Uzumaki Naruto,"It turns out that everyone has such great potential"

"Hard training can really change your destiny"

"Besides, I've been going in the wrong direction."

"Before, I would only do things that would attract attention."

"I wanted to get other people's attention, but I ignored my own growth."

""Sarutobi Hiruzen, this old guy, really caused me so much trouble."

Hyuga Neji,"Now I have changed a lot in my concept."

"Destiny is not determined at birth, it can be changed"

"Now, in my heart, I try to downplay the hatred, improving my own strength is more important"

"The emergence of the live viewing room has a huge impact on people like us."

【The qualifiers are over】

【Originally, the strength of these new generation of Konoha ninjas was so strong that Sarutobi Hiruzen should be pleased.】

【However, seeing that these guys were all on good terms with Uzumaki Naruto, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't be happy at all.】

【"Has this guy Uzumaki Naruto already established such a good relationship with them without them realizing it?"】

【"It feels like this guy is playing a big game of chess......."】

【After all, people like Hyuga Neji, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, etc., all have very complicated backgrounds.】

【The families behind them are all old-line or large families in Konoha.】

【The power we have is the backbone of our strength】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen pinched his brows with his hands, thinking worriedly】

【"If these people all choose to support Uzumaki Naruto, my position will definitely be in jeopardy......."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen increasingly believed that his original approach was wrong, and his idea was the same.....】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Haha, the old man is really rotten."

"At this time, I finally realized that there was something wrong with my strategy."

"The main reason is that Sarutobi Hiruzen underestimated Naruto's growing strength."

Namikaze Minato,"Originally, Sarutobi Hiruzen's purpose was to make the villagers exclude Naruto."

"In this way, Naruto will be friendly with Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is only good to him, and will stand on his side."417

"In that case, it is equivalent to Sarutobi Hiruzen mastering Naruto, the secret weapon of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and he will have a strong say."

"Therefore, with this idea in mind at the beginning, Naruto thought it was okay for him to contact the descendants of the big families in the village."

"After all, as the ruler of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen"

"Naturally, they would think that these big clans are their backbone."

"It's also the power of my side."

"It's nothing to do with one's own people contacting one's own people"

"But Sarutobi Hiruzen miscalculated a little"

"That is, his plan was seen through by Naruto"

"From the beginning, Naruto was destined not to be controlled by him."

"Therefore, this will lead to the occurrence of this step today."

"By the time Sarutobi Hiruzen realized it, it was already too late."

"Nothing can save him, there is no way to save him."

Senju Hashirama,"I think my policy back then was correct."

"Only by exchanging sincerity for sincerity can the village last forever."

Senju Tobirama,"Brother, I have always agreed with your ideas."

"However, except for the evil Uchiha clan."

Uchiha Madara,"You are such a stubborn guy."

【Sarutobi Hiruzen watched helplessly, and after the second qualifying match, he returned to the Hokage Building.】

【But I found something wrong】

【"It seems like someone is watching me"】

【This immediately made him angry, because he was the most honorable person in Konoha Village, the Hokage!】

【Someone actually dared to monitor him in his territory.】

【This touched his reverse scale.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately summoned the Anbu,"Go check who is secretly plotting against you."】

【Such abnormal phenomena made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel that the building seemed to be about to collapse!】

【After investigating, the members of the Anbu came back and reported,"Hokage, it should be someone from the Hyuga family."】

【"I have seen the chakra energy of that person, it is very huge, even in the Hyuga family, he is not an unknown person"】

【"But the person was hiding very secretly, and it was not possible to tell who he was."】

【"And there is more than one person who is secretly watching the Hokage Building and seems to be watching your movements."】

【"Do we need to find them all and kill them?"】

【Regarding this situation, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but take a deep breath.】

【Having played political conspiracies for so many years, he could naturally see the meaning behind this action.】

【"Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi, are you expressing your attitude?"】

【"You are hating me for asking you to hand over Hyuga Hizashi to take the blame, so now you want revenge......."】

【"Hyuga Hiashi, I never thought that you, who always played it safe, would bet on the future of the Hyuga clan to do this at this moment!"

Hyuga Hiashi,"Brother finally took action."

Hyuga Hiashi,"Hiashi, back then, I really had no choice but to let you die miserably."

"Otherwise, the lifeblood of the Hyuga clan would be in the hands of Sarutobi Hiruzen and they would surely meet with disaster."

"At that time, we did not have the ability to resist him."

"But my situation in the parallel world is different, and I have the conditions to avenge you."

The Fourth Raikage,"Hyuga Hiashi's actions have already represented a declaration of war against Sarutobi Hiruzen, and he has chosen a side."

"Fortunately, although this time is not too early, it is not too late either."

"Hyuga Hiashi is indeed the head of the Hyuga clan, and he is very cautious in his work."

Hyuga Hinata," The father of the parallel world has finally taken action."

Uzumaki Kushina,"No wonder the Hyuga clan can become a well-established clan, there is indeed a reason for it."

"Do things cautiously and not radically"

"But I also know that when it’s time to fight, I have to fight."

"Although you don't directly stand on the same side in the early stage and you can't get the biggest benefit, you can still get some at this time."

【Hyuga Hiashi, then found Uzumaki Naruto】

【Although Hyuga Hiashi is the elder, he and Uzumaki Naruto are sitting opposite each other, but they are talking as if they are peers.】

【Even Hinata Hiashi had a faint feeling that he was here to show his loyalty.】

【"I have already sent people to monitor Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo's movements at all times."】

【"You can let me know in advance when you are going to launch a full-scale war."】

【"The elites of the Hyuga clan are always ready to fight."】

【With these few words, Hyuga Hiashi's position has been completely revealed.】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said,"That's not necessary."】

【"I will kill Sarutobi Hiruzen myself"】

【"However, you can deal with the other small fish, saving me the trouble."】

【"As for the time to take action, choose the moment when the most people are paying attention."】

【"After all, it's not just you, the Hyuga clan, who have grudges to settle."】

【"Sasuke, Kakashi and others also need revenge"】

(abce)【The atmosphere of this interview was very harmonious.】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Even, Hyuga Hiashi also implicitly proposed】

【After the revenge is over, Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata will get married.】

【Of course, they are only thirteen years old now, still young, but we can make an agreement first.】

【Regarding this matter, Uzumaki Naruto did not give a clear response to the other party, and hit a roundhouse ball back.】

【Said that everything would be discussed after killing Sarutobi Hiruzen and pacifying Konoha. 】

Yamanaka Ino,"Naruto-kun did not agree to the Hyuga clan leader on the spot, it must be because he had a more suitable goal in mind"

"That's me"

"I am the most suitable person to be his wife"


Father from the parallel world, you should hurry up and find Naruto-kun to make a marriage agreement first."......"

"You silly girl, go back and learn from me what the reservedness of a girl is!"

Yamanaka Ino,"You are still reserved at this time, you can't even drink a sip of hot soup if you are any more reserved!"

Haruno Sakura,"Hey, Hyuga Hinata, you are simply cheating, what about fair competition!"

Hyuga Hinata,"Hehe"

【After the second qualifying match, there was a month of rest.】

【The third exam will be held officially, and that day will be the day when the most people will come.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen will be in the center of the competition venue to preside over this important Chunin competition.】

【During this month, contestants can choose to rest or improve their strength.】

【That night】

【Uzumaki Naruto came to the hotel where Karin was resting】

【The other party had already taken a shower and slept for a while.】

【At this time, I was sitting on the bed, dazed, not knowing what to think.】

【When Karin saw Uzumaki Naruto appear, she immediately pounced on him like a frightened deer.】

【Hugging him tightly】

【"Naruto brother!"】


【After Uzumaki Naruto comforted her for a while, Karin's emotions calmed down completely.】

【Uzumaki Naruto also told Karin about the idea of the curse seal】

【"You have a huge amount of chakra. If you put the improved version of the curse on you, it will greatly enhance your strength."】

【"Even if you don't know any offensive means, your strength will be surprisingly great."】

【According to Uzumaki Naruto's conjecture about the improved version of the curse seal】

【Currently, Karin, who has a huge amount of chakra, is the first person to bear the curse seal.】

【Karin trusts Uzumaki Naruto so much that he can do anything to her.】

【"Naruto brother, come on, I'm not afraid of pain"】

【Uzumaki Naruto looked at the other person with a selfless expression."......"】

【"Don't worry, the curse won't hurt you. On the contrary, when you use it, you will feel light all over."】

【Next, Uzumaki Naruto began to control the Nine-Tails' chakra and his own chakra to condense the prototype of the curse seal.】

【The main principle is probably this】

【The Nine-Tails' chakra is naturally able to gather natural power.】

【To enter the Sage Mode, you need the perfect combination of natural power, chakra power, and spiritual power.】

【The curse seal developed by Orochimaru causes damage to the user's body when used.】

【It was because of his curse that he could not control the natural energy he absorbed, which led to his rampage.】

【Naruto Uzumaki used the Nine-Tails' chakra to create something similar to a container.】

【In this way, the natural energy inhaled will have a certain amount】

【The chakra you put in will also have a certain limiting and supplementing effect on the Nine-Tails chakra.】

【In this case, there is already a certain amount of natural energy.】

【The user only needs to control the mental energy and chakra energy as usual.】

【In this way, the Cursed Sage Mode becomes a ninjutsu, but its power is far greater than that of a ninjutsu.】

【As for the Nine-Tails Chakra that was taken out and placed on Karin, it was simply not worth mentioning to the Nine-Tails.】

【Almost the moment he took it out, he recovered】

【After being cursed by the modified version of Uzumaki Naruto, Karin immediately began to condense Senjutsu Chakra】

【Soon, she froze���success】

【Moreover, as the amount of chakra accumulated to a certain extent】

【Karin successfully entered Sage Mode】

【Although this Sage Mode is several levels lower than the Sage Mode that Uzumaki Naruto entered,】

【But its power is indeed a qualitative improvement over before.】

【Karin said excitedly,"Brother Naruto, at this moment, I feel so strong."】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"Then let's find a place to verify it."】

【Uzumaki Naruto used the Flying Thunder God Technique to quickly transfer, and not too long later, he arrived at the Kusagakure Village.】

【"Go ahead, whoever bullied you can now take revenge."】

Xianglin rushed to a direction without hesitation, where lived the culprit who hurt her mother! 】. Hạnh

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