【At this moment, Orochimaru's view of Uzumaki Naruto completely changed.】

【Although Uzumaki Naruto is annoying, he understands me.】

【Moreover, Uzumaki Naruto had already fully demonstrated his research talent to him.】

【The triple Rashomon, when Orochimaru performed it, was just a useless trick.~】

【But when Uzumaki Naruto performed it, it not only became the Five-Layer Rashomon, but also possessed such terrifying power.】

【From a ninjutsu that was only A-level, it immediately jumped to S-level, or even beyond S-level.】

【Orochimaru still remembers the day when Uzumaki Naruto developed the top-level Rashinmon and how shocked he was.】

【Even he didn't sleep all night.】

【"Geniuses should respect each other."】

【Orochimaru has decided to tell Uzumaki Naruto about his curse seal and share this joy together.

Orochimaru,"Uzumaki Naruto is too mean. I can't refuse what he said."

"Oh no, I'm afraid I'll be deceived in the parallel world."

Jiraiya,"Orochimaru, stop deceiving yourself"

"You are jealous of your parallel world self"

"Because in this world, there is no Uzumaki Naruto who can share the joy of your research with you."

Senju Tobirama,"I understand this feeling too well. The mutual appreciation between geniuses is a very exciting emotion."

"This feeling is definitely not something that mediocre people can experience."

Ohnoki,"But I always feel that Orochimaru will still be controlled by Uzumaki Naruto."

"When facing Uzumaki Naruto, Orochimaru didn't have the initiative at all."

The Fourth Raikage,"You feel the same way, right? Me too."

"Even if Uzumaki Naruto developed an upgraded version of the curse seal, he would not easily share it with Orochimaru."

"I think the most likely outcome is this"

"That is, Orochimaru gave up his position as leader and followed Uzumaki Naruto."

"The purpose is to hope that Uzumaki Naruto can continue to improve in scientific research."

"It also allowed Orochimaru to reach a higher level."

Orochimaru,"With Uzumaki Naruto's personality, he is definitely capable of doing such a bad thing."

"This guy is not a good person at all, he is a devil"

【At this time, when Orochimaru decided to dedicate the method of the curse seal】

【Uzumaki Naruto suddenly spoke up, interrupting Orochimaru's words】

【"Never mind. You've already missed your chance."】

【"Kyuubi just told me that he remembered what the energy of your curse seal is."】

【"It turns out that it's not a secret at all"】

【"For Kyuubi, it was very simple to absorb that kind of energy. He was just too lazy to do it before."】

【"That is natural energy. As long as it is absorbed into the body and mixed with chakra in a certain proportion, it can form fairy chakra."】

【"The chakra cultivated in this way is hundreds of times more powerful than your curse."】

【"The curse is just a trick"】

【"Let's go. I'm going back to practice my fairy chakra."】

【Hearing Uzumaki Naruto's words, Orochimaru became anxious.】

【"Don't go, my curse must have its own unique features!"】

【"Come study and perfect it with me"】

【"Together, we create something greater"】

【"Not everyone can practice the magic of Chakra."】

【"However, after this curse is placed, it is no longer the case. Anyone who is cursed will have a more powerful power."】

【"But my spell is not perfect."】

【"Believe me, the curse is a very powerful direction"】

【"As long as the curse seal can be improved, perhaps it will be as great as the seal."】

【Orochimaru has done research and found that the seal technique is actually a more convenient application of chakra energy.】

【It lowers the threshold for applying chakra, allowing more people with average qualifications to perform various ninjutsu.】

【If the complete version of the curse seal can be developed, it will be as great as the groundbreaking work of the seal.】

【Just thinking about this topic makes Orochimaru extremely excited.】

【Orochimaru looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a look full of expectation and even some pleading.】

【Now he really doesn't want Uzumaki Naruto to leave! 】

Uchiha Madara,"Uzumaki Naruto's mind-attacking technique is really amazing. He has turned the tables."

"Originally, Uzumaki Naruto was the passive one, while Orochimaru took the active position."

"Now, it is Orochimaru who is begging Uzumaki Naruto to study the curse seal with him."

"Uzumaki Naruto knows how to manipulate people's hearts, it's really scary."

Senju Tobirama,"There's nothing I can do, because Uzumaki Naruto's understanding is so strong."

"From now on, Orochimaru will be controlled by Uzumaki Naruto"

"But speaking of it, I am really eager to make a move now."

"I really want to do the research on the direction of the curse with them." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"This thing must be the greatest invention of this era."

"He can raise the strength of ninjas to a higher level."

Orochimaru,"I am really excited now. I want to travel to a parallel world and do research with them."

"Who understands that mentality?"

Kabuto Yakushi,"Lord Orochimaru, I understand you."

Hashirama Senju,"I am looking forward to seeing Uzumaki Naruto make a breakthrough in the research of that curse seal."

0Please give me flowers

"After all, Senjutsu Chakra has a big weakness, which is that it takes a long time to accumulate."

"But this curse does not need it, it can burst out energy almost immediately."

"If we can combine the advantages of these two, it will be an unprecedented invention."

Jiraiya,"I absolutely agree."

"After all, practicing immortal arts has a very high threshold, and ordinary people can't learn it."

"However, if this curse seal is planted, it can use similar power, which is really amazing."

Uchiha Sasuke," Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is really surprising everywhere."

"It's a pity that this world doesn't have him."

"Otherwise, with the curse seal he improved, I wouldn't have to resist the curse seal left by Orochimaru, and I could use it with confidence."

"The current curse still has a big drawback."

"After using it, the body will be extremely tired, and there will be a feeling of overdrawing the body."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Don't worry, Sasuke, I have you in this world."

"After that, I will definitely study Sage Mode carefully."

"Then develop this curse better......"

【Uzumaki Naruto left a message for Orochimaru.】

【"Continue with your plan. As for perfecting the curse, we can talk about it later."】

【"It is not something that can be researched in a short time."】

【"I will go back and practice Senjutsu Chakra first and figure out some of the logic here."】

【"After that, you send me your method of seal."】

【"I will study this subject when I think the time is right."】

【Uzumaki Naruto performed the Flying Thunder God Technique and left immediately.】

【Leaving behind Orochimaru who looked extremely hungry and thirsty, and Kabuto Yakushi who looked confused and then admired Uzumaki Naruto extremely】

【This time, Yakushi Kabuto was so shocked that his glasses almost fell off.】

【It was really the operation of Uzumaki Naruto's arrival that was so amazing】

【At the beginning, it was clearly Uzumaki Naruto who came to steal Orochimaru's most precious curse seal.】

【Later, it became Orochimaru who was eager to share his precious knowledge with Uzumaki Naruto.】

【People don’t care about it anymore and don’t want it anymore!】

【This ability to reverse the situation made the pharmacist extremely envious and admired.】

【Now he just wants to bow down to Uzumaki Naruto!】

【Pharmacist Kabuto yelled madly in his heart】

【"As expected, he is Uzumaki Naruto, what a terrifying man, a man who can create miracles!"】

【"Such a person will definitely become a great leader in the future!"】

【"The ninja world will be filled with his glory!" Long】. Hạnh

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