist anymore.】

【It's not that there is no way to avoid it. Uzumaki Naruto is a troublesome guy.】

【Orochimaru was right about this. Uzumaki Naruto was able to find this place because he located Kabuto Yakushi.】

【The next moment, Uzumaki Naruto jumped and came to Orochimaru's side.】

【He was also marked with the Flying Thunder God Mark.】

【"Now it's fine, unless,���I'll get a new body next time, but I guess you'll find it troublesome, and it'll consume a lot of energy."】


【His face turned red with anger. Why is this guy so difficult to deal with?!

Orochimaru,"The me in the parallel world is such a fool."

"How could he say such a thing in front of Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Isn't this just another reminder to him?"

"Look, now they've put a stamp on it again."

"I'm wondering if the me in the parallel world has been beaten stupid by Uzumaki Naruto, or has he gone crazy?......"

Kakashi:"Hahaha, that's hilarious!""

"Orochimaru in the parallel world is the funny one"

"Naruto completely dominated the rhythm."

"Suddenly I wondered if he couldn't kill Sarutobi Hiruzen at all."

Jiraiya, don't worry about that."

"Although his current image is indeed quite disappointing, Orochimaru is very capable, at least better than me."

【Pharmacist Kabuto is used to this situation.】

【It seems that Orochimaru, who is always invincible in front of others, should be suppressed in front of Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Yakushi Kabuto smiled at Uzumaki Naruto】

【Then make more space for Uzumaki Naruto to have a private chat with Orochimaru】

【Orochimaru rolled his eyes and decided not to run away.】

【The atmosphere between the two people at this time was very subtle. It was clearly a murderous revenge.】

【But, it seems that there is no such intention, no hatred that one must kill the other. 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Orochimaru clearly wanted to beat Naruto to death, but he didn't have the strength to do so, so he was helpless."

"It's like he wants to kill me, but he's powerless to do so."

Uzumaki Naruto,"When Orochimaru first appeared, he was clearly positioned as an extremely powerful and terrifying existence that countless people feared."

"At that time, I felt that when he stood in front of me, I would tremble all over."

"Unconsciously, I feel a sense of crisis and cannot resist."

"Why do I seem to have become the funny one now?"

"I find him cuter and cuter. What's going on?"

Yamanaka Ino, I agree.""

Hyuga Hinata, I agree.""

Akimichi Choji, I agree."......"

Nara Shikamaru,"I feel the same way......"

【Orochimaru said helplessly】

【"What's the matter with you coming here this time? Could you please stop bothering me?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto said directly】

【"I'm suddenly interested in your curse. Give it to me and I'll study it."】



【Uzumaki Naruto came up and grabbed it directly. When he said this, Orochimaru almost went berserk again】

【His face really turned green, which was visibly green. It was really infuriating. 】 (To read the most exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

【I've never seen such an annoying person.】

【Orochimaru gritted his teeth and said,"Uzumaki Naruto, you are going too far."】

【"You're just a robber."】

【"My tolerance has been rewarded with your bullying step by step. This time, you can't"】

【Uzumaki Naruto dug his ears with disdain and said】

【"I only give you two choices. First, hand over the method of using the curse seal."】

【"The second option is, after I kill you, I will stay by your resurrection location, and then you will hand over the method of using the curse seal."】

【Orochimaru was really upset that Uzumaki Naruto said such shameless words with confidence.......】

【Together, curse this great invention】

【Anyway, there is no way to escape the fate of being robbed!】

【Orochimaru suddenly began to doubt his life】

【Was it a mistake for him to come to Konoha this time? How could he meet such a shameless disaster?! 】

Orochimaru,"This is unfair. Why does Uzumaki Naruto rob me again and again?"

"It's a vicious cycle."

"After he stole my things, he became even stronger"

"Next time, you will be more powerful to rob me"

"This time, I absolutely cannot compromise. Compromise will only result in the other party taking advantage of me again and again."

Uchiha Sasuke," Uzumaki Naruto's words are too domineering, which makes people admire him."

"`.I don't know when I will be able to possess the power of Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world and be able to conquer the world like this."

"In front of any enemy, there is always the capital to suppress the opponent.���People,"This feeling is really great"

"Orochimaru was about to be furious, but he just didn't dare to turn against me in the parallel world."

"That’s the benefit of having strength."

"If you have the power, you can do whatever you want."

Mei Terumi," Uzumaki Naruto is going further and further on the road of winning people over with virtue."

"Look how polite he is, giving Orochimaru two options and letting him choose one of them instead of just robbing him violently."

"Love it."

Yakushi Kabuto,"From this incident, I have drawn a truth"

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten. If you are weak, you will not be qualified to negotiate with others."

【With Uzumaki Naruto being so strong, Orochimaru's momentum was obviously suppressed.】

【He remained silent, hesitating.......】

【Kabuto Yakushi, who was watching from the side, was very emotional and was even more shocked by Uzumaki Naruto's strength.】

【Their leader Orochimaru, who founded the Sound Village, was once one of the three famous ninjas of Konoha, and an S-rank rebel.】

【I was suppressed by a 12 or 13-year-old kid and couldn't even lift my head.】

【Even if the other party robbed him of his things, he couldn't really get angry or run away.】

【But I'm still struggling here......】

【"Uzumaki Naruto has really become a psychological shadow for Orochimaru......】

Uchiha Sasuke,"The Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is really strong. Only when you really face Orochimaru, you will know how fierce his momentum is."

"After all, in front of me���" When I was with Orochimaru, I was so scared that I just wanted to run away, and I didn't have the slightest thought of resisting."

Kakashi,"I have to say, when Orochimaru defected, I tried to stop him, but I was also so scared that I didn't dare to make a move."

"At this time, he was faced by Uzumaki Naruto so strongly. The performance he showed could not prove that he was weak, but only proved that Uzumaki Naruto was even stronger."

Orochimaru," agreed"

"I am very strong, I just happened to meet a monster......."

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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