Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 20 Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God

The great demons of the four gods of Chaos each have their own characteristics. The great demons under the blood god Khorne, the bloodthirsty ones are undoubtedly the killing monsters in mortal nightmares!

What appeared in Lynch's sight was a bloodthirsty maniac covered in scars.

On its head was a fang-shaped mark of Khorne raised by four horns. The demon's boiling anger seemed to have turned into substance. Lynch could feel the volcanic restlessness from a long distance away.

The bloodthirsty god held a double-edged ax high in his right hand, and the chain hammer in his left hand violently tore apart the trees in front of him. His loud roar made the entire swamp smell the smell of blood.

"I am the Wrath of Khorne! A symbol of destruction! Your nightmare! Spanakkar!"

This is a high-level demon that can leave a strong mark on mortal history, but it appears on an insignificant battlefield in the Lustria jungle.

The suffocating demon soon met his match!

The legendary warrior of the Lizardfolk led his gigantic brethren, tearing apart all the demons in his way and crashing directly into the massive Bloodthirster.

The battle has just begun and has become intense. Nakai's screams are mixed with the roars of the bloodthirsty demons. The two demigod-like existences seem to be crushing the entire jungle!

Lynch stayed by the Saurus people's side, leading Thoros to resist the Bloodcrusher's charge with primal fury.

However, the number of lizards was too small, and there were still many vampires and blood grinders rushing into the skinks to kill.

The Chaos Warmastiff, whose body was twisted by the power of Chaos, chased the Skink Hunter through the jungle.

Flesh hounds wearing brass collars hunt for the scent of magic and hunt vampire spellcasters lurking in the shadows.

The brilliance of Kotago's scepter caused the demons to be burned until they emitted smoke. Amid the demons' cries of pain, Lynch once again became the focus of hatred.

The dense sound of musketry on the south side was drowned in the wild roar, and the backward black powder did not have the ability to interrupt the soldiers' desire for blood.

The body looks like a blood-stained vampire with bull-like horns on top, and the long and ferocious protruding crown on the back of the head is a deformed headdress given by Khorne.

Every time a Skink is killed with the Hell Blade, the Vampire will scream "Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God"!

Terrifying war cries echoed across the killing field, and the skinks on the edge of the battlefield couldn't help but want to flee.

Lynch chanted the holy name of the ancient Saint Kothago, letting his roar echo in the ears of each skink, driving the timid skinks into a state of fanatical recklessness.

The Skinks bravely fought against the Vampires. Although each Vampire could kill the overestimating Skinks in a single encounter, Skink, inspired by the ferocious performance of the Saurus Man and the Monitor, bravely risked his life. Against the enemy.

Romon was about to escape when he saw the skink that had been taking care of him for a long time being chopped into two pieces by a vampire.

The sea lizard's eyelids trembled violently, its savage ferocity overriding its reason, and it crashed directly into the demon, wreaking havoc among the demon with its claws.

The rampaging giant beasts made the vampires eager to capture their heads, and also stabilized the Skinks' battle line.

"Khazukan Khazakit Ha!"

The loud war cry was like muffled thunder, and the five dwarves relied on their strong armor to engage in a powerful fight with the demon of Khorne.

The clash of hammers and hell blades was like the crisp sound of dwarves digging for minerals in the mountains.

What was louder than the military confrontation was Grim's insults against the demons. Grim's deafening curses with rich vocabulary roared through the jungle, almost making Lynch uncomfortable and yelling at him to shut up.

The huge demon legion finally penetrated the lizardman's position. When the vampire pirates' artillery fire fell on the warriors, these demons were instantly enraged.

Lynch found himself feeling a little lighter, and then noticed more and more demons rushing toward the undead pirates, who were firing on all cylinders.

The terrifying zombie with a slender body crawled toward the fighting demons and lizardmen, but was directly beheaded by the diverted divine vampire.

These ferocious demons, larger than ordinary vampires, unscrupulously broke through the blockade of undead sailors with halberds and beheaded among the undead musketeers.

The furious Khorne demon endured the explosion and shooting of gunpowder, and forcibly created a bloody path among the undead! The vampires among them were killed and terrified.

Lynch led the lizardmen to repel the incoming demons again and again in bitter battles, and slowly moved to new battlefields.

Before Lynch could reach the giant lizards, the Soul Grinder of Khorne, whose body was half-connected to the dimensional metal shell, stopped fighting with the giant lizards under the stimulation of killing, and turned around to pounce on the tireless army of the dead.

The four piston-driven mechanical legs sank deeply into the mud. They wielded their blades and directly chopped up the bloated zombies blocking the road.

"Skull Sacrifice Seat!"

An unusually strong vampire split open the charging Corrupted Leviathan Crab with one strike, and nimbly avoided the attack of a super-giant bat as big as a dragon.

The terrifying roar of the Death Screaming Horror failed to frighten the demons. Khorne's army took advantage of its landing and directly cut off its bat wings!

The powerful Khorne Army Demon is an unparalleled existence among vampires. It has experienced brutal battles and advanced from a low-level demon to the leader of the demon army.

Khorne's bloody gift makes him unstoppable among pirates. From time to time, vampires try to stop the furious champion demon, but are directly cut into pieces by this outstanding warrior.

The sound of magic spells echoed, which made the demons who hated magic even more furious.

The demons who were supposed to slay the skinks flocked to the army of undead sailors mixed with sirens and banshees.

Lynch relaxed a little. If he had to face the bombardment of spells when facing the demon, then I am afraid that only Lynch and the lizard could survive.

The shadows in the sky passed over Lynch, and a group of angry demons with bat wings circled behind the pirate army. After biting into pieces the dead musketeers hanging by the big bats, they screamed hysterically and rushed towards the artillery position.

Whether intentionally or not, the fierce battle between Nakai and the bloodthirsty demon gradually approached the army of the dead.

A battle that only appeared in mortal epics broke out among the undead army. The two most outstanding warriors directly smashed all the demons or undead who dared to approach them.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the fleshy foam shattered by the two powerful beings splashed in all directions like a hurricane!

Lynch killed the last Bloodcrusher who dared to charge him, and the blazing white light from the tip of the scepter sliced ​​open the Vampire and its demonic steel bull mount.

The lizard warriors spread out, but kept within a supportive distance of each other.

The vampires wreaking havoc among the Skinks were eliminated one by one, and Lynch took the lead in rushing towards the undead and demons in the fierce battle.

Like a tiger pounced on a pack of gnawing wolves, whether they were zombie sailors or divine demons, they were all thrown away by Lynch with his scepter in one encounter.

Kotago's radiance shone on the unclean existence, just like poking a hornet's nest. The demons who had not yet locked in on the next target all rushed towards Lynch regardless of the distance.

Lynch split open the deformed body of a flesh hound, and at the same time knocked away an intruding vampire with his crown.

The powerful tail knocked away the vampire who was trying to make a sneak attack, and the sharp teeth bit hard on the neck of the attacking monster.

The unstoppable Lynch is like a killing machine!

No, the lizard men are killing weapons made by the ancient saints.

Lynch, who was not afraid of pain and death, drove forward like a chariot until a blood reaper came all the way from the other side of the battlefield to Lynch.

The daemon soon to be promoted to the vanguard of Khorne's army has found a powerful enemy to please Khorne!

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