Lynch retreated to the fork in the road and chose another path to move on.

The temple-style buildings disappeared and were replaced by scattered stalactite forests.

There were no Skaven marks on the rocks, and there was no Skaven scent in the air.

Lynch remained vigilant and silently walked through the large and small stalactites.

Nothing is absolute. The rat-man clan named Eshin is good at assassination. The absence of traces of rat-men does not mean that there are no rat-men.

Maybe there is an Eshin assassin hiding in the tunnel!

Skaven have always been the biggest threat underground in Lustria, and Lynch has to be wary of these despicable creatures.

The cowardly slave rats cannot pose a threat to Lynch, but the special rat people are not inferior to the elites of other races.

Further forward, the rocks on the right disappear, and along the coast is the disturbing underground sea, with seawater even flowing into the stone forest.

Lin Qi waded through the shallow water. On the opposite side were messy stone slabs, and further away there was fluorite emitting green light.

Among the strange-shaped stones, many slender figures stopped Lin Qi in his tracks.

Lin Qi crouched behind the pile of stones and recognized the other party's identity with his cold eyes.

A group of dark elf raiders!

Different from the pirates encountered before, these Druzi were better equipped and even had three sorceresses holding staffs.

The leading dark elf holds a whip in his left hand, a spear in his right hand, and wears a ridiculous pointed helmet.

Of course, this is not funny in the eyes of those victims. The cruel soul under this bullet-like helmet is enough to be frightening.

Lynch was not afraid of them. He had never looked down on scum who took pleasure in bullying the weak.

If there is a team of Thoros around, Lynch dares to rely on the terrain to ambush these stupid hot-blooded people.

But he was alone.

Even if he could kill the Druchi leader, he would die at the hands of other elves.

Unlike the Skaven, the organized Druchi are more difficult to flee.

Killing the leader of the ratmen will make the ratmen disperse in a rush, and killing the leader of the dark elves will only make Druzi desperate to fight to the death.

Druzi, who left his leader and fled, would be severely punished after returning to the dark elf society, so it would be better to die neatly.

If they can kill the murderer, they can gain forgiveness from the Witch King and be re-accepted by the dark order of Druchi.

Hundreds of elves gradually approached Lynch's position. The torches in their hands illuminated a large underground cave. From time to time, dark elf scouts returning from exploration joined the queue.

Lynch could hear faint communication, but he couldn't understand the Elvish language.

Omarin was horrified that he had lost the beast dedicated to the great Witch-King.

Although the Witch King disappeared in the recent war, no Druchi would question his power and majesty.

The Dread Lord of Krakarond is no exception. If Omarin fails to recover the beast, the respected Lord will skin Omarin for the Witch King!

It's all those shitty Assurs!

Can't they just stay in Ulthuan and wait for the Druchi army to come?

With Kane at the top, the sea lords of Assur seem to have gone crazy, attacking Druchi's slave ships everywhere, and even the island-like Black Ark on the sea suffered disaster.

I hope Admiral Masigahe can attract the attention of the ocean lord and give Omarin enough time to retrieve the beast that escaped during the battle.

Of course it would be better if he was killed by the ocean lord.

That Asul looks like a druch! Omarin is happy for his enemies to die at his hands.

There were already some disturbing remarks circulating in the team. Omarin executed a shadow who contributed to the situation, but he did not dare to exert any more pressure.

The Shadow Swordsmen are all desperadoes, and Omarin is not sure whether they are loyal to him.

Maybe they were happy to let Omarin fail so that he could make way for other trainers with higher stakes.

Glancing at the high-level sorceress who was protected by the "Speechless One" spearmen, sorceress Theresa was already impatient.

It seemed that she was eager to return to Krakarond immediately, and then let Omarin face the wrath of the Dread Lord.

Omarin knew that she was the spy of the damn supreme sorceress Morath!

Even if the Witch King disappears, he will not be loyal to that disgusting witch!

Who knows if the great king is hiding in the shadows waiting for the betrayer himself to appear?

Lynch quietly took a detour, preparing to avoid this group of dark elves.

The complex stalactite forest on the left is like a maze. In order not to lose his way, Lynch can only move cautiously along the water vapor in the air.

There are also many scattered dark elves exploring the stone forest with torches.

Fortunately, the flames exposed their location from a distance.

The dark elves in this world are not underground creatures. They still lived on an island called Ulthuan during the first chaos invasion.

After Chaos left, the high elves fought among themselves and split into two halves that were enemies of each other.

It was difficult for Lynch to understand their thinking. The enemy of chaos was still entrenched in the world, but they were short-sighted and fighting among themselves, consuming the power to resist the devil.

There were more and more dark elves wandering around. Lynch stopped behind a stalactite and was in a dilemma for a while.


The sharp blade protruding from the darkness hit the scales on Lynch's neck, and the crisp sound of the collision was drowned in the sound of water flow.

Lin Qi turned around cautiously, but saw nothing.

There seems to be an invisible enemy in the shadow of the rock. Fortunately, Lynch has strengthened his scales before. The tenacious vitality will provide Lynch with a very high fault tolerance rate.

Lynch has already guessed that dark elves do not have such ability.

An assassin of the Eshin clan, there is no doubt that only the short and agile Skaven can attack so casually and escape in an instant.

If Lynch were a different kind of skink, a master of stealth, a chameleon, then he could easily lock on to his target using heat vision.

But Lynch was a lizard, and his keen sense of smell couldn't smell the assassin's scent.

The Old Ones underwent many transformations, and while they were all cold-blooded, the Lizardmen lost their ability to sense heat, replaced by more refined sensory enhancements.

Lynch listened to the soft footsteps. In addition to the footsteps of the dark elves in the distance, there was a fainter sound.

The sound of turbulent waves in the underground sea affected Lynch's judgment. He couldn't lock the target for a while, and he couldn't even be sure whether the other party had circled behind him.

I hope these Dark Elves and Skaven are not in cahoots.

There was probably no connection, otherwise the elven swordsmen holding torches would have gathered around them.

The enemy is in darkness and we are in the dark, but it has become a confrontation.

The Assin Assassin was very cautious. After discovering that he could not break through the defense, he did not attack again. He just kept wandering around to interfere with Lynch's judgment.

With the sound of breaking through the air, a poisoned dart approached Lin Qi in the blink of an eye.

This unabashed attack naturally made Lynch wary. He rolled on the spot and dodged the dart.

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