Lynch was filled with humiliated rage, holding the scepter of Kothago high, and charged towards the front of Khorne's army.

Whoever it was, Lynch was outraged by the forced performance.

It seemed that the stubborn resistance pushed away the gift of the demonic realm.

The surrounding scenes faded in and out as if the signal was poor. One second, Lynch was still in the center of the arena, and the next second he was back on the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, unparalleled terror came again, dragging Lynch back to the arena.

Lin Qi angrily withstood the heavy attack from Khorne's army, ignoring the hell blade that almost penetrated him.

Taking advantage of Khorne's vanguard's blade sinking into his own body, Lynch seized on its flaw, Koteg's scepter lit up with dazzling brilliance, and beheaded Khorne's vanguard directly under his admiring gaze.

A tsunami of cheers sounded in the spectator stands, although it was more like screams.

After crushing the dissipating demon's head, Lynch quickly called out the panel and selected "Til Death" when the evil power was about to be added to himself.

[Renovation successful]

[Current potential development degree: 45]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form, abundant physical strength, extraordinary agility, until death]

Lin Qi's messy mortal thoughts dispersed and he became more determined than ever before.

The terrifying and absurd demonic realm cannot shake him in the slightest, and his gradually weakening body cannot give him the slightest fear of death.

The fragile connection with the demonic realm was severed, and the secretly established passage was destroyed by powerful will.

The twisted scene shattered, and Lynch returned to the battlefield of Lustria.

The life lost in the body is gradually restored by the excellent self-healing power, and Lynch announces his return with the death of five vampires around him.

The evil moon's green light shone brightly, and the demons on the ground suddenly screamed and began to transform.

Only the bloodthirsty demon who was about to be torn apart by Nakai did not show any changes, but the anger in its wild beast eyes was gone, and was replaced by fear when the changes appeared.

In the end, the Bloodthirster was banished back to the Demon Realm, and all surviving Daemons of Khorne were twisted into huge Chaos Spawns, which began to attack ignorantly and without distinction between friend and foe.

These ignorant monsters were cleaned up after a hard battle, along with the last dozens of vampires.

After paying heavy casualties, the cold-blooded species won again.

There are already less than a hundred skink lizards, and only a few dozen fighting lizards are left, and only four giant lizards survive.

Three of the five dwarves were gone, and Grim was trembling as he lay on his dead compatriots.

This foreigner has already regretted his original ambition. The New World is not a soil filled with gold. It is full of death.

Luo Meng dragged his wounds so deep that his bones were visible, and he was tired and floating in the swamp stained red with blood.

Except for Lynch and Nakai, the creatures who know what pain is have begun to shrink back.

Further south is the Abosee River, and then the Cohuta River is crossed.

Then you can reach the heart of the Vampire Coast, New Baker Harbor on the banks of the Kuweizha River.

Even though the cold-blooded species had caused heavy losses to the vampire pirates, Luther Harken was still not completely dead.

As long as it exists, it can revive countless undead souls.

Lynch looked at the two dwarves, trying to persuade them to turn around and leave this battlefield that did not belong to them.

But Grim had already taken out the sharp dagger, took off his helmet, and cut off his hair bit by bit, leaving only a handful standing straight in the middle of his head.

There was a silent solemn look on the dwarf's face, and it seemed that he quite recognized his identity in this world.

Grim took off his armor and discarded most of his weapons, leaving only his sharp battle axe.

The dwarf's sonorous voice echoed in the post-war jungle.

"I'm a dwarf!

My honor is everything, without it I am nothing.

I will become a butcher, seeking my salvation under the watchful eyes of my ancestors.

I will become the personification of death in the mouths of my enemies, until one of them can take my life and my shame. "

This young dwarf blamed himself for the deaths of seven of his compatriots, and for this he made an irreversible oath in dwarven society.

He will exile himself, live in isolation, and become a butcher.

He will challenge powerful enemies everywhere until he dies in battle, using his death to wash away the shame he carries.

The other dwarf also silently removed his hair and dropped his armor.

If you want to become a slayer, the most traditional ritual requires a pilgrimage to the Temple of Grimnir in Karak Kaderim.

There, dwarves ritually shave their heads, dye their crowns bright orange, and carve their names on temple pillars.

But obviously, neither of the two dwarves had considered the idea of ​​going back and completing the ceremony to seek revenge.

If they are lucky enough to survive this battle, the two butchers who failed in their quest for death may go to the butcher's holy land to make up for their solemn and resolute pilgrimage.

Lin Qi watched this scene quietly without speaking again.

The remaining skinks were busy clearing the battlefield, rekindling bonfires and burning the remaining limbs.

Romon was surrounded by eight skink lizards, and the Skinks carefully treated the sea lizard's wounds.

After a brief rest, the soldiers marched again the next day.

The army became much quieter, and the skinks, no matter how active they were, were no longer interested in making noise.

Only whispered prayers to the ancient saint Razkoto appeared from time to time, praying for courage to this unfeeling one among the ancient saints.

The boring march continued until dusk fell, and another wide river appeared in front of the cold-blooded species.

Approaching the mouth of the Abosi River, Lynch looked at the fortress whose gate had been breached, feeling quite puzzled.

When they got closer to the fortress, a firm male voice that sounded young and yet still had its youthfulness faded came from the depths of the fortress.

"For the lady! I defend the sacred with my sharp sword!"

Lynch couldn't understand, but Grim muttered it in a low voice under his gaze, while curling his lips in disdain.

The giant lizard violently kicked open the heavy wooden door that was already half open. Skeletons were scattered on the ground, and traces of gunpowder could be seen everywhere.

Lying on the steps leading to the city wall was a human wearing chain mail. Only half of the sword in his hand was left, and there were several wounds caused by muskets on his body.

But the exaggerated smile on his face proved that he died of some vicious spell and was laughed to death.

Lynch took the lead towards the fortress. There were several war horses lying on the road leading to the inner city.

Horses didn't really work in the New World, so Lynch wasn't surprised to find them in the fort with only half their riders.

The undead in the fortress have also been eliminated. Some obviously liberated slaves, holding weapons in their hands, lay lifeless among the sleeping pirates and sailors.

Lynch followed the remains of the undead and the corpses of soldiers that appeared from time to time, all the way to the lobby on the second floor of the fortress.

Looking past the scattered remains on the ground, he reached the seat that symbolized power.

A young man whose chain armor was severely damaged and covered with wounds nailed the vampire lord to the ground with a long sword.

The Butcher's Oath is quoted from Gotrek's oath. This part of the battle is over, and the subsequent march will not be carried out as planned to neutralize the emotion of the battle.

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