In front of Lin Qi, among the rotting corpses, eight humans were lying in random directions.

Their slightly curled blades indicated that this was a brutal battle.

Among them, the old warrior who was in better condition turned to face the northeast with all his strength. He murmured an unknown language that seemed to be a person's name, and his cloudy eyes gradually lost their luster.

At this point, only the young man who was suppressing the vampire lord was left.

When it was confirmed that the vampire was dead, Lynch looked at Grim beside him, and the dwarf walked to the young man's side with understanding.

After a brief conversation, Grim replied to Lynch in a loud voice from a not too far distance away.

The two homeless people talked about the unexpected human adventure team in a specious local accent.

A language that did not belong to this world appeared in the hall, and the young man looked at the two interlocutors with a slightly lonely look.

"The communication between us doesn't need to be so tortuous."

A slightly magnetic voice interrupted Lynch's inquiry. This was another visitor from another world.

Romon would have been happy to hear the news, but he was too big to stay outside the fortress.

The three outsiders who had integrated into the other world looked at each other, all kinds of emotions melting into silence.

Except for Lynch, it is now difficult for him to understand the sorrow of mortals.

The cold lizard man interrupted the pervasive melancholy atmosphere, and Lynch explored the young man's past.

"Tell me about your experience. You look like you are from the knightly kingdom of Bretonnia."

The cold-blooded person is doomed to have a weird tone. Even if he uses a familiar native dialect, it can still make people shiver all over.

The young knight leaned on the long sword inserted into the vampire's body and responded while lying half on the ground:

"Yeah, I spent another childhood there, and it wasn't pleasant."

The dwarf glanced at the knight in surprise. It seemed that this fellow countryman had more experience than the two present.

Lynch glanced at the oil lamps hanging on the stone pillars in the hall. The torches on both sides of the aisle seemed to be unnecessary, as they seemed a bit redundant.

The knight looked to the northeast, with either compassion or resentment in his eyes.

The torches in the hall seemed to become brighter, and the firelight lengthened the shadows of the three visitors from another world.

The knight said in a self-deprecating and funny tone:

"I am the eldest son of a noble baron! I have the noble bloodline of the Miner family.

How can those humble mud-legged men deserve to receive the same favor from a lady as me?

But how dare they not believe in the lady, but instead pray to the goddess of mercy for mercy? "

The dwarf snorted disdainfully. He saw that the knight was sarcastic, so he didn't shout violently.

Lynch is as cold and immobile as the ruthless Razkoto. Since becoming a lizard, his emotions have become less sensitive.

Lynch simply summoned the skinks and asked them to tend to Baron Minell's wounds.

Xiaominer continued to laugh in a suppressed voice as if venting his anger.

"Yes! They may even be heretics. How can the noble Louis de Miner make friends with serfs!"

"Then why does our noble eldest son of the Baron appear in this land where no male dog enters?

Don't you short-haired cowards like to live in crudely built castles? "Grim impatiently raised his voice, interrupting Louis's strange anger.

He had reason to look down on the strong fortresses that humans had built on the elven ruins, because in the old world, there was no building more magnificent than the cities that the Mountain Kingdom dedicated to its ancestors.

"When he appears here, he is just like you."

Lynch glanced sideways at Grimm. After being bombarded by Grimm's curse words in the previous battle, he found that his acceptance of civilization was lower.

If you tell other people that a dwarf is not even more polite than a cold-blooded lizard, he will definitely think that Lynch is making fun of him if he is not afraid of Lynch's gleaming claws.

The Skink's slightly rough treatment of the wound made Louis groan in inaudible pain, and he smiled in relief.

"Then give the damn title to my brother. I don't want to be a benevolent lord like my father."

The two rows of torches leading to the lord's throne in the hall became darker and darker, as rich as blood.

Lynch watched the flames warily, while Louis and Grim, who were not sensitive enough to evil, were still communicating with each other.

Grim also seemed to know the kingdom to the north of Haimen Pass, and his loud laughter attracted the attention of another dwarf butcher.

Seeing that nothing happened here, the dwarf butcher prepared to go downstairs to search for some supplies.

"I heard, TND! You knights who believe in the Lady of the Lake are extremely noble and are a role model for all knights!" the dwarf teased.

The dwarf who was looking up and laughing suddenly stopped and looked at the skull decoration on the dome in confusion.

Even though it was a truly dead person, its position seemed different from before. Was it not completely dead?

Lynch also noticed this, but he was more concerned about the restless blood and fire.

The smile on Louis' handsome face stopped, and his voice suddenly became extremely soft.

"Yes! Yes. I still remember Baron Miner's just verdict."

"Confronted by a thief, the Baron, after showing leniency, simply cut off ten of his fingers!"

In Lewis's sarcasm, Lynch pointed his scepter at the flames, and Cothago's creation was so hot that it looked angry.

"This doesn't sound fucked up. This kind of punishment can only be said to be a bit extreme." The dwarf chuckled, staring at the skeleton on the dome.

Lynch concentrated on observing the flames and ignored the dwarf's increasingly harsh words.

"But that was just an old man who didn't want to die in the winter on an empty stomach. He just hid a small bowl of coarse grains. Those low-quality grains would not even appear on the dinner plates of the nobles!"

Lewis finished speaking a long paragraph in a very fast tone, panting heavily.

There were only three fellow villagers left in the hall. After confirming that there was nothing worth collecting in the hall, the skinks also crawled down the stairs.


Looking at the bandaged wounds on his body, Lewis sighed sadly, as if he had lost all his strength, and slowly lay on the ground.

"After this, my father became famous for his kindness to the people."

Louis looked up at the dome of the hall with gloomy eyes. When he noticed the increasingly rich yellow-green color on the skull, his distracted attention focused again.

The blood and fire dancing on the torches became more and more weird. Lin Qi couldn't help but walk to a torch and look at the flames that seemed to have some kind of vitality.

In the flames, a scaly claw of the deformed creature flashed quickly, then melted into the smoke.

Lin Qi's eyes sharpened instantly, and he was aroused by this trick of pretending to be a ghost.

The dwarf butcher clenched his battle ax and looked around at the increasingly gloomy hall.

Louis stood up and half knelt with the long sword as support, looking down at the sword.

The oath he made when he voluntarily gave up his title and went to find the Holy Grail of the Goddess was recited in a low voice.

But this time he used the native language, and it was more solemn and pious than before in the palace, under the gaze of all the nobles.

"Give up my spear and spear, and take off my bag.

Don't be my dear, destroy my vulgar worries.

Abandoning all things, I seek what I want.

The future is very uncertain, no one can stop it.

No matter how hard it is, no one can take part.

The bright moon has no time to look back.

Wherever the goddess is, body and mind remain!”

After reading, Louis stood up tremblingly, straightened his chest, and approached Lynch and the dwarf with his sword.

The three strangers protected each other's backs, although Lynch didn't actually need it. His thick tail was not a decoration!

A chilling peek emerged from the two rows of torches, then disappeared.

Quoted from Seeking Oath

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