【Afterwards, Uzumaki Naruto continued to practice Senjutsu Chakra】

【He was practicing here, and he didn't hide it from anyone.】

【The news was quickly received by Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【In a dark room, Shimura Danzo frowned deeply and took a deep breath.】

【"Uzumaki Naruto has become even stronger......"】

【"The fact that he can produce such a change must be the legendary magic. It's really incredible!"】

【"He actually mastered the magic without making any noise?!"】

【"When did he go to the three holy places?"】

【"He is really a mysterious and scary person. Every time I see him, his strength will improve by leaps and bounds and grow day by day!"】

【"Even if I have this Sharingan arm, which has extremely terrifying abilities, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat him."】

【In Shimura Danzo's opinion, if you want to learn immortal arts, you must go to the three holy places.

Jiraiya,"Actually, before this, I also thought the same as Shimura Danzo, that only in the three holy places can you learn immortal arts."

"It was only through Uzumaki Naruto that I realized that it was not necessary"

"In the outside world, you can also learn immortal arts. The main core lies in natural energy."

"Uzumaki Naruto has the Nine-Tails, which is a powerful weapon that can defeat any enemy."

Senju Tobirama,"Powerful people are of course different from ordinary people." 117

"Just like everyone thinks that only by making hand seals can one use ninjutsu."

"But in fact, this is not absolute at all"

"For example, my eldest brother doesn't need to make hand seals when performing ninjutsu."

"Clap your hands and the ninjutsu appears instantly"

"The seal is just a trick for those of us with average talent to perform ninjutsu......."

"For example, Momochi Zabuza needs forty-four seals to perform the Water Style Water Dragon Bullet Technique, but I only need four."

"When my strength improves further, maybe these four seals won't be needed, but I can't do that......."

Peach land will never be cut again,"......"

Uchiha Madara,"There is nothing to say about this. How can you ants understand the power of a strong man?"

【Shimura Danzo felt more and more panicked. His heartbeat was accelerating and he even felt a little dizzy.......】

【"Uzumaki Naruto is getting stronger and stronger, and he is not the kind of person who can be controlled by others......."】

【"Although I have that secret weapon, I may not be able to use it successfully against Uzumaki Naruto."】

【"His vigilance is very strong and his strength is even stronger......"】

【"The power of that move is indeed very strong, but I am afraid that if I try to use it in front of Uzumaki Naruto, he will find out in advance and interrupt me directly (abah)"】

【Shimura Danzo was very conflicted and even wondered whether he should escape early.......】

【Because now he has discovered that he can't suppress Uzumaki Naruto at all......】

【Moreover, Shimura Danzo discovered that he could not guess Uzumaki Naruto's thoughts at all.】

【The night of the Uchiha clan extermination was planned by Shimura Danzo behind the scenes.】

【He didn't know whether Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke would bring this up later.】

【If so, Uzumaki Naruto would definitely kill Shimura Danzo. 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Shimura Danzo's heart is quite bad, but his brain is fine."

"But, Shimura Danzo, it's already late"

"Even if you run to the ends of the earth, Uzumaki Naruto will find a way to catch you back. Do you believe it?"

"Also, this guy seemed very confident about his secret weapon, what exactly is that?"

Uchiha Itachi,"Hehe, it's Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan that Shimura Danzo stole"

"It has an ability called Betsutenjin"

"After activating the God of Otherworld, you can change someone's mind invisibly."

"Shimura Danzo's initial idea was definitely to use Kotoamatsukami to make Uzumaki Naruto submit to him."

"But now, I find that this is impossible to do."

"He is just daydreaming."

Uchiha Sasuke,"The moment he dared to use his energy in front of Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world,"

"Before the effect of Kotoamatsukami took effect, he was killed by Uzumaki Naruto."

Uchiha Madara,"Haha, the power of that Sharingan is really strong."

"But performing it in front of Uzumaki Naruto would be tantamount to seeking death."

Uchiha Sasuke,"The old man Danzo Shimura has finally exposed himself completely, right?"

"Are you afraid now?"

"It's late. What were you thinking when you were planning the murder?"

"All the lives of my Uchiha clan are yours, and I will make you pay with blood!"

Shimura Danzo,"......"

He thought this live movie watching room was really annoying.

His thoughts were completely guessed by others, and it was like watching a clown! It was really like throwing his face to the ground and stepping on it, so embarrassing!

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Haha, Shimura Danzo, you can't run away either."......(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Uzumaki Naruto's matter really worries Shimura Danzo】

【Finally, he cleared his mind and started to worry about another thing.】

【"With the variable of Uzumaki Naruto, I wonder how Orochimaru's plan to overthrow Konoha is going."】

【"Will there be any changes?......"】

Sarutobi Hiruzen said,"Shimura Danzo, you old man, I knew this had something to do with you."

"When you failed to assassinate me, you should have been punished directly, not spared your life."

"I didn't expect you to still have such evil intentions."

Shimura Danzo,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, I am only doing this for Konoha. After you came to power, the village has indeed become more and more corrupt."

"Konoha needs a change, let the new blood take control of the government, it will become better."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Bah! Shimura Danzo, you are such a shameless thing."

Uzumaki Kushina,"It's quite interesting to see them fight each other."

"Perhaps, this time, Orochimaru overthrew Konoha and came to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen, which was actually a good thing."

"The rotten blood of Konoha really needs to be replaced."

"Otherwise, the final result will be that it will be annexed by other villages, and at that time, the end will be even worse."

【Shimura Danzo then secretly went to see Orochimaru】

【He also noticed that something was wrong with Orochimaru, but he didn't think much about it.】

【Orochimaru's thoughts are different from those of normal people.】

【"Orochimaru, is there anything wrong with your plan?"】

【Orochimaru said,"Everything is going according to plan."】

【After chatting for a while, Shimura Danzo suddenly rolled his eyes and prepared to divert the conflict.】

【"Orochimaru, I think Uzumaki Naruto might be a variable, you can eliminate him in advance"】

【"Otherwise, be careful that he will join forces with Sarutobi Hiruzen in the end, and you may not be able to deal with them at that time."】

【"Before, you came to me to borrow the 50 million taels because you were blackmailed by Uzumaki Naruto, right?"】

【"I actually guessed this."】

【"When you are offended, don't you want revenge?"】

【"I can send some of my people to work with you."】

【Hearing these words from Shimura Danzo, Orochimaru's eyes immediately turned cold, as if he was going to kill someone.】

【"Shimura Danzo, do you want to kill me?!"】

【"I'll kill you first!"】

【Orochimaru seemed to be stimulated and suddenly attacked Shimura Danzo】

【Shimura Danzo retreated again and again, and he also cursed,"Orochimaru, are you crazy?"】

【Shimura Danzo had no idea that Uzumaki Naruto had already killed Orochimaru several times before and had him completely under his control.】

【Shimura Danzo was not wrongly abused, his information was behind......】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahahaha, this is hilarious."

Nara Shikamaru,"I used to think that Shimura Danzo was a shrewd and calculating person."

"Now looking at it, this is just an idiotic idea......."

Kakashi:"It can't be helped, since Shimura Danzo is facing Uzumaki Naruto."

"Uzumaki Naruto's growth is really too unexpected, who could have thought of this?". Hạnh

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