Beside the bonfire, the leader of the Skinks raised the sacrificial dagger and thrust it into the flames at Lynch's urging.

The blood color in the flames faded quickly. It seemed that the unknown existence did not want to try whether this bizarre sacrifice could succeed.

Lynch kept watching until the morning light came. Except for the occasional barking of dogs in the flames, there was no abnormality.

The army marched again, Lynch swam in the swamps of different depths, and the skinks gathered together the uneaten meat in the morning and took the time to make up for the Sotek ritual that failed last night.

Under the adoring gaze of the skinks, the water surface was lifted up, the silt muddied the clear swamp, and a giant python about thirty meters long rose up from its dormancy.

The Spinyback herd was frightened and almost ran away, but the ancient Triceratops turned a blind eye to them.

The Skink leader announced in public that this was Sotek's messenger.

But the giant snake just slowly swam away. Lynch privately thought that the giant snake didn't want to block the way of the Triceratops.

This did not affect the Superstition of the Skinks, who believed that Sotek had rejected the sacrifice, and continued to follow Lynch in disappointment.

The reconnaissance Skinks discovered an Elf camp on their marching route, but were unsure whether to launch an attack, so they came directly to consult Lynch.

Lynch showed his intention through actions.

Because the ancient Triceratops made too much noise while traveling, Lynch simply took Thoros to secretly surround the target location.

On several fallen tree trunks, these elves used vines to hang up a simple vine bed.

Lynch carefully identified their identities and waited for the lizard man to complete the ambush.

After noticing that there were elves who looked like scholars among them, and that the seriously injured among the elves had been well treated, Lynch took the initiative to walk out of the reeds.

Druchi would abandon the disabled waste, which Lynch judged to be a group of Assur.

The existence of scholars gave Lynch the possibility to talk to them directly, unless he was an ignorant fool.

The fifteen elves stood up hastily, picking up scimitars and short swords.

They were extremely thin, almost like refugees.

The cold-blooded man's mysterious and low-pitched language slightly eased the tense atmosphere.

"You have gone too far, little elf."

The scholars among them suppressed their fear and responded in jerky ancient language.

"We don't want to offend the Ancient Saint, Lizard. I was supposed to arrive at Twilight Fortress for inspection, but as you can see, we encountered an accident."

If there were fifteen healthy and well-equipped elves, they would be less afraid of the cold-blooded species in front of them, but this was the time when the elves were at their weakest.

"Have you encountered the dead at sea?"

Lynch believes they were shipwrecked on the Vampire Coast and fled here.

"Yes, with Aisha's blessing, the undead were attacked. The roars of wild beasts could be heard even in the fortress. We escaped while our defenses were weak."

Lynch listened to the violent heartbeats of the elves, smelled the rich fear in the air, and finally chose to believe in these elves.

It seems that not only Nakai is attacking the vampire pirates, but also a lizardman army takes the opportunity to invade the hinterland of the vampire coast.

Lin Qi slowly approached the elves, and the scholar shouted in fear:

"Forgive us! I swear to Hess that I will never step into the jungle again!"

Lynch just wanted to get closer and observe the items on the elves. After discovering that these Asurs were extremely sensitive, Lynch had to express his intention directly:

"I need you to heal an injured human being."

The scholar looked at Lin Qi in confusion. Although he was wondering why he had to go to such trouble to save a low-level creature, he did not dare to ask more questions due to the cold-blooded creature's strange character.

After whispering to his companions for a moment, the scholar followed Lynch and left with a female elf who was missing an eyeball.

Lynch let out a short roar, and the lizards received the signal and left the bunker to return to the team.

The strong lizard men scare the elves. If anyone else can understand this lost empire, it is only the equally ancient high elves.

Obviously, these lizard men are regular and experienced warriors, not the common thin and upright lizards.

Lynch returned to the team with two Asurs. The two dwarves from Haimen Pass, the moment the elves appeared in their sight, they picked up their battle axes and shouted insults.

Grim's performance was strangely abnormal. He seemed to be speaking simply to take care of his companions.

The two elves looked embarrassed, and the angry scholar responded with fierce words.

Even if he didn't understand, Lynch could feel the edge in their words.

I almost forgot, they are feuding.

Ulthuan once launched an all-out war with the Mountain Kingdom, and Haimen Pass was once slaughtered by a demonic dragon controlled by elves who lost their minds.

The elf tightened his grip on the dagger, and the dwarf slapped the battle ax unwillingly.

When the conflict was about to escalate into bloodshed, Lynch stood between them, summoned the Skink translator, and conveyed his dissatisfaction.

Under the dignified scolding of the Skink, the two races did not meet with weapons for the time being.

The one-eyed female elf climbed onto the back of the triceratops with difficulty, knelt down next to Louis, and kept praising "Elsa" repeatedly.

The elf gently stroked Louis' wound with his hand, and the pustule magically faded away, and the symptoms of the infection quickly alleviated.

After confirming that Louis was fine, Lynch pointed the direction for the elf and presented him with a piece of gold.

Gold is not valuable in lizardman society and is often used as a carrier of information.

What is precious is always the information recorded above.

Skinks use gold for decoration because it does not rust as easily as other metals in the rainforest.

But to the outside world, the preciousness of gold goes without saying.

After bidding farewell to the intruding hot-blooded species, the team slowly moved forward again.

Before sunset, Lynch was relieved to discover that Louis had survived the disaster.

Traces of death appeared again in the swamp, and wandering undead souls could be found under the white moon.

Louis held the Swift Sword and wanted to climb down from the Triceratops to prepare for the battle, but was stopped by Lynch.

Humans are not thick-skinned lizards. Unless they are blessed by a certain god, it is best to pay attention to their own health.

A blazing arc of light lit up in the distance, cutting through the night sky.

Lin Qi's excellent eyesight could already see the pterosaurs flying in the sky, and a terrifying roar made the skinks excited.

That's the roar of the Tyrannosaurus!

The soldiers maintained their marching speed and slowly moved towards the distant battlefield.

Lynch hoped to get around to the enemy's rear, but he could only judge his location through the battlefield in the sky.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the anxiety of war.

The ground was trembling, and from time to time, bright beams of light streaked across the sky, and the artillery roared back not to be outdone.

When Lynch's desire for fighting reached its peak, he saw a huge number of slender zombies appearing at the end of his sight.

A corpse monster with a normal body shape wearing a pirate uniform is their commander.

This seemed to be an undead army trying to get around to the flanks of the Lizardman Legion.

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