The devil's whispers echoed in Lynch's ears, but Lynch showed no reaction to them.

As long as you respond, whether it is questioning or agreeing, you will fall into the trap of thinking.

Although Lynch likes challenges, that doesn't mean he is happy to be the Blood God's hound.

That's just the powerful dog of darkness!

Involuntarily, driven by various factors, he amused the four dark masters like a clown on the stage.

In fact, sentient beings in the mortal realm are no longer able to control themselves.

Whether it is intentional or not, whether it is for honor or simply a love of killing, all battles are nourishment dedicated to the Blood God.

Do you think you are sacrificing Kane, the bloody-handed god? Or the white wolf god Ulric? Or Sotek, the snake god?

Do you think you are guarding the border under the orders of the Dragon Emperor and dedicating your life to the Dragon God?

Are you purifying heretics under Sigmar's guidance?

Are you worshiping the ancestor Grimnir? Praising Mermitia, the goddess of war?

No! The ultimate target of all killings is the Blood God!

He is a collection of wars. Whether it is a positive or negative battle, the gods you serve will benefit, but the one who will benefit more is the blood god Khorne!

This is a desperate fact, but Lynch doesn't care. If he seriously digs into the corner, he will get closer to the darkness step by step.

Just be yourself and let the Blood God rage on the brass throne.

The Old Ones deprived the lizardmen of their right to free thought in order to resist this deep despair.

Lin Qi didn't care, the most he could do was die. If he succumbed to the power of darkness, death would become a luxury.

In other words, when the power of darkness casts its sights on you, death will be far away from you!

You will be tested, you will be shaken, and you will eventually fall into darkness.

Lynch doesn't want to know the future, he just needs to do everything he needs to do now.

The past cannot be changed, and the future is as changeable as the master of change, so why bother yourself?

You can let the devil set a shady trap. No matter how dirty it is, Lynch will not regret it or waver.

Being able to live another life is already a great reward, and Lynch doesn't want to worry about how bad this life will be.

The sound of conquest in his ears finally disappeared, and Lynch watched in silence as the skinks lit the bonfire.

Beside the campfire, the dwarves were hammering the armor ripped off the undead bodies and performing simple forgings.

Lynch didn't pray to any god, begging them to take him away from the blood god's attention.

This kind of prayer is a sign of weakness.

All Lynch had to do was wait for the storm to come, then move through it and break it up.

What doesn't kill him only makes him stronger.

The hunting skinks brought a dozen huge pliosaurs, and the huge bite marks on the pliosaurs proved that Romon had contributed a lot to this.

After cleaning, cut the pliosaur into small pieces with a stone dagger.

Stink surrounded the huge bonfire, and only the small area occupied by the dwarves was not covered with strips of meat pierced by wooden sticks.

Lynch looked at this scene with some anticipation. He hadn't eaten normal food for a long time, although in the eyes of lizard people, insects were normal food.

Next to the crackling flames, the rich aroma of meat overflowed, causing the dwarves who were forging iron to slow down their movements.

The dwarves were banging on the iron pieces while singing loud songs in praise of their ancestor Granny.

This god is the dwarven god of mining and forging.

From time to time, the skinks would take out the roasted meat, sprinkle it with spices that other skinks had found in the jungle, and then move closer to the fire.

Skinks have a clear division of labor, and their professions are determined at birth.

In the clear swamps surrounding the temple city, different types of skink are hatched.

They have relevant professional knowledge inscribed by the ancient saints in their minds, and their body structure is more suitable for work in this field.

For example, for fishermen, skinks that specialize in fishing will have more prominent aquatic characteristics, making them more suitable for water activities.

Scribes recorded various events of the day on copper tablets, although most of these records were lost in the wild away from the cities.

Unless a nomadic herd passes through a city, these skinks have the opportunity to pass on the records to their compatriots in the city's archives.

Lynch led the lizard men around the camp with nothing to do. Farther away, there were skink hunters exploring the swamp while hunting.

The hunting skinks have returned again, bringing with them large numbers of freshwater fish.

Some non-toxic mushrooms were also given to Stink, who was in charge of cooking. The rich aroma made Romon restless.

With Grim's kind help, Romon's obvious desire was conveyed to the Skinks.

He needs to eat cooked food!

There were few large-scale dinners along the way. Most of the skinks hurriedly stuffed their bellies with wild fruits and mosquitoes. Romon could only bite raw meat as usual.

But tonight was different, the skinks were heartened by the rare peace, and today was the day when the ancient saint Ashoto cast his gaze.

Although the Old One has left, the Skinks still believe.

It was the ancient saint Ashoto who chose those destined for greatness among the embryos about to hatch, and this is still the case today.

To celebrate the birth of a hero, skinks organize private ceremonies on this day.

The Slann no longer bothered to scold the Skinks for their superstitious behavior, and the custom quickly spread to all levels of Lizardfolk society.

When Lynch estimated that the food was almost ready, he terminated the patrol order and took the lead to rush to the bonfire.

As the skink took out the roasted meat for the last time and sprinkled the freshly stirred sauce on it, the fragrant pliosaur meat was delivered to each warrior.

Contrary to the burly bodies of the warriors, the food requirements of the monitor lizards or lizards are not that substantial.

Lizardmen can even stay in one place for centuries, and the temple guards in the pyramid's stargazing chamber are elite Lizardmen warriors who never sleep.

They stood like statues, even covered with thick dust.

When the enemy passes by these "statues", they will immediately receive a devastating blow!

Of course, that doesn't include Lynch, who feels like he could eat it all.

Unsurprisingly, this is an illusion.

Monitor lizards have larger appetites than lizards. They are not picky about food and have long been fed raw meat.

Skink has a normal routine and rests like a mortal, and they only need to eat the amount of an ordinary human meal.

Since they are cold-blooded, a full stomach can keep them from eating again for several days unless they continue to engage in high-intensity activities.

The ones who ate the most were the five dwarves. Together they ate a little more than Romon. Their good appetite made Lynch extremely envious.

After the meal, the dwarves completed the forging. After completing the subsequent processes, they put on the brand new armor and picked up the newly forged war hammer.

The Skink began to perform prayers to the ancient saint Ashoto.

Lin Qi watched quietly as Stubborn wasted food, threw wild fruits and live fish into the fire, and praised the ancient saint Asjoto.

After the things that symbolize the fishing and hunting fields, there are the representatives that symbolize other fields.

Perhaps the dark gods were dissatisfied with the skinks' respect for the ancient saints. The skinks patrolling the jungle discovered a demon legion in the west of the camp.

The emissaries of Khorne brandished the Hellblade, and the Bloodcrushers riding iron bulls roared towards them.

The bloodthirsty demon's fury rippled on the water, and the Chaos Warmastiff roared and leaped across the swamp.

At this moment, a group of vampire pirates riding giant crabs, leading a huge undead army, used muskets and artillery to level the mangroves south of the lizardman camp.

Recommend books, games and otherworld types, easy to read.

"I'm really not the villain BOSS of the game!" 》


In the Weird Nightmare game, there is an NPC who is delicate and frail. He sits in a wheelchair all day long and is easy to bully.

Until the player sees this NPC stepping on numerous bones, crushing the god of nightmares with one palm, and sitting on the throne belonging to the villain BOSS.

[Final mission: Defeat the God-killer Anros!]


Anros looked down at the bewildered faces of the players sitting down and smiled softly: "Thank you for helping me clear the monsters."

[Although I lied, killed gods, and smashed a wizard's tower, I know I'm a good boy. ]

A new evil god said so.

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