Lynch hid under a broad tree trunk, and the vampire pirates' indiscriminate cannon fire turned the entire swamp over.

Among the dwarves, a priest apprentice kept praying to Gazul, the protector of the dead dwarves.

He hoped that the dwarves who died in the battle could successfully reach the palace of their ancestors.

Lizardmen are much colder. For them, death is their destination and honor.

The Great Plan of the Old Ones has determined all this, and the tablets record all of the past and future, including the deaths of the lizardfolk warriors.

This was what was meant to be, there was no need to grieve, the dead warrior had contributed to the greater plan.

They should continue to realize the plans of the Old Ones, rather than waste time staying where they are.

Lynch looked at the fleet on the river in the distance. He regretted that there were no war beasts in Nakai's nomadic herd.

Nakai has gathered some lizardmen who are familiar with water and are preparing to go around the river and launch an assault from the water.

Half of the two thousand Skinks that survived after several battles joined in.

Twenty of the more than fifty monitor lizards were left by Nakai to prevent vampires from attacking the remaining legions.

All the hundreds of Thoros remained in place, and the lizard men's underwater fighting was quite restricted, unless they were Thoros hatched with Zongqi's blessing.

The casualties were tragic enough. If there were no lizard men to supplement them, these warriors must protect themselves as much as possible to cope with the subsequent battles.

The grieving dwarves also wanted to follow the soldiers and fight to the death, but Lynch declined their request on the grounds that they were not good at deep diving.

After hesitating again and again, Luo Meng took the initiative to follow the raiders.

Lynch followed Nakai around from one side into the deeper water, and the cold-blooded species swam underwater like a fish along the tributaries into the wide Tito River.

The vampire pirate fleet stayed in the offshore section of the river and fired cannonballs into the swamp.

There are some ghosts underwater, and before the ghosts come screaming at them, Lynch uses the light of Kotago to purify them.

Amphibians transformed into undead are also dissipated in the irradiation.

The fleet started to commotion in panic, and the ship tilted slightly and tried to turn around and leave.

Nakai led the giant lizard directly into the ship, while the skink used stone hammers and nails to carve out the bottom of the ship.

Lomon violently overturned a gunboat and dived deep into the river before the undead noticed him.

Lynch held the scepter and performed the melting and cutting work underwater. It didn't take long for there to be no more pirate ships on the river.

The undead underwater were easily killed by the cold-blooded species, and victory was so easy.

The bright fire exploded in the water, and the cannons sounded on the sea, causing heavy losses to the cold-blooded species.

Except for Romon who was hiding among the water plants at the bottom of the river, and the three Skink Lizards he pinned down below.

All the lizardmen were in the waters boiled by artillery fire, and suffered a round of shelling.

The giant lizards were all torn apart by the blast, but Nakai, who had the scales reinforced by the mark of the ancient saint, seemed to be unscathed.

The scales on Lin Qi's body were damaged in large areas, and new scales quickly grew out, squeezing out the old ones.

He just lost a layer of skin and was not even judged to be seriously injured.

The skinks were not so lucky, and their emaciated bodies floated to the surface, mixed with the debris of the damaged ship.

Almost all the Stencks who bravely participated in the raid would have died, if not for Romon's quick reaction to protect the three lucky Skinks.

It can basically be announced that the underwater battle group composed of nearly a thousand Skinks has perished, and was completely broken up by the brutal ambush set by the vampires.

Apparently the fleet on the river was a decoy, with no more than ten hapless vampires among them sent to die.

The vampire pirates have long been ambushing the seaside, waiting for the lizardmen to attack the fleet in the river.

Of course, it would be even better if the fleet acting as a decoy could defeat the lizardmen.

The surviving warriors swam to the sea, they were still capable of fighting.

Romon grabbed the skink and hid under the water. The battle had become too intense for him to participate.

Intense artillery fire fell again. Fortunately, the cold-blooded species was already prepared and stayed close to the bottom of the river to avoid making the same mistake again.

Another round of scattering, but mixed with some different shells.

Light green poisonous mist spread over the water, and the wounds of some monitor lizards quickly oozed pus, and some monitor lizards began to die as soon as they swam into the sea.

Lynch sensed the smell of the plague, and clearly there was a shadow of the Skaven behind it...unless the vampire succumbed to the demon of Nurgle.

Poison bombs exploded in the sea one after another. Before they could get close to the vampire's sea fleet, only Lynch and Nakai were left.

Both warriors had no fear, and no matter who they were, they were determined to fight to the death.

Just as the admirals of the vampire fleet laughed and prepared to declare victory, beneath hundreds of ships, a shadow as huge as an island gradually approached the sea.

Except for Nakai and Lynch underwater, as well as Romon and the three skinks hiding in the river mouth, no other existence noticed the terrifying shadow in the deep sea.

The two warriors stopped charging and looked at the slowly rising behemoth from a distance.

It has a lizard-like head and a crocodile-like mouth.

Just a slight flick of its slender, flat tail would cause a big wave to rise on the sea surface.

The fish's wide, long fins resemble bat wings and are connected to webbed claws.

Its mountainous body is like a black fish without fins, and its yellow eyes are filled with cruel rationality.

The sun was still shining brightly, but suddenly there was a storm on the sea.

The turbulent waves several meters high directly smashed the fragile hull.

The vampires recited incantations to allow the ships to be protected by spells, but this would only delay their ability to face the judgment of Mor, the god of death.

The giant beast under the water opened its mouth, and its ferocious fangs were all bigger than the giant.

It wasn't until this behemoth rushed out of the water and swallowed up a dozen remaining ships that the undead noticed this unparalleled monster.

But it's too late, so what if I knew it earlier?

Even Druchi's Black Ark would be unwilling to sink into the sea when faced with such monsters.

After the giant beast swallowed the fleet, it began to dive, and the rationality in its eyes was gradually replaced by wildness.

The skinks at the mouth of the river praised Zong Qi in awe, thinking that the monster was Zong Qi's messenger.

This may not be entirely wrong, Lynch speculates that a certain Slann dominated the beast like a enslaved dinosaur.

Lynch and Nakai turned around and rushed to the fortress on the beach, only to find that nothing was left of the fortress here.

After meeting with Romon, the cold-blooded people returned to the swamp and led the army to continue southward.

The dwarves found the broken bodies and arms of their compatriots in the earth-shattering swamp, and they cremated them and buried them hastily.

When night falls, it's another evil moon night.

The hoarse voice echoed in Lin Qi's ears.

"You're being used, turn back, you don't belong here!"

A dull roar like the strike of a sword and ax roared in Lynch's ears.

"You are a glorious warrior! You deserve to appear on a greater battlefield!"

The layers of lingering sounds merged together, like beating war drums.

"Come! Join us! The Blood God is roaring! He is calling for war!"

The tail sound is like a cavalry charge, but also like the ethereal war cry on the infinitely distant battlefield.

"Kill and destroy as much as you like! Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull sacrifice to the skull throne!"

Please pursue reading and monthly tickets.

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