Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 2 An old friend from a foreign land

Along the way, neither the Spinosaurus hunting in the swamp nor the Tyrannosaurus driving the Ankylosaurus herd caused any trouble for Lynch and the other lizard people.

The various mosquitoes in the rainforest could not bite through the armor-like scales, so Lynch walked safely along the way.

As he approached the beach, a stream of information ran through Lynch's mind.

It reminded Lynch that he should use trees to hide his body and guard against possible enemy counterattacks.

Lynch and the other lizard men crawled forward silently, and finally stopped in the bushes next to the beach.

Through the gaps in the branches and leaves, Lynch could see hundreds of elf swordsmen wearing leather armor, as well as some archers holding elf crossbows.

They laughed wantonly and surrounded the group of bound humans.

There are two ships parked on the coast, one is a human merchant ship, and the other is a pirate ship used by dark elf pirates to plunder.

The emblem of Khaine, the god of slaughter in the elven underground pantheon, is printed on the sails.

These degenerates who call themselves "Druqi" use long swords to cut off the flesh of innocent people and enjoy their screams, wails and helplessness.

This was the first time Lynch saw such a bloody scene. He thought he would be afraid, but the fact was that the blood actually stimulated the lizard man's hunting instinct.

Lynch couldn't wait to rush forward immediately and start killing, satisfying the lizard man's instinctive desire to fight.

But he held himself back, he didn't want to die without knowing why.

The lizard men in the trees silently completed the siege of the elves, and an inaudible hissing sound sounded.

Lynch understood the meaning of this neighing, it was an order to attack!

Lizardmen born in the same batch have an extraordinary tacit understanding, and they have an encrypted way of communicating with each other.

The lizardmen rushed out from the vegetation and rushed toward the dark elves. The lizardmen on the wings quietly pounced on the astonished crossbowmen.

Lynch and other lizard men on the front had already knocked down some Druzi who had no time to react.

Lynch frantically stabbed the elf under him with his spear. His compatriots jumped over him and rushed towards other elves who reacted.

Time and time again, the elf had been stabbed to pieces by Lynch, and the powerful force completely overshadowed the elf's feeble struggle.

The other lizard men had started killing efficiently, but Lynch was still tearing apart blindly.

An arrow broke through the air and flew towards Lin Qi. Lin Qi subconsciously blocked the hidden arrow with his shield.

Feeling the impact from his left arm, Lynch finally reacted and completed his first kill!

Amid the war cries and screams of the elves, Lynch stood up and observed the battlefield.

When he discovered that the elves left behind on the pirate ship had already aimed their crossbows at the shore, Lynch's heart skipped a beat.

Without flinching, Lynch's fierce fighting spirit drove him to make the decision to charge.

Holding his shield, he passed over the human prisoners who were lying on the ground and covered themselves with corpses, and formed an array with more than a dozen lizard men who also rushed towards the pirate ship. They covered each other and penetrated Druzi's formation.

The crisp sound of the ballista heralded the coming of death, and the lizard man beside Lynch was shot away with both man and shield.

The crossbow bolt penetrated its body, but the tenacious creature was still struggling after landing, trying to continue fighting.

Lynch quickly approached the pirate ship, and as he was at the forefront, he was naturally called upon by the ballistae.

In the intense sense of crisis, Lynch only had time to turn slightly sideways to avoid the vital point.

With a muffled sound, Lin Qi was knocked into the sky by a huge force, then fell heavily and was nailed to the ground.

The severe pain almost made Lin Qi lose his mind. Lin Qi roared and stood up, pulling himself out of the crossbow.

A blood hole as big as a bowl appeared on Lynch's belly, where broken scales were mixed with blood and pieces of flesh.

Cold-blooded rage left Lynch with the strength to fight, but the consequences were obvious.

Lynch quickly called out the transformation panel he had seen before and selected "Supernatural Resilience".

【Renovation begins】

The warm feeling calmed Lynch down, and he was on guard against the pursuit of the ship's ballistae.

Other charging lizard men have already boarded the pirate ship to start killing. Without long-range support, the elves' defeat is doomed.

Lynch's wounds gradually healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and new scales covered the flesh.

[Renovation completed]

Lynch joined the battle again to familiarize himself with the body through fighting. He should be good at fighting because he is a lizard.

During the training, Lynch's killing efficiency became more and more efficient.

Using his hard scales to resist the elf swordsman's slashes, Lynch charged forward with his spear and neatly dispatched the enemy.

The weak local accent stopped Lynch. There is no Mandarin in this world.

"God bless... Sigma bless... I really don't want to die..."

Lin Qi calmly approached a pile of corpses, and after repelling the incoming dark elves, he whispered in the same language.

"When did you come?"

The male voice under the pile of corpses paused, and then an excited head popped out.

After noticing Lin Qi's appearance, the hope in his eyes was instantly replaced by panic.


Lin Qi glanced at him to make him understand, and said with a flattering smile:

"Brother, you are like this..."

Lin Qi forced back the fleeing dark elves and spoke hastily:

“It’s too late to explain.

After killing these elves, you will also be killed. Take your people with you and don't make an attack gesture. We will kill you first. "

Lynch turned around and continued to join the fight. The man was stunned, and hurriedly crawled out from under the body, rushing towards the ship while shouting in a language that Lynch could not understand.

The other surviving humans left the bunker and followed the man toward the merchant ship.

Lynch inadvertently blocked the other lizard-men, allowing them to focus on hunting down the fleeing elves instead of the unarmed humans.

Lynch was slightly distracted by the call from behind.

"My name is Fang Le! I will introduce you to others! Goodbye!"

other people?

The human merchant ships cut off the chains and set sail, but the lizard men who completed the killing did not pursue them.

They just silently gathered together and returned in the direction they came from.

When we set off, there were only ninety lizard men left out of a hundred, and the dead were all the lizard men named by the ballistae.

Lynch knew there would be more and more of these fights.

There will be no more lizard men from other chapters to join in. This batch of lizard men will become fewer and fewer until they are all dead.

Or, there are lizard people who have survived the ordeal of war, survived dozens or hundreds of years of fighting, and wandered alone in the rainforest. That is the scarred veteran.

In the end, everything will be destroyed and die in the end brought by the ancient enemy.

In order to protect this world, even lizard people who have experienced thousands of years of conquest must have the consciousness to sacrifice their lives.

Almost all lizardmen died in wars!

This is Lustria, the bastion against the enemy of Chaos, and battles far beyond mortal imagination are taking place every moment.

Lynch didn't know how far he could go. He wanted to see the world outside the rainforest, take risks, and be praised like a legend.

Even, growing up to be able to compete with the evil god and rewrite the final outcome.

But first he must survive, use his special powers to strengthen himself, and become a survivor in the battle.

A shadow fell on Lin Qi. Lin Qi looked up and saw a huge pterosaur flying towards the temple city carrying a skink.

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