Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 3 The storm is coming

When Lynch returned to the city, the road was already filled with a solemn scene.

Each lizard-man battle group walked on the spacious road. The small building-like monitor lizards no longer carried stone bricks. They held giant hammers and formed an array with the skinks riding ankylosaurs and triceratops.

The noisy Skinks screamed noisily.

"For Kotago!"

"Kill the intruders, for the greater good!"

"That is the call of the Lord of Sun City!"

Lynch's battle group merged into the silent lizard-man army, and the army slowly moved northeast.

From the few words of the noisy skinks around him, Lynch roughly understood the reason for the gathering of the army.

Rainforest scouts discovered an army of undead roaming the east coast.

Near the Ash City of Pahuakos, ten orc tribes of unknown origin are raging in the rain forest.

What's even more unfortunate is that the subspace gap in Zahuitak, the northern city of echoes, was opened, and a great demon of the evil god Khorne appeared in the rain forest leading an army of demons.

Lord Mazdamudi of Hesiota, the City of the Sun, the oldest surviving Slann issued its edict.

Temple cities everywhere will dispatch a group of warriors to stop the enemy. Lynch's legion will fight against the undead, and then go to support the City of Echoes.

If the green-skinned threat has not been eliminated by then, they will still have to fight the wild orcs.

The rain forest is quiet and silent, no longer as noisy as before.

This silence is a harbinger of danger, which means there is a fearsome predator on the hunt.

Lynch looked at the ancient blood lizards riding tyrannosaurs in front of them. The mounts of these commanders were dinosaurs transformed by the ancient saints. They were powerful and cunning.

Lynch and his compatriots marched for days, stopping only occasionally to eat mosquitoes.

Fortunately, Lynch discovered that his sense of taste was very dull, otherwise he would not have been able to accept the dark cuisine of the skinks.

An eyeless giant dragon that looked like a Spinosaurus but had a forked tail emerged from the trees beside Lynch, and its owner was a chattering skink.

Lynch had already scented it and its rider, a troglodyte.

If the guess is correct, the skink is an oracle, that is, a prophet.

Lynch didn't show anything strange. The Skink Priest and Prophet were both Slann's eyes, and Slann could even cast spells through them.

This skink seems to be at odds with the other seers, and has an uncharacteristically active nature.

It was riding a cave dragon, passing by Lin Qi's queue, and its high-pitched voice announced incomprehensibly.

"The legacy of the great ancient saint, Ashoranka the Lost, is in the not-too-distant future!"

The prophet's wide eyes seemed to glance at Lynch inadvertently.

"Failure is the beginning of new life, and the destined time has come! The Seal of Ashoranka will welcome its chosen people!"

Amid the high-pitched screams of the skinks, the sky suddenly darkened, and there was no longer any sunlight penetrating through the gaps in the tree canopy.

The pterosaur riders flying in the sky screamed and warned the troops on the ground. The sound of the flapping wings of some huge flying beast could be heard clearly under the tree canopy.

Lin Qi and his compatriots formed a queue, and under the command of the ancient blood warrior, they rushed to the east side of the woods with the rest of the lizard battle group.

Next to Lynch was a lizard-man regiment with only ten people left, and they appeared to be even larger than Lynch.

Different lizard war groups cooperated under the orders of the ancient blood warriors, and the war groups used their own methods to coordinate the gaps in offense and defense.

Lynch's Chapter will serve as a left-wing assault force, attracting firepower for the Cold Lizard Riders, and cooperating with the Riders to defeat the intruders.

The roar of the artillery made Lynch even more uneasy. The shell fell on Lynch's right side, killing three unlucky Thoreaus.

More lizards were affected by the shock. They got up after landing and continued to move forward as if nothing had happened.

After successive shelling attacks, Lynch and his comrades had discovered the enemy.

It was a corps of dead men. The living dead with skin and bones on their bodies were holding muskets or crossbows and shooting at Lynch and other lizard men.

The strong shield blocked Lynch's damage. Even if the musket hit him, it would only cause him to stutter slightly.

In the sky, pterosaurs fight with huge bats, and black clouds summoned by magic cover the sun.

The zombies brandished their swords in an attempt to stop the lizards, but it was in vain.

Lynch easily smashed into pieces any zombie sailor who dared to block him.

With a swing of their spears, Lynch and the other lizard men sent these restless undead into eternal sleep.

Explosions, hoarse spells, roars of the dead and roars of giant beasts mingled throughout the battlefield.

From time to time, swollen giant corpses rushed towards them, and after a fierce battle, they exploded, leaving Lin Qi's face covered in pieces of flesh.

There are fewer and fewer lizards around Lynch, and he is also covered in blood.

The cold lizard riders took the opportunity to go behind the enemy and directly misfired the cannons.

On the frontal battlefield, groups of armored undead were crushed by charging giant lizards.

Victory is at hand!

The harsh spell sounded again, and just hearing it made Lynch feel chilly.

The world seemed to be silent for a moment, and then, a gap opened in the air.

It's like a black hole swallowing up everything around it!

Before it moved to Lynch's area, the spell vortex began to shake. It seemed that its controller was unable to guide this spell.

Accidental spellcasting is extremely dangerous for the caster and not good news for Lynch.

The darkness suddenly expanded and swallowed up all the lizards and undead including Lynch.

In the midst of the earth turning upside down, Lin Qi saw brilliant lights of various colors, and there seemed to be ruins of broken buildings in the light.

The next moment, Lynch felt the air again, but he was in darkness.

Lynch's night vision aided him in what appeared to be an underground cave.

The spell just now forced him to move spatially.

There were outlines of some buildings in the cave. Lynch approached it and discovered that it was an underground temple building.

The symbols engraved on the wall were scratched by some kind of creature, and Lynch became alert.

He lost his weapon in the explosion, but he still has sharp claws.

Lynch walked silently in the tunnel, and it didn't take long before he spotted some short, upright mice.

They were chirping and shouting, and from time to time, rat men would attack and kill their companions, and then share the flesh and blood of their companions with other rat men.

Some of the rat men twitched their noses in confusion, smelling something different.

A stick-like object surrounded by rat-man corpses caught Lynch's attention.

It has complex patterns, is slender like a spear, and has a rhombus-shaped crystal on the top, making it look like a scepter.

There is a row of conspicuous logos under the crystal, just like the finished product is stamped.


This is the name of the ancient sage who symbolizes the sun!

There was no doubt that Lynch, as a lizard man, had legal ownership rights to it.

But if he wants to possess it, Lynch must face this group of greedy and despicable rat men!

Slightly heavy footsteps sounded in the distance, and a rat-like giant monster that was several times larger than Lynch appeared in Lynch's sight.

Lynch was confident that he could survive the siege of thousands of rat men, but he did not have the confidence to face a rat troll alone.

What's more, he has no weapons!

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