Shimura Danzo,"Orochimaru is simply a madman"

"He must be sick!"

"He and I are partners, why did he suddenly attack us?"

"This person is really too unstable and dangerous!"

Orochimaru,"Haha, Shimura Danzo, don't take yourself so seriously."

"We have only been working together for a while."

"If you want to kill me, I will definitely kill you first"

"And now, Uzumaki Naruto is more useful to me, you should stand aside"

"You still have the nerve to say that to me, you are not a good person either."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Okay, both of you, stop talking, neither of you is a good person."

【This time, Orochimaru's attack on Shimura Danzo was very crazy. It can be seen that he was determined to kill him.】

【He also wanted to use this method to warn Shimura Danzo not to plot against Uzumaki Naruto again.】

【Uzumaki Naruto is now the most important person to Orochimaru】

【Shimura Danzo was beaten to a pulp this time, and was almost killed.】

【Orochimaru then stopped, his eyes cold and warning, and told Shimura Danzo】

【"From now on, you are not allowed to have any ideas about Uzumaki Naruto anymore, okay?"】

【"You know my methods. If I find out that you are still coveting Uzumaki Naruto behind my back..."】

【"I will let you know what it means to live a life worse than death"】

【Shimura Danzo looked at Orochimaru. He was speechless at this moment. He couldn't understand what this madman was doing.】

【At the same time, in Shimura Danzo's heart, there was only shock.】

【"Is this guy Uzumaki Naruto so powerful?"】

【"Even Orochimaru is supporting him now!"】

【"What kind of love potion did Uzumaki Naruto give Orochimaru?"】

【"In other words, has Uzumaki Naruto already controlled Orochimaru through some kind of illusion at this moment?"】

【"Otherwise, why would Orochimaru be like this?"】

【"The strength of this Uzumaki Naruto is too terrifying and unfathomable. Don't provoke him......."】

【In fact, even if Orochimaru did not warn Shimura Danzo, Shimura Danzo himself would not dare to provoke Uzumaki Naruto.......】

【He just wanted to divert the blame.......】

【I didn't expect that Orochimaru's reaction would be so violent.】

【Shimura Danzo's voice became a little hoarse at this moment.】

【"Orochimaru, you are a lunatic"】

【However, at this critical moment, Shimura Danzo will not turn against Orochimaru.】

【He still has to rely on the other party to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen】

【Then Danzo Shimura himself wanted to become Hokage!】

【Orochimaru smiled grimly and changed the subject.】

【"The plan to overthrow Konoha is still going on, but for now, Uzumaki Naruto is just an isolated case."】

【"Just pay attention to this point, and our other cooperation can proceed happily."】

【"Don't worry, everything is going smoothly."】

【Shimura Danzo,"......"】

【He is speechless now, but he has nothing to say about the changes in Orochimaru's face before and after.】

【Now that we have come this far, there is no going back.】

【Shimura Danzo left a message and turned away.】

【"I hope our cooperation can eventually be successful."】

【"After all, it's beneficial to both of us, isn't it?"】

【Orochimaru still smiled grimly】

【As for the cooperation between these two people, they are actually both bad guys. 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Shimura Danzo, you really spared no expense to become Hokage."

"You have betrayed Konoha now. Even if you succeed in the end, you will definitely not have a good ending."

"In the end, Uzumaki Naruto will still kill you......"

"Hehe, your dream in this life will never come true."

Shimura Danzo,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, shut up, you old man, it's still unclear who will have the last laugh." Uchiha

Madara,"Shimura Danzo, you are still dreaming here"

"In front of Uzumaki Naruto, you are nothing but an ant. He can easily crush you to death."

"The best ending for Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen is probably to have an intact body and not die so miserably."

The Fourth Raikage," This is a luxury for them."

"After all, if they provoked Uzumaki Naruto, he would definitely tell the world all the dirty things they did behind their backs before killing them."

"Let them lose all the face they care about most in their lives and die in humiliation."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"If that's the case, I'd rather commit suicide now." Uzumaki Kushina

,"This is the retribution you deserve, can you escape by committing suicide?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Oh, that's impossible."

"Even if you commit suicide, don't worry, Naruto will bring you back to life and continue to whip your corpses."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen Shimura Danzo, the biggest mistake you two have made in your life is deceiving Naruto"

【Sarutobi Hiruzen also got the news about Uzumaki Naruto's cultivation of immortal arts.】

【In the Hokage building's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen was fidgeting】

【He once hoped that Uzumaki Naruto would become as strong as possible.】

【In this way, with the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Sarutobi Hiruzen will also be very strong, and no other village will dare to provoke him.】

【Even, he can become the greatest Hokage】

【but then......Sarutobi Hiruzen found that things seemed to be out of his control】

【Every time Uzumaki Naruto grows a little, Sarutobi Hiruzen will worry that he can't control him and become more anxious.】

【Moreover, at these times, he always had a feeling that a storm was about to come.......It made him worried】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen began to panic】

【He even had the same absurd idea as Shimura Danzo, which was whether to run away.】

【Of course, this idea only flashed through his mind for a moment before he immediately threw it out.】

【As a famous Hokage, how could he have such thoughts!】

【After much deliberation, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally summoned Shimura Danzo. 】

0Request for flowers 0

【Sarutobi Hiruzen said,"Shimura Danzo, my old friend, have you felt that Uzumaki Naruto's strength has become stronger recently?"】

【"However, the sense of threat from him made people feel a little uncomfortable......."】

【"I am even beginning to worry that Uzumaki Naruto will be a big change"】

【"Is it possible that his Nine-Tailed Fox will get out of control again and cause irreversible damage to the village?"】

【Shimura Danzo said coldly,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, I have given you this suggestion before."】

【"At that time I said, send Uzumaki Naruto to me, so that I can train him, control him, and train him to become a sharp sword of Konoha."】

【"But at that time, you seemed to be afraid that I would take away the Nine-Tailed Fox."】

【"You're afraid I might have other bad thoughts. If you don't give it to me, it's too late to say this now. What's the point?"】

【In response to Shimura Danzo's questioning, Sarutobi Hiruzen angrily slammed the table】

【"Shimura Danzo, I asked you to come here to discuss this matter."】

【"Don't forget that the two of us are the light and darkness of Konoha."】

【"The interests of the two of us are tied together at many times."】

【"Don't think that you will become better after I become bad."】

【"That's impossible. If I suffer, you can't escape either......."】

【"If Uzumaki Naruto really turns against me, Shimura Danzo, do you think you can still survive alone?"】

【"Even if you surrender, it is impossible. He will not let you go."】

【"Don't forget, Uchiha Sasuke is Uzumaki Naruto's good brother"】

【"The demise of the Uchiha clan, perhaps one day in the future, they will know the truth"】

【"By that time, I believe you know the consequences without me having to say more."】

【When Sarutobi Hiruzen said this, Shimura Danzo immediately began to sweat uncontrollably.......】

【When Shimura Danzo initiated this matter, he only thought about】

【He could gain huge benefits from the destruction of the Uchiha clan.】

【Paving the way for himself to become Hokage】

【I didn't expect that Uchiha Sasuke would have such a big support!】

【Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen finally started to communicate about how to deal with the upcoming crisis.】

【I just found that I couldn't think of any ideas.】

【In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are futile.】

【In the end, the two could only come to this conclusion.】

【Let's take it one step at a time】

【perhaps......It won't be as bad as they think!】

【It's all because they overthink it.......】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Haha, these two old guys are quite thoughtful."

"But unfortunately, all this is just your imagination."

Uchiha Madara,"These two old guys are more disgusting the more I look at them."

"Uzumaki Naruto came out quickly and killed them all."

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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