【Uzumaki Naruto said,"Orochimaru, don't hesitate, choose which option"】

【Orochimaru raised his head and said with unusual determination:】

【"Uzumaki Naruto, I can't hand him over to you"】

【"Even if this plan to overthrow Konoha fails, I will never compromise with you again."】

【After all, Orochimaru is a ruthless man with a bad temper.

Orochimaru,"I feel relieved and relieved to see that I am so tough in the parallel world."

"How could it be possible that I was always controlled by a little kid?"

【Uzumaki Naruto raised his right hand and casually produced a Rasengan.】

【Kabuto Yakushi and Orochimaru both took a step back.】

【Orochimaru told Kabuto Yakushi about his final affairs and said】

【"If I get killed again this time, don't revive me in Konoha, find another place"】

【"Then you leave immediately and don't give Uzumaki Naruto a chance to find me"】

Orochimaru,"Uzumaki Naruto, you're going to miscalculate this time. The me in the parallel world is determined not to give this thing to you."

"I'll see what else you can do?"

"Haha, it's just dying again. To me, it's nothing."

"I am immortal, there are many ways to revive."

Jiraiya,"With Uzumaki Naruto's intelligence, he will definitely use other methods to achieve his goal."

Kaka327 West,"I think so too"

"Even if we don't use force to threaten Orochimaru"

"In the end, the method of using the curse seal in Orochimaru's hands will definitely be obtained by Uzumaki Naruto."

Senju Hashirama,"Uzumaki Naruto is not only a ninjutsu genius, he is also a man with a very good brain."

"I also think that he will use some means to achieve what he wants."

"I even started looking forward to it."

"I don't know how to deal with Orochimaru in the end."

Orochimaru,"Don't fantasize anymore, what other weaknesses do I have?"

"It's impossible"

"The me in the parallel world was only threatened by that guy Uzumaki Naruto for a moment."

"Now, I don't care about the threat from the other party at all, then, Uzumaki Naruto has no chance of controlling me."

【Uzumaki Naruto saw Orochimaru's determination this time】

【This curse is extremely important to him. It is the life and property of the man.】

【Orochimaru would rather be beaten to death than have his long-planned plan to overthrow Konoha fail.】

【I don't want to hand this thing over.】

【This also represents Orochimaru's attitude of not compromising with Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and put away the Rasengan.】

【He immediately changed his mind and tried to control Orochimaru's heart from another perspective.】

【"I know that the curse is a great research of yours."】

【"The person you cursed can gain a temporary boost of strength through him. This thing is very powerful."】

【Uzumaki Naruto suddenly said this, making Orochimaru feel confused】

【They were clearly on edge just now, ready to fight to the death.】

【Why are you praising him all of a sudden?】

【"He wanted to kill me the previous moment, and now he suddenly praises me. What is this?"】

【"This little devil......It's really hard to deal with!"】

【Orochimaru continues to be confused】

【Although Orochimaru instinctively felt defensive, this curse seal was indeed his masterpiece.】

【"You have some vision, but don't think that if you praise me a few times or say a few nice words, I will willingly share the curse with you."】

【"That's simply impossible, Uzumaki Naruto, you are still too naive"】

【Uzumaki Naruto shook his head and said,"Orochimaru, you misunderstood."】

【"Actually, I just feel sorry for you, a genius."】

【"You have amazing talent, I am sure of that."】

【"It's hard to imagine that you can cultivate the Sharingan on one arm and give it to Danzo."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"It is hard to imagine that you could invent a curse seal that doubles the power. It is different from the chakra system."】

【Regarding this point, Uzumaki Naruto is not really complimenting Orochimaru.】

【This guy is really good at this.】

【"Moreover, you are able to have so many lives and keep reincarnating. That's amazing. I recognize your talent."】

【"However, it is a pity"】

【"That is, you can't really share the joy of research success with like-minded people, am I right?"】

【"Those mediocre people don't understand how great the things you have researched are."】

【"It's lonely up there, you'll still feel lonely"】

【Regarding this point, it is really not that Uzumaki Naruto is fooling people.】

【What he said touched Orochimaru's heart.】

【Uzumaki Naruto has always been very accurate in his understanding of human nature.】

【Orochimaru's intention......】

【His eyes were fixed on Uzumaki Naruto】

【This guy is surrounded by so many companions, not without reason】

【"He seems to be able to understand others and think about problems from their perspective."】

【"If he were not an enemy but a friend, it would be an interesting thing."】

【"Uzumaki Naruto is a genius. I can freely communicate with him about many of my ideas, including the training of ninjutsu, ideas, etc......."】

【"It's definitely a beautiful thing in life."】

【Orochimaru indeed has a loneliness that others cannot understand. For a moment, he even began to fantasize about......】

Orochimaru,"I think what Uzumaki Naruto said to me in the parallel world is quite right."

"But why do I feel that he is fooling me?"

Uzumaki Kushina,"Don't think too much, just listen to what Uzumaki Naruto says." Namikaze Minato

,"I have a feeling that Orochimaru will soon share his curse seal."

"After all, it is difficult to find a recognized fellow traveler."

Senju Tobirama,"Here it comes, Uzumaki Naruto's mouth-to-mouth technique is going to work again."

"I think this technique is definitely a super S-level ninjutsu!"

"To defeat the enemy without fighting is truly amazing!"

Hashirama Senju,"I have to say, what Uzumaki Naruto said makes a lot of sense"

"It is lonely at the top. When you reach a certain height, you are destined to be lonely."

"How lucky I am to have someone who shares the same ideals as me."

【Uzumaki Naruto continued,"The power of your curse seal, Kyuubi also told me that he once felt something familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was."】

【"And he thought, it's a matter of time, I will come into contact with this thing sooner or later"】

【"Don't think that I stole your curse and this research."】

【"For you, this is actually a good thing. You know my talent is amazing."】

【"I can continue to combine yours with what Jiuwei said and study this thing."】

【"Maybe it won't take too long before I can develop a more perfect spell."】

【"Orochimaru, you are a researcher, your pursuit in life should not be narrow."】

【"You also want to pursue the ultimate in ninjutsu, to see your research being constantly improved until it finally becomes world-famous."】

【These few words spoken by Uzumaki Naruto immediately changed Orochimaru's original resistance mentality.】

【What Uzumaki Naruto said is absolutely correct.】

【Orochimaru's life pursuit and his humanity are different from other people】

【At this moment, he didn't even want to carry out the plan to overthrow Konoha.】

【He was so excited about the research that he wanted to discuss with Uzumaki Naruto how to make the curse seal stronger.】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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