The Blood Reaper holds the Hellblade that comes standard with the Vampire. This terrifying weapon can draw blood and screams.

As the demon grows, the demonic weapons become more evil.

At this stage of its life, the Hellblade in its hand can already devour the soul of its victim!

Every Daemon of Khorne fights in the name of the Blood God in the Chaos Realm. Since his birth, the Bloodletter has been engaged in endless battles.

And the Blood Reaper is the winner in countless battles!

Lynch glanced around while fighting off the incoming undead and demons.

He went too deep into the enemy's lines!

Facing the eager Blood Reaper, he has no backup, but will be restrained and interfered by other demons.

But that didn't deter Lynch.

Lustria is also a place of eternal war, and Lynch has been polished by battles since his birth.

In fact, Lynch is only afraid of the devil's weapons. His body is strong enough, but his soul is extremely fragile.

Both sides of the confrontation had concerns. Lynch could not adopt the strategy of exchanging injuries for lives, and the same was true for the Blood Reaper.

The magic weapon made by the ancient saint is not an ordinary thing. As long as Kotago's scepter hits the demon hard, the demon will be sent back to the Chaos Demon Realm wailing!

Lynch has a chance to gamble his life. He has found an entry called "Till Death Do Us Rest". This transformation can make his spirit strong and stable.

The devil will be banished to the soul furnace if he makes one mistake, so Lynch still feels he has the advantage.

The Blood Reaper made a false slash, trying to lure Lynch to attack, but Lynch made no response. He just slapped away the vampire attacking from the flank with his claw.

Lynch stared at the enemy intently, and when it attacked again, he ducked sideways to avoid the fierce and powerful slash, and swung the staff at an extraordinary speed.

When the scepter was about to hit it, the demon was alerted by the burning sensation of the approaching attack and narrowly escaped.

Lin Qi took advantage of the situation and rushed forward. He saw that the opponent's reaction was slightly inferior to his own, and he was ready to fight to the death.

A hidden weapon flew from behind and embedded directly into Lynch's neck, causing Lynch's offensive momentum to pause slightly, allowing the demon to dodge the blow.

The two vampires viciously took the opportunity to sneak attack, and the hell blade was pointed directly at Lynch's neck.

At the same time, a rat man wrapped in black cloth jumped out of the shadows. The newly forged dimensional stone blade in his hand glowed with a deep cold light, and he approached Lynch in the blink of an eye.

Lynch was angered by this insidious attack and was ready to make the comer pay the price regardless of the trauma.

He would rather be slashed by the Blood Reaper!

But after Lynch turned around, he saw the frightened rat man directly discarding his weapon, and the two trembling vampires started to deform while wailing.

The power of the Chaos Demon Realm, following the connection between the Horned Rat and the Rat Man, poured into the Rat Man's body crazily.

The hair on the Rat Man's body fell off, his body expanded and elongated, and his thin body became thicker and taller.

Ugly tumors replaced its eyeballs, and a hideous mouth split open from its chest and abdomen.

The two vampires swelled up quickly, their heads retracted into their bodies, a single eye sprouted from their chests, and two bloody mouths sprouted from their arms.

They encountered a certain master's "divine grace", or divine punishment!

Powerful chaotic power pours directly into their bodies. If they can survive it and maintain themselves after the transformation is completed, they can become the champion chosen by God.

If you can't hold on.

While wailing, the three sneak attackers turned into chaos eggs!

Maybe there was a dark power watching this place, but Lynch was too lazy to care about it and directly stimulated the melting cut to eliminate the three bad troublemakers.

Although they have more brute strength after turning into chaos eggs, they lack enough skills.

The cunning Black Thirteen had considered everything else except the terrifying existence in the mortal realm.

Its assassination failed, and the Horned Rat couldn't even reclaim its soul.

It was rare that the Blood Reapers did not take the opportunity to make a sneak attack. For the Khorne demon, there was no need to follow rules when killing the weak, and the person killed was obviously not a strong person.

This resulted in the demons making insidious sneak attacks regardless of whether the enemy was strong or weak.

A dead strong man is no longer a strong man!

If he survived, he would have a chance to have a head-on confrontation with the warriors of Khorne.

Khorne is happy to accept the blood most of the time. After all, the four gods of Chaos usually do not pay attention to the large number of daemons.

But the dark gods are unpredictable, and even the most favored servants will be suddenly abandoned one day.

Obviously, the current Blood God hopes to see a head-on fight between strong men.

Lin Qi tightened his grip on the scepter and approached the Blood Reaper fiercely step by step.

The sounds of conquest on the battlefield suddenly faded away, and amidst the harsh buzzing, Lin Qi's vision was stained with blood.

The sound of horns sounded in Lynch's ears one after another, and eight giant pillars made of piled bones appeared in the blood. The giant pillars surrounded a floating island, and on the island was a ruined arena.

But in the blink of an eye, this hallucinatory scene dissipated, replaced by the Hell Blade getting closer and closer to Lynch.

Lynch dodged the Blood Reaper's changing slashes and used his staff to block its stabbing attack from an impossible angle. During the stalemate, he made a sudden thrust and knocked it away.

The vampire was smashed down among the corpses, making a dull crashing sound.

The war drums resounding in the sky exploded in Lin Qi's mind, and blood once again occupied Lin Qi's everything.

Lin Qi saw the clouds and mist ignited by the flames above the floating island, but through the clouds and mist, Lynch instead saw a scene similar to that on the ground.

On the ruddy wasteland, countless Chaos warriors wearing armor are fighting, and powerful bloodletters can be found everywhere!

The blazing clouds and mist separated the two realms like a mirror, and Lin Qi couldn't tell whether he was in the sky or underground.

But in an instant, this scene was broken by another fierce attack from the Blood Reaper.

Lynch used his staff to receive the vampire's attack, and in the struggle the lizard man's devastating power exploded!

Lynch directly pressed the Hell Blade, knocked away several undead sailors against the Blood Reaper, and finally pushed it in front of a Soul Grinder.

The wild brute force interrupted the Blood Reaper's Hell Blade, which may also be the effect of the ancient holy artifact.

The blood reapers who lost their weapons were reduced to ashes in mourning.

Lynch activated Melting Cut and directly divided the Soul Grinder in the way into three parts.

The fanatical battle made the warriors present even more crazy. Nakai and the bloodthirsty demons had destroyed the entire undead army, but there were still a large number of undead coming from a distance.

Just when Lynch wanted to help Nakai and deal with the bloodthirsty man whose wings had been torn off, the oppressive and harsh buzzing sounded again.

The world seemed to be quiet for a moment. In the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​blood, the Khorne army leader who dismembered a Death Screaming Horror met Lynch's gaze.

There was a hunger for killing in his violent eyes, and Lynch responded with a fierce glare.

The ground suddenly disappeared, and both Lynch and Khorne's front fell into the abyss.

Blood appeared in the darkness, and the wails of millions of people echoed endlessly.

When the blood faded, Lynch found himself in a dilapidated arena, opposite the front of the Khorne army.

"Skull Sacrifice Seat!"

There were noisy screams from the spectator seats around the venue, and countless translucent twisted souls looked at Lynch painfully and viciously.

Among them, the three newly seated souls are the unlucky ones who attacked Lin Qi before!

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