But the purpose of the dart was not to kill Lynch. The hidden weapon hit the stalactites above, and the violent sound echoed underground.

Lin Qi was a little stunned for a moment when he heard the rat-man's footsteps hurrying away and looked at the dark elves hurriedly approaching.

Shuidong cited this disaster just right, and it was impossible to prevent it. He always had a way to create other movements to attract Druzi.

Lynch quickly fled deep into the stone forest. The dark elves vaguely blocked the area, so Lynch inevitably ran into a shadow swordsman.

Lin Qi rushed towards him fiercely, but the swordsman nimbly avoided it and blocked Lin Qi's way with his long sword.

Lynch used the scepter to stab the elf, saying it was a scepter, but in fact it was more like a spear.

The crystal at the tip of the spear was not inferior to meteorite, and the leather armor on Shadow's body was penetrated as if it didn't exist.

Anying was forced to change his moves and return to defense, but he did not dare to open his position.

Lynch's scepter was longer, and the long distance was not conducive to the performance of Shadow. He could only twist and narrowly avoid the fate of being penetrated by the scepter.

He saw that Lynch had no intention of fighting, so he deliberately delayed it.

Anying relied on his nimble body skills to fight with Lin Qi, and his swordsmanship was even more exquisite.

Lynch didn't care about his fancy tricks and just swept across with his staff.

Anying took the opportunity to slash at Lynch's left shoulder with all his strength, preparing to take advantage of the lance's indexterity in a small environment to get rid of Lynch first.

Sparks were flying, and the sword got stuck in Lynch's scales.

The stick struck heavily on Anying, whose old strength had been exhausted but new strength had not yet been regenerated. The stunned Anying was sent flying by Lin Qi and hit a sharp rock. He tried several times but could not get up again.

Lin Qi pulled out the sword stuck on his left shoulder, threw it at Shadow, and continued running away without looking back.

Taking advantage of his night vision, Lynch successfully got rid of the elves.

But as time passed, Lynch became increasingly uneasy about a lingering sense of weakness.

He seemed to be poisoned, and the shadow smeared poison on the sword.

Fortunately, Lynch's physique was strong and his enhanced self-healing ability saved Lynch's life.

He needed to find a safe place to rest and get some fluids.

At the same time, he had to think about how to improve his status.

He couldn't be trapped underground forever, and he had to think about how to accumulate strength after he got out.

The society of the lizard people is highly rigid. Unless Lynch can find information left by the ancient saint that is clearly beneficial to him, it will be difficult to cross the class.

If that doesn't work, he can only prove himself by killing the lizardmen's enemies and let Master Slan take a high look at Lynch.


In the dark cave, dense red eyes moved towards the Druzis.

Omarin looked at these inferior races with disgust, and asked the sorceress to send out a magic signal, causing the Druchi to gather.


The loud ringing of bells echoed underground, and swarms of rats came from all directions like locusts.

The screams of the dark elves were endless, and Druzi, who had no time to return in the future, was instantly swallowed up by the tide of rat men.

Amidst the creepy chewing sound, the second bell rang.


The high-level sorceress, with the help of the other two sorceresses, raised her staff and guided the magic.

A bit of fire flakes were blown out by the sorceress, and the fire flakes flew quickly towards the rats, and in the blink of an eye they turned into huge flaming heads.

The fire laughs and ignites all Skaven in its path, creating a path of fire.

But this was only a drop in the bucket, and the flames were drowned in the endless swarm of rats.


The loud ringing of bells was approaching, like slave rats rampant before Omarin's eyes.

There are so many of them that all the slave rats believe that the rats are invincible, and the hundreds of Druzi under Omarin simply cannot repel the enemy.

They seemed to have strayed into the territory of the Skaven clan.

The "Silent Ones" beside the sorceress silently walked to the front line, trying to contain the Skaven craze with shields and spears.

The slave rats driven away by the clan rats ran into these well-trained druchis. Although the line was shaky, they still held on firmly.

But there are more than just slave rats in the Rat Pack.

The screaming death knell rang again, and the plague monks mixed among the slave rats excitedly shouted the blasphemous name of the rat god.

The fanatical plague monks almost went crazy at the sound of the bells, and some ratmen who blocked their way were slaughtered like enemies by these strange ratmen full of diseases.

They devoutly chanted the hymn of the Horned Rat, and with their squeaking chants, the Plague Monks went straight towards the cold spearhead of the "Speechless Ones".

The festering flesh of the Plague Monk is not afraid of pain, and the same is true of the numb "Silent One".

The machete dismembered the spearman's body, and the crossbow arrows and spears also penetrated the ratman's filthy body.

The plague monks mixed in the rats laughed wildly and broke through the defense line, and started a more bloody hand-to-hand fight with the shadow swordsmen.

Even if they are killed, the fetid bodily fluids scattered are enough to send the Horned Rat's enemies to their cowardly god.

In the rear, the black sharp crossbowman was affected by the splashing of viscous juice, and was burned by the corrosive liquid and lost his combat effectiveness on the spot.

The screams from both the enemy and our side actually inspired more of the rat men's desire to kill!

Even in death, the Plague Monk's filthy body achieved its goal, and disease began to rage.

Omarin held the bone whistle on his chest with a gloomy look on his face. He had to show his trump card, otherwise these useless fellows would not be enough to cut him off.

The piercing whistle was drowned out by the fifth bell, but Omarin's little pet had already received the signal.

The already unstable water surface of the underground sea became more and more turbulent, and a sea snake-like monster emerged from under the water.

It has a dragon-like head, and its short wings indicate its lineage, although they are more like fish fins.

This is a sea dragon!

The sea dragon twisted its huge body and came ashore to face the rats. Every move it made could kill dozens of rats.

Omarin's expression became even uglier. This sea dragon was hopeless. The rat-man disease would eat away at its life.

The sorceress Teresa once again channels the winds of magic, but an evil will interferes with her spell.

The backlash of the failed spell caused horrific burns on the sorceress's body.

The sixth bell rang, and Teresa's second sight could already see the horned rat man sitting in a small mobile clock tower behind the rats.

Omarin took out another bird-shaped bone whistle and blew it again.

Not long after, a manticore flew from the darkness.

Omarin hurriedly climbed onto the manticore, and Teresa and other sorceresses also climbed up.

Omarin hesitated again and again, but finally acquiesced.

He did not dare to kick the followers of the Supreme Sorceress.

Omarin abandoned the other Druzi and directly drove the manticore away from the battlefield.

The remaining dark elves fell into despair, and some Druzi shouted the name of Kane to kill before they died. More elves fled in fear.

The bell rang thirteen times in total, and everything fell silent again.

Gray Seer Bo'oriel was very angry. The rat troll he bought from the Corrupt Clan at a high price was broken into two halves.

The slave rat brought detailed information, and that was the work of a lizard thing!

Beaureel killed all the fleeing slave rats, which did little to quell his rage.

It bought the lizard's head from the killer of the Eshin clan, and Beaureel was very interested in weapons that could easily cut through the rat troll's body.

Useless slave rats, they should have told Beaureal earlier that that dangerous stick was a treasure!

The screaming death knell stopped next to the sea dragon's body, and Booriel looked coldly at the giant beast being eaten.

How dare these stupid elves hunt for treasure right under Beau Oriel's nose!

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