As the jungle trembled, a huge creature appeared in front of Lynch.

Looking at the giant Triceratops, the skinks paid homage to this outstanding work of the ancient saint Iqi in awe.

Before being transformed by the ancient saint, this ancient creature was already huge enough.

Now, they even have the spark of wisdom.

Lin Qi watched as the Triceratops violently pushed away the creatures in its way, forcefully pushing a turbid waterway through the herd.

With the terrifying sound of chewing, the omnivorous beast finished enjoying the sacrifice.

The light green Triceratops did not leave, looking at the cold-blooded species with its giant old eyes.

Behind Lin Qi, the chatter of Stenke sounded. They firmly believed that the Triceratops, which did not leave with other animals, was a powerful warrior sent by the ancient saint Iqi.

Lynch only hoped that they could appease the monster and prevent it from devouring the ten shivering spinybacks.

After a brief rest, the team began marching again.

The dwarves were full of energy, and if Lynch didn't interrupt them, the two butchers seemed to be able to talk to Louis for three days and three nights.

But Louis was not in good condition. Looking at the pale and weak face of the human, Lynch could only call the skink again for diagnosis.

In the sweltering rainforest, his wounds showed signs of infection.

Louis is only human.

Lynch began to take over the command of the team forcefully. He did not want a soldier to die for a funny reason.

Surprisingly, it's easy.

Just like when Slann was deep in thought, the intelligent Skinks took it upon themselves to manage the city. Lynch, who possessed the holy artifact, could easily convince the Skinks after showing initiative.

And Nakai doesn't care about these trivial matters, it just wants to tear apart all enemies.

Lynch demanded that the skinks prepare three meals on time and not try to feed Louis any more worms.

The frail human was transferred onto the broad back of the Triceratops, the two dwarves grumbling as they clutched the crude stretcher the Skinks had prepared for the wounded.

Lynch hoped that the skink collectors who were familiar with various plants would find suitable herbs, but when Lynch found that all the herbs were withering and oozing pus, he understood.

The haunting demon of Nurgle exerts a shadowy influence!

Having dedicated his body and soul to the evil god, he completely forgot that these were his compatriots.

Lynch pressed the scepter close to Louis, only for more ichor to flow out of the wound.

It was another white moon night, and Lin Qi ordered his team to find a high ground to station.

When the bonfire raised by the skinks was gradually stained with blood, Lynch was completely angered by the stubbornness coming from the dark.

At this moment, several crows sounded in the dark jungle.

A blind and scarred old man in black robe appeared in the darkness.

Lynch growled at the old man, just like Nakai who was suddenly inspired to be wild.

Koteg's scepter grew hotter, and Lynch was more than happy to smother this suspected enemy threat.

The two warriors walked towards the darkness under the confused gazes of others, and the old voice hurriedly explained.

Amazingly, he knows the ancient language of the lizard people.

"Oh! Mighty Guardian! I suppose there is no conflict between us. In fact, I am a prophet."

Lynch activated Kotago's scepter and let Kotago's light illuminate the old man's body, but he did not appear abnormal.

Even more decisive than Lynch was Nakai, who directly swung a stone hammer at the old man.

The figure of the prophet disappeared like a bubble, but in the darkness to Lynch's left, the figure of the prophet reappeared again.

The difference is that he has a book wrapped in gauze in his hand.

The old man spoke hastily in a seductive tone:

"Please let me finish! Followers of the Old Ones! Lustria is crying, and I bring the guidance of the Old Ones!"

"You are insulting the ancient saint!" He was greeted by Lynch's roar, and the scepter fell on him in the blink of an eye.

The air-like blow made Lynch realize that this was another phantom.

Nakai seemed to be convinced. Although it showed a fierce look, it just growled at the new prophet who appeared on the thick branch:

"Time is running out, it's your life!"

Lynch looked at the prophet with dangerous eyes. He suspected that all the weird things along the way were caused by this old man who was pretending to be a ghost!

The prophet calmed his breathing nervously and solemnly declared:

"To show my sincerity, I am happy to tell you that the Prince of the Blood God is hunting! That new beast is preparing to use legendary warriors like you to build a skull throne!"

"Then let it come! Before that, you will be my sacrifice to Huang Qi!" Lin Qi exhaled a disdainful breath and approached the tree where the old man was.

"I think I can use new information to get my life back from the "predator", the respected champion warrior, the chosen one of the ancient saint Ashoranka." The prophet retreated uneasily and almost fell from the branch. Come down.

"Your companions can still be saved, and you can find a turning point if you move forward.

I know, of course I know! It's the Plague Lord's new favorite who has set his sights on him. That miserable demon was once just like you, but the terrible baptism distorted his once noble soul! "

The old man observed Lynch carefully, but there was only undisguised hatred in the lizard man's eyes.

"You are a pawn of the Great Deceiver!"

Lynch roared angrily, and Kotago's scepter lit up a dazzling arc of light, directly cutting the tree trunk.

This is a believer of Tzeentch, no doubt, otherwise why would he know such dangerous knowledge?

Even the best lunar diviners will be disrupted by the Chaos Moon, let alone a human being.

The old man hurriedly hugged the book in his arms and fell into the swamp in embarrassment.

"No! I'm just a pathetic victim! Respectable guardian, I want to cut off the demon's influence on the mortal realm more than you do!"

The old man rolled and crawled away from Lynch in the swamp. It seemed that his deceitful methods could not be used often.

The crow's call resounded through the rain forest with great penetrating force. Facing Lin Qi who was approaching step by step, the old man warned loudly:

"The enemy has arrived! It is the terrible demon that destroyed the City of Echoes eight thousand years ago! And you are still fighting against endless dead people.

Listen to the jungle breathing! Demons are wreaking havoc in the rainforest! "

A white crow flew over, and the old man's figure disappeared.

Lin Qi silently looked at the traces left by the old man when he crawled. Behind him, the skinks began to discuss noisily. War orders had indeed been issued not long ago.

How sincere, indeed like a guide who advises regardless of danger, but it is more likely that this is just to destroy the conspiracy of another Tzeentch demon.

Such are the followers of the evil god, who fight among themselves to please the Lord of Change who controls the chessboard.

Lynch turned around and walked to the blood-red flames, asking the skinks to prepare a sacrifice for Sotek.

This caused great confusion among the Skink Lizards, because there was currently no blood food for the Snake God to enjoy, and Lynch had not given any hunting orders.

Many Stinks began to look at Lewis, who was weak in breath, making the two dwarves extremely wary.

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