【Regarding Uzumaki Naruto saving Karin, Uchiha Sasuke said this】

【"So our team has grown by one more member."】

【"Naruto, this is really a good thing for you. You found a tribe member."】

【"Not like me......"】

【Uchiha Sasuke suddenly shut up when he said this, with hatred flashing across his face.】

【The Uchiha clan is not completely left with only Uchiha Sasuke, but also that hateful man Uchiha Itachi.】

【However, Uchiha Sasuke was unwilling to admit it, and even more unwilling to mention that person's name.】

【Uzumaki Naruto knew what Uchiha Sasuke was thinking at the moment, so he patted his shoulder and said】

【"You and I are brothers"】

【"Don't worry, don't take that person too seriously. In the future, you will kill him with your own hands and take revenge."】

【Uchiha Sasuke nodded heavily and remained silent.】

【A warm current flowed through my heart,"Fortunately, Naruto is here......"】

【Otherwise, he didn't know what he would become.】

【I don't even know when I will be able to take revenge.】

【After all, Uchiha Itachi was a terrifyingly strong man. 】

Uchiha Fugaku,"As a survivor, Sasuke is no better off than those of us who died."

"He carries too heavy a burden, which may be a torture for him."

"Itachi, I don't know if the decision you made was the right one......."

Uchiha Mikoto,"Don't say that, Itachi must be feeling the same way......."

Uchiha Madara,"At this point, what's the point of saying those useless words?"

"If I really want to blame someone, it's because you didn't choose to go with me and stayed in Konoha."

"That’s why they were destroyed later. I told you long ago that they were ambitious."

"However, you chose to indulge in false peace and were unwilling to venture out again."

"Another strange thing is that the overall strength of the Uchiha clan is not strong."

"That's why it was given to Danzo Shimura and Hiruzen Sarutobi. What were they thinking?"

"Weakness is the original sin"

"Just like the girl named Karin, she has the blood of the Uzumaki clan and should have been a treasure."

"But, because I am weak, I am bullied."

Uchiha Sasuke,"I will become strong regardless of everything. Only strength is everything."

Orochimaru,"Haha, it seems that the Uchiha Sasuke in this world is not of much use even after watching the movie."

"After that, he will be attracted by my curse and become my subordinate."

【The following assessment items of the Death Forest did not encounter any other unexpected events.】

【Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura successfully reached the central tower in the Death Forest】

【The speed at which they arrived was not the fastest, because they were on an outing all the way.】

【Uzumaki Naruto also took this opportunity to study Orochimaru's curse seal method.】

【I have to say that Orochimaru is indeed a genius in scientific research, and his curse is very clever.】

【Although, if you are really cursed by Orochimaru, there will be certain side effects after using it.】

【However, he solved a threshold problem】

【It is to allow ordinary people to use the inferior version of immortal energy.】

【Uzumaki Naruto also quickly cracked the curse of Orochimaru.】

【The main principle of the opponent is to extract the blood of one of his subordinates, who can enter the sage body mode naturally, and then evolve it.】

【And that subordinate, although he was born with the ability to enter the immortal body】

【However, it is also an imperfect application of Senjutsu Chakra.】

【The opponent is unable to control the chakra well, and can only absorb it passively.】

【Uzumaki Naruto quickly figured out the drawbacks of Orochimaru's curse seal, and had some ideas for improvement.】

【"Just use the Nine-Tails Chakra as a trigger......."】

Senju Hashirama,"You are indeed a genius. You have come up with an idea so quickly."

"It makes people feel incredible, but it seems to be reasonable"

"If Uzumaki Naruto can invent this thing, then everyone can enter Sage Mode in the future."

"Then the overall combat power of the ninja will be greatly improved."

Uchiha Madara,"After this thing is invented, I am afraid that Uzumaki Naruto will create a new race, the Immortal Clan."

"On the battlefield, it will definitely have a huge effect"

"I am even afraid that it will be as famous as my Uchiha clan."

Senju Tobirama,"Uchiha Madara, don't link Uzumaki Naruto's great invention with your evil Uchiha clan."

"That's an insult to him."

Orochimaru,"You'd better stop bragging about Uzumaki Naruto. What if he can't invent it?"

"Haha, I think Uzumaki Naruto has no idea at all. If you don't believe me, let him invent it and let me see."

"Also, this broken live viewing room, please continue playing the video."

"Jumping directly to the part where Uzumaki Naruto invented the curse seal, instead of playing some useless nonsense?"

Jiraiya,"Hahaha, it's obvious that Orochimaru is anxious"

【Uzumaki Naruto is also very interested in the improved version of the curse seal without side effects.】

【However, as other personnel arrived at the central tower one after another】

【The test of the Death Forest is over, and the next stage is about to begin】

【That was the preliminaries for the third Chunin exam.】

【Only here, two people in a group, after fighting, can we decide who wins and who loses.】

【The winner can enter the third round of the Chunin Exam.】

【Uzumaki Naruto wanted to see how far his fellow trainees Hinata Hyuga and Neji Hyuga had come in terms of their current combat skills.】

【After all, training is training, but true strength still needs to be verified on the battlefield. 】

Hyuga Neji,"The me in the parallel world will definitely not let Uzumaki Naruto down."

"After all, I have to assist him."

"He also promised me that in the future, no one of the Hyuga clan would be carved into a caged bird."

Hyuga Hinata,"Naruto-kun, in the parallel world, I also practice well every day."

"I will definitely not let you down. In the future, I will be your best helper."......(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【With the announcement of the chief examiner, the Chunin Exam preliminaries officially began.】

【The first match was between Uchiha Sasuke and a guy from the Sound Village who was covered in bandages.】

【For the terrifying Konoha ninja, this ninja directly chose to give up】

【He doesn't want to give the other party a chance to be beaten to death.】

【Uchiha Sasuke withdrew from the battlefield in boredom, thinking to himself,"As expected, if you have power, you can do whatever you want?"】

【Then it was time for Hinata Hyuga to compete with Neji Hyuga】

【Because of Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuga Neji's hatred for Hinata has long changed.】

【Looking at each other, he treated her with the same expression as if she were his cousin.】

【"Hinata, I will not hold back in this fight, you have to take it seriously"】

【Hinata said,"I will also try my best to let Naruto see my progress."】

【"I am no longer the weak me of the past. I can hold up the sky."】

【The two of them looked at Uzumaki Naruto standing in the stands at the same time, as if they were seeking each other's approval.】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and nodded at them】

【Then the two of them started fighting without waiting for the examiner to announce it, which made the examiner helpless.......】

Hinata Hyuga,"The me in the parallel world has really changed a lot."

Neji Hyuga,"`.I am the same."

Hinata Hiashi,"It really makes me happy to see two people like this."

"The Hyuga clan may really abandon the system of branch families in the future."

"But maybe this is a good thing, it will make him more prosperous."

【Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Neji, the two fought hard】

【They both used the Hyuga clan's most powerful Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms at the same time.】

【The display was almost the highest level of physical skills, even Xiao Li was amazed】

【He thought that even if he opened the Eight Gates, he might not be able to gain any advantage against the two men.】

【The most shocking person at the scene was Hinata Hiashi】

【It was hard for him to imagine that the weak Hinata, the useless Hinata, the Hinata who couldn't throw a few punches, would have made such great progress.】

【"Also, Ningji even perfected the Eight Trigrams Sixty-four Palms of the main family. He is really a genius......."】

【Hyuga Hiashi narrowed his eyes, as if he had finally made an important decision. 】

Hyuga Hinata,"It's really hard to imagine that the me in the parallel world has become so strong."

"Sure enough, following a strong person will make you stronger."

Hinata Neji,"I didn't expect that I, at the age of fourteen, would burst out with such fighting power."

"Compared to me in this world, it is almost five times better."

"With that kind of strength, he could be a jonin."

Hyuga Hiashi,"So, that look in your eyes, big brother, actually means you have made up your mind to follow Uzumaki Naruto and fight against Sarutobi Hiruzen, right?"

Hyuga Hiashi,"I guess so too, the me in the parallel world (Zhao Zhao Zhao) thinks so."

"At this moment, he finally made up his mind and stopped waiting."

【Next, the duel between Xiao Li and Gaara begins】

【Although Xiao Li has learned the sneaky style of play, he is still very brave on the battlefield.】

【Because of Kai, he also trained with Uzumaki Naruto for a period of time, and made rapid progress in physical skills.】

【Especially after the ultimate move was unleashed, Gaara was so suppressed that he couldn't even raise his head.】

【Many people, including Gaara, were shocked. After opening five gates, could the speed displayed by Xiao Li still be a human speed?】

【This battle ended with Gaara's defeat.】

【Xiao Li was just a little out of breath from exhaustion, but he was not overdrawn and was in good health.】

【In this match, Hyuga Neji, Rock Lee, Hyuga Hinata and the others actually lost much of the meaning of competition.】

【Their bigger idea is to show their strength to Uzumaki Naruto.】

【They are telling each other that they have been practicing hard these years, wanting to keep up with Uzumaki Naruto and grow with him.】

【Regarding this, Uzumaki Naruto expressed his satisfaction】

【Next, we will research the curse and give it to them to use.】

【The strength of these friends will be raised to a higher level.】

Xiao Li,"The overall strength of us in the parallel world is much higher than that of us in this world."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Yes, it makes people feel very emotional."

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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