The blood-red fire grew stronger and swallowed up all the torches.

Sparks splashed down among the corpses, entangled with each other in mid-air like a fight, and were eventually lost in the dust.

Lin Qi was on guard solemnly, but the abnormality had not disappeared.

The skulls hanging from the nooses used to decorate the dome have turned yellow-green.

Lynch thought that there was a necromancer exerting influence in the dark. The bright and clear light of Kotago bloomed, and the yellow and green on the skull gradually faded, but there was still a trace left.

The thread of yellow and green exploded into an illusory fog, and the fog shrouded a vibrant world.

Rotten trees can be vaguely seen, fluffy flies flying among the vines, and various insects running under the pus-oozing fungi.

A chubby Nurgling with rotten flesh and short limbs poked its head out.

It blocked everything, and a ridiculous and terrifying smile hung on the face that was fat and full of bacteria.

The Nurgling shook its head, and its two curved horns swayed playfully.

Immediately afterwards, it was slowly dragged away from the small area reflected by the fog by some kind of force.

Koteg's radiance compresses the mist, which may be an unstable passage leading to the Demon Realm of Chaos.

A swollen figure emerged in the fog that was about to dissipate, and the fanatical and numb shouts vaguely echoed in the hall:

"Seven levels of decay! Seven levels of blessing! All things are corrupted! All living beings are immortal!"

The three strangers fell into a deathly silence at the same time.

The fog that wanted to appear in reality through death was cleared by Kotago's light, but the three visitors from other places remained silent.

The lingering sound of obsession and despair has not dissipated for a long time. It is in Chinese, and the regional characteristics of the north can be clearly heard.

Louis' slight cough made Lynch become serious. Lynch put the Kotago scepter on the human's forehead, and the blazing warmth spread throughout Louis' body.

The high temperature killed the germs in Louis' body, but it also made Louis' whole body burn red, and the smell of meat even wafted from the wound.

Lynch used the same method to eliminate possible diseases for Grimm.

By the time Lynch walked downstairs, many skinks in self-isolation had appeared.

The soldiers were clearly scattered, and the terrible plague had arrived!

Lynch spent half the night making sure every creature was no longer contagious, and the soldiers left this ominous place overnight.

The flames ignited in the fortress were the Skink's last stand against the plague.

But when Lynch saw the blood floating in the flames, his uneasy premonition was amplified to the extreme.

After the soldiers left, the flames gathered into a huge eyeball, looking in the direction Lynch left.

Lynch trudged through the swamp, while dwarves and humans occupied Romon's back.

The two dwarves have been conducting conspiracies with humans that are unknown to Lynch.

Although Louis seemed to have fallen asleep, he was just shaking his head under the inertia of Romon's actions.

Tonight is a white moon, and the bright moonlight shines on the rain forest.

When the bright moon was about to recede, the traces of the undead in the swamp completely disappeared.

Lynch once thought he was going in the wrong direction, but the Rangers' slow and steady pace negated this possibility.

The roots of new plants are scattered throughout the clear water, and skeletons pierced by roots can be vaguely seen.

It seems that the power of death here has faded, and there are even herds of thornback beasts playing and hunting in the swamp.

The jungle is still dangerous, but it's something the lizardmen can get used to.

Facing the vibrant rainforest, Stink can play his role better.

Various amphibians are scattered throughout the swamp. The skink protected by Iqi, the "Lord of Cold-blooded Beasts", identified that these creatures had all migrated within the past week.

The brave Skink led his companions to approach the herd, and used a large group of fish with sharp teeth to feed a small group of Spinybacks, temporarily taming them.

Lynch looked at the ten spinybacks following the team. They didn't look big, but that was compared to a tyrannosaurus or a cave-dwelling dragon.

Among this group of spinyback beasts, the one at the head was bigger than a van.

They have thick limbs and backs covered with spikes.

These spikes are not decorations. Through powerful muscle spasms, the spineback beast can shoot out the spurs.

The Spinyback supplements the strength of the nomadic herd very well, and also keeps the idle skinks busy.

The Skinks need to train them to ensure that the beasts don't unleash their feral energy indiscriminately.

The water level in the swamp is getting shallower and shallower, and from time to time you can see some abandoned temples.

There is a drum made of bronze in the ruins, which is the instrument used by the lizard people when they sacrificed to the ancient saint Iqi.

Apart from these deformed drums, there is nothing else of value in the temple, which has been abandoned.

The Skink Hunter who had been exploring in front of the team had not returned for a long time. When Lynch was alert and ready to lead Thoros to speed up, a subtle sound of breaking through the air came from the front.

Lin Qi patted Luo Meng, and the sea lizard rolled up Lin Qi and charged quickly.

The two dwarves and Louis, who suddenly woke up, had to hold on to Romon's huge dorsal fin to stabilize themselves.

Several marauder longships appeared in Lynch's sight. They had run aground, and a group of Norscans were trapped in the ships.

The Skink Hunters are engaged in a back-and-forth battle with the Marauders, who are less familiar with crossbows.

Although the Skink's blow darts were accurate, the dragon ship's tilting hull deflected the poisonous needles from the marauders.

Reckless pirates cannot attack the skinks that roam the swamps.

The arrival of Lynch and others ended the battle completely. The pirate leader was opened by Lynch with his scepter, and his brains splashed in the swamp water.

The dwarves didn't even have time to take out their battle axes. The group of humans had already screamed and fled in all directions, and were knocked down one by one by the skink's blow darts.

It seems that they are not pure Norscans. The real northern barbarians are extremely wild.

The prisoners of war were gathered together, and by the time the main force arrived, the Skinks had simply packed up a nearby Ichi temple.

A bronze drum engraved with complex symbols was enshrined on the altar, and the Skink leader struck the forgotten drum reverently.

The distant sound spread throughout the rain forest, and the beings who served as sacrifices gradually recovered from the paralysis toxin, but they still had no power to move.

The sound of the drum seemed to have invisible magic power, and many animals gathered to begin the bloody and sacred ritual under the desperate gaze of the sacrifice.

The sacrificers are located in an area that will not interfere with the feeding of the beasts, and the skinks sing praises to the ancient saint Ichi.

The dwarves watched with interest, while Louis closed his eyes and prayed, just like Romon who turned his head and refused to take a closer look.

A huge ancient salamander slowly crawled from the end of Lynch's sight, but this was just the beginning.

The water surface rippled, as if some huge creature was approaching.

Lynch looked at the falling trees in the distance, which seemed to be an existence that would not go around.

But a giant tree tens of meters tall still managed to intercept it.

The bulldozer-like monster gradually approached, and the water waves pushed away by brute force rippled all the way to Lin Qi.

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