Ancient Lustria, a continent shaped like South America.

There are magnificent pyramids hidden in the tall rainforest.

The upright lizard-like species drives the dinosaurs and wanders through the wide streets.

Deep beneath the pyramid, clear pools of water are filled with tadpole-like creatures that prey on insects.

Every once in a while, hundreds of tadpole-like creatures become lizard-men and are hatched.

Another group of new lizard-men. Among these stout monsters that are half a head taller than humans even when they lean over, a lizard-man who is incompatible with his kind is extremely conspicuous.

Lynch looked at the underground atoll furtively, and followed his brothers to the weapons depot not far away.

As a visitor from another world who is familiar with this world, after the initial fear and novelty passed, Lynch was left with only sadness.

First, Lynch became a member of the sunset race, the Lizardmen.

Moreover, he is the "Thorose" of the warrior class.

The Glory of the Lizardmen When the Ancient Saints arrived, these alien visitors transformed local species to assist them in completing their mysterious grand plan.

The toad-like "Slann" were their assistants, but their bodies were too fragile, so the ancient sage created the lizard-man Thoros who was specially born for fighting.

The Ancient Sage needed some clever handymen, so the short and agile skink "Skink" was born.

Obviously, labor is also indispensable for these planet transformers, and the giant lizard "Clasigol" came into being.

Under the command of the ancient saint, temple cities were built one after another, and each native species was transformed and optimized.

Countless lizard-man regiments were sent to rid the area of ​​species that did not fit into the "grand plan."

The assistant of the ancient saint, the powerful first-generation Slann brought the distance between the sun and the planet closer.

The planet's environment became more suitable for mortals, but creatures such as dragons were also forced to sleep due to changes in temperature.

The second generation of Slann forged the continent, shaping it into plates that resembled the continents of the Earth.

The desolate world became prosperous and prosperous according to schedule.

Everything ended in a disaster!

The shadows of the Warp noticed this world, and one night, the portals at the poles collapsed, and unrivaled forces of Chaos poured into the planet.

The ancient saint also disappeared overnight.

They may have escaped, after all, the power of the Four Gods of Chaos is irreversible.

Or perhaps there was a fierce tit-for-tat with the Chaos Gods in dimensions invisible to mortals.

In that chaotic demon realm where time had lost its meaning, the ancient saints were finally slaughtered by the power of chaos.

All in all, there are only lizardmen left in this world who have lost their guides, and the elves, dwarves, humans and other races that have been transformed and optimized by the ancient saints.

Endless demons poured out from the two poles. As the first guardian, the Lizardman shouldered the task of fighting Chaos in the early stages.

But even if it is a biological weapon, manufacturing requires process and time, but the devil does not need it.

In the Demon Realm of Chaos, the number of demons is so great that even numbers cannot summarize it!

Although the Lizardfolk had the upper hand in most battles, Chaos Daemons continued to emerge from the Warp.

This is a losing battle.

Temple cities were destroyed one after another, and thousands of years of war brought the Lizardman Empire into dusk.

If given a choice, Lynch would rather travel through time and become an ordinary human being.

After the first Chaos invasion was repulsed, the Lustrian Rainforest has become a dangerous and forbidden place.

From time to time, demons break through the barriers protecting the world and come to Lustria, continuing the eternal war.

Some ignorant new species have also coveted the gold in the rainforest, not to mention the hatred of the lizard people by those evil gods' creations.

The lizard people have been destined to be accompanied by war since their birth. The vast majority of the lizard people cannot live for more than a few years, even if they theoretically live forever.

The lizard men who survive the fight will gain tougher scales and stronger bodies as time goes by.

Each Scar Veteran has been through hundreds, if not thousands, of years of combat.

Without outside help, Lynch really doesn't know how many years he has left to live.

Maybe he will be sent to the front line to fight against the devil and die in the eternal holy war.

Maybe he encountered a ratman while patrolling in the forest, and survived a fight, but then met a dark elf who came to hunt for treasure...

For Lynch, this is the start of a nightmare!

The chirping skinks distributed spears and shields to the lizard people. Lynch, who was crying, made the skinks who distributed weapons to him puzzled.

It has never seen such a strange posture from a lizard man!

As cold-blooded warriors, they rarely have other emotions besides bloodlust!

Lin Qi noticed the Skink's gaze, and his face instantly turned into the paralyzed face of an ordinary Lizard.

He wasn't sure if he would attract Slan's attention after he was discovered.

This kind of time travel may not be able to hide from those powerful magicians who can move mountains and seas.

What if he is regarded as a spy of the evil god Tzeentch!

The skink looked around for a while, then jumped up and ran to do other things.

Lynch breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, silently and instinctively forming a battle formation with his compatriots. This was the battle experience written into the lizard-human genes by the ancient saints.

While Lin Qi was adjusting to his body, he followed the lizards up the stone steps and out of the pyramid to the wide square on the ground.

During this process, Lynch vaguely saw several data streams in front of him.

They wrote in lizardman script:

[Current potential development degree: 10]

[Enhanced transformation not selected]

Lynch focused on the words, and information related to enhanced transformation flooded into his mind.

Scale armor strengthening, magic rune engraving, color changing ability transformation, supernatural resilience...

A series of modifications and enhancements made Lynch greedy, but when he selected "Supernatural Resilience Enhancement", a line of cold text emerged:

[It has not been severely damaged and cannot be transformed]

Lin Qi chose them one by one, but they all showed the same prompt.

Does it take serious damage to transform?

Does this mean that you have to go through life-and-death battles to improve yourself?

Does giving yourself a spear count?

Lin Qi was a little eager to try, but he was afraid that he would not control the intensity well and kill himself.

A skink riding a triceratops and wearing a feather crest stopped Lynch and the other lizard people.

"Lord Wo Ker has issued an order! Go to the rainforest in the east and kill those elves who cross the line!"

With sharp shouts, Lynch followed his brothers along the avenue and out of the temple city.

At least four-fifths of Lustria is covered in dense jungle, with the multi-layered tree canopy even covering shorter mountains.

The lizard people walked silently on the moss, and skink hunters occasionally wandered among the vines hanging on the ground.

Lynch held the shield and spear. He always felt that there was a dark elf crossbowman hidden behind the tall mushroom in front of him.

But this is obviously impossible. After all, this place is not far away from the temple city and is still under the control of the lizard people.

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