Lynch made a prompt decision and rushed directly towards Koteg's scepter before the rat troll approached.

In the darkness, countless scarlet eyes looked at the sudden disruptor. When they found that the opponent was weak and weak, the bloodthirsty side of this group of rat men was aroused.

At the end of the passage, the rat troll's deformed and enlarged arm fell to the ground.

The legs, which were shorter than the arms, began to speed up, rushing towards the uninvited guest like an ape.

The charging pace of monsters echoed in the tunnel, but the first thing Lynch had to face was the short and agile slave rat.

The oncoming rat-man was torn into two pieces by Lynch's sharp claws. This violent and bloody scene made the other rat-men pause slightly.

Lynch pounced, his sharp teeth biting the rat man in front of him who was too timid to escape, and his claws cut open the necks of the rat men on both sides.

The rough dagger in the rat man's hand could not penetrate Lynch's scales. Occasionally, a hidden weapon would cut open the scales, but Lynch's terrifying self-healing ability allowed the wound to heal in the blink of an eye.

The air was filled with a strong fishy stench, and many rat men began to retreat with secretions caused by fear.

The blood inspired Lynch's desire to hunt, and smelling the cowardice in the air, Lynch continued to rush towards the ancient saint's relics without stopping at all.

Lynch only killed a dozen ratmen. Seeing that the enemy was irresistible, they began to flee.

At first, the rat man who was about to face Lynch turned around and fled. When the rat man behind saw his companion in front of him escaping, he didn't want to face the enemy directly, so he also turned around and left.

The rat men further behind mistakenly thought that the rat group had been defeated, and hurriedly found a shortcut to evacuate.

In the end, one brings ten, and ten brings one hundred.

The rat people who panicked even blocked the charging path of the rat troll. They would rather face this monster than Lynch, but they were crushed into pulp by the monster the next moment.

Lin Qi grasped Kotago's scepter in the pile of corpses. The delicate metal texture felt in his hand, and a warmth spread from the palm of his hand to his whole body.

An icy will hit Lynch.

[Whether to excite the solar core]

The strong wind coming from the rat troll left Lin Qi no time to think and directly agreed to the request.

Clear sunlight escapes from the rhombus crystal at the top of the scepter, illuminating the tunnel.

Uncleanness and evil melt into the sunlight, but mutated creatures like the rat troll are not chaos demons and are not afraid of purification.


The Rat Troll's bucket-thick fist severely knocked Lynch off the rock wall. The sky and the earth spun around, and Lynch slipped to the ground.

The second reminder of the scepter came belatedly.

【Whether to start melting】

Lin Qi felt like his whole body was falling apart, and there was a fishy smell in his breath.

The enhanced panel appeared in front of him again, which made him temporarily unable to pay attention to the scepter's request.

[Current potential development degree: 15]

[Current affix: Rebirth]

[Enhancement optional]

Lynch discovered that the self-healing power could still be enhanced, but he couldn't unlock further enhancements now.

So Lynch chose to strengthen the scale armor without hesitation.

Amid a burst of itching, Lynch faced the rat troll's sandbag-sized fist, and a system reminder rang in his ears.

[Renovation successful]


Lin Qi tried his best to turn over to avoid the blow, but cracks appeared on the stone wall that took the damage on his behalf.

[Current affix: Rebirth, Heavy Armor]

Relying on his strong recovery power, Lynch stood up and activated the "melting cut" of the scepter.

The crystal on the top of the scepter lit up with a dazzling cyan arc of light, crackling in the air.

It is indeed the black technology of the Ancient Sage!

The rat troll rushed towards Lynch again, with no fear in its dull brain.

Lynch watched helplessly as it crashed into Koteg's scepter, and its huge body was cut open by the laser. Lynch split it into two halves with one easy stroke.

The broken body fell on both sides of Lin Qi, and the crystal began to flicker restlessly.

Lynch stopped activating the scepter. It should be a solar melting device that had been underground and had not been replenished for a long time.

The superstitious Skink would think that it needs to be supplemented by the divine power of the Ancient Saint, but Lynch can deduce based on experience that just taking this thing out in the sun to recharge it will be fine.

Although in the eyes of the skinks, the sun is the incarnation of the power of the ancient saint Kothago.

The ancient saints had already preset the program, but the lizard people who had lost their inheritance gradually deified it.

Lynch did not stay where he was. Those fleeing Skaven might bring reinforcements.

Once there are tens of thousands of ratmen, timidity will be replaced by a certain mysterious confidence.

That meant that Lynch would have to kill thousands of Skaven to repel them, which would be enough to kill Lynch to death.

Maybe you can try to strengthen your endurance next!

Lynch walked through the tunnel, paying attention to the traces on the ground, moving in a direction with fewer remaining traces of the rat men.

In the process, he came up with the idea of ​​crippling himself and then strengthening himself like a nesting doll.

Reason prevented Lynch from practicing in the end. Who knows how the panel made the decision.

If he was left semi-disabled and he refused to acknowledge his fault, wouldn't it mean that he had received a severe beating in vain?

More importantly, the current environment is not safe, and serious injuries may lead to irreparable accidents.

There was the sound of water flowing in the deep cave. It seemed that there was an underground river.

Sniffing the water vapor in the air, Lynch had a reference point in the intricate tunnels.

The water vapor was getting thicker and thicker, and Lynch could already hear the sound of rushing water.

That's good news, moving water might be able to carry Lynch to the exit.

Frustration always comes unexpectedly. Lynch turned the corner and the closed door stopped him.

The texture of the door is completely different from the murals on both sides. It appears smooth and has a metallic sheen.

Irregular patterns covered the walls. Fortunately, this confirmed that it was not a creation of the rat people.

That's not the Ratman style.

The Skaven worship their rat god. Thirteen is the sacred number of the Horned Rat, and the blasphemous number runs through all areas related to the Skaven's life.

This is not a secret stronghold of the rat people, Lynch can make a judgment based on this.

Just when Lynch was looking at the patterns on the door, the door suddenly opened slowly, but what caught Lynch's eyes was not the road ahead.

A gloomy yellow light leaked out, illuminating the tunnel.

The light yellow crystals are mixed with amber long and narrow ellipsoids, which vividly reflect Lynch's figure.

A chill ran down his spine and went straight to Lynch's brain, and even the lizard man's cold thinking was shaken a little.

If you guessed correctly, these are the pupils of some kind of creature!

Pupils as big as trucks!

It looked at Lin Qi slightly confused, the ground trembled slightly, and its pupils sunk downwards.

The sound of the huge object entering the water caused huge waves in the sky, and the water splashed onto Lin Qi, pushing him staggering.

The pupils had disappeared, and the endless dark river appeared in Lin Qi's sight. A huge whirlpool was gradually dissipating.

Where is the underground river here? It’s clearly the “underground sea”!

The sea water flows mightily underground, but the unknown giant beast just now has helped Lin Qi make a choice.

This road is blocked!

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