The angry dwarf almost rushed forward to fight to the death with his enemy. Fortunately, Grim, who still had sense, stopped his compatriot.

Valachi Harken glanced at these young dwarves with short beards with disdain. They were not worthy of being the blood dragon's opponents.

Lin Qi looked at the vampire on the flying dragon eagerly. He wanted to kill this supposedly powerful being.

Nakai continued to move forward slowly as if he had never seen the obstacle.

Valachi looked at the powerful creature like a hill and became interested.

But it is more concerned about Lynch holding the scepter. That magic weapon can obviously weaken the undead!

Just when Lynch excitedly thought that a bloody battle was about to begin, the blood dragon made a decision.

At his signal, a sharp spell sounded, and the vampire hiding in the dark summoned the shadow to temporarily trap Lynch in the Kingdom of Shadows.

Lynch's shadow came to life and swallowed Lynch in one fell swoop, throwing him into the reflection of this world.

In the dead silence, Lin Qi looked at the shadowy figures and fell into an unspeakable silence.

How could he be singled out? You know, Ranger Nakai is still out there.

It was a terrifying ancient giant lizard that was as dexterous as a secret keeper and more brute force than a bloodthirsty demon!

Valachi slowly put away the Holy Grail, which contained the blood of all the powerful opponents it had killed!

After being transformed into a vampire by Abhorash, although Valachi disdained to abide by the rigid dogma of the Blood Dragon Ancestor, it liked to challenge powerful enemies just like that great warrior.

The difference is that Abhorash can be called a model knight.

Valachi is neither an honor nor a knight. He just relies on the extraordinary advantages of vampires to kill people everywhere. At most, he is mixed with some hypocritical knightly etiquette.

In fact, most of the blood dragon knights only partially abide by the doctrines of Abhorash, abandoning the parts that are not good for them, and interpret the orders of their ancestors with their own will.

For example, Abhorash was nauseated by his thirst for blood, but the descendants of the blood dragon were happy to drink all night long!

The experience taught by Abhorash made Valazi invincible. It was the only blood dragon that had any hope of challenging the ancestor.

Even its brother, the already insane Luther Harken, couldn't stand side by side with it.

Maybe it once could, but thousands of years of wandering have sharpened its skills and taken it even further.

Valazzi raised the scarlet sword and ordered the knights to charge.

Different from every previous attack, there are no longer endless undead as cannon fodder, only the blood knights who are eager to try.

In the shadow world, Lynch looked at the reflection of the intensive charge, and tentatively poked a few times with his scepter, but there was no feedback.

A giant projection leaps over Lynch, rushing towards the shadowy figure on horseback.

Nakai silently increased his speed, and with the terrifying explosion, dozens of vampires eager to be slaughtered were smashed into puddles of flesh!

Valachi was just about to make the skeletal dragon swoop down, and the one-sided massacre on the ground was about to end.

The surviving blood knights screamed and charged towards the huge giant lizard, but were crushed in vain and hopelessly.

The remaining blood knights reined in their horses and turned, flying from the sky towards the lizard man behind the giant lizard.

Thoros silently greeted the vampire with a spear and an obsidian club.

Just like every previous battle, the vampires used their superior speed to break through the lizard people's defenses, while these scarers just avoided vital points, letting their swords or lances land on the torso where they would not be instantly fatal.

Then, sharp fangs or weapons with strong winds will severely damage the vampire.

The bloodborn's extraordinary skills no longer help in the increasingly bloody hand-to-hand combat.

Countless shadows were fighting each other. Lynch looked for the caster in the reflection, but he saw a shadow that did not belong on the battlefield.

It was a huge, fat human figure with two bat wings on its back. It looked like some kind of demon.

It stood in the center of the battlefield, its scarlet eyes looking at Lin Qi among the shadows.

Lin Qi looked at the shadows struggling fiercely beside it and tightened his grip on the scepter.

One by one, the blood knights fell off their horses and rolled into a ball with the lizard men, struggling in the swamp.

The lizard men have a tenacious vitality, which has a chilling effect when both sides are forced to drop their weapons and start savagely biting and punching.

A vampire tore off the lizard man's arm, but the sharp claws on the arm still penetrated its body with unabated power.

Some vampires tried their best to break away from the brutal rhythm of the lizard people, picked up weapons again, and entered into the soldier attack that they were good at.

But the fearless lizard people are far beyond the mortals they once killed!

The Thoros who follow the Wanderers are not new recruits easily dominated by primitive rage. They also have hundreds of thousands of years of fighting experience.

Moreover, they have monster-like bodies.

Descendants of blood dragons in the old world can use experience to deal with more powerful monsters and kill them, but the monsters present are also as cunning as blood descendants.

The monster in the shadows gave Lynch a meaningful look.

It seemed to want to say something, but suddenly it became extremely crazy.

The monster raised its head enthusiastically and raised its hands as if praising some kind of existence.

When Lynch approached it, a subtle prayer echoed in Lynch's ears.

What made Lynch shiver was that he was using language that was not of this world.

"help me!"

Suddenly he became cruel again.

"Why don't you take refuge in the loving grandfather God? You also understand this world. My dear compatriot, you are destroying yourself."

A slow and dull sound exploded in Lynch's ears, and Lynch inspired the scepter to wave with compassion, recklessness and determination.

From time to time, there are reckless skinks that launch raids at the cost of their lives, bringing changes that are beneficial to the lizards. The dwarves also form a battle formation to force the vampires to the terrifying monitor lizards.

Although the monitor lizard is slow, when the space is small enough, the vampire cannot escape from the monitor lizard's mouth.

The lizard man smashed the vampire's head with a hearty blow from the stick, and the vampire's sword was also buried in Thoreau's body.

Teeth, claws, stones picked up at random, the warriors used all kinds of weapons that they could touch to hurt each other.

Vampires are more agile and lizard-men are even more intimidating!

In the brutal fight in which wounds were exchanged for lives, if the blood descendants had not possessed supernatural resilience, they would have met with a gloomy defeat.

The bloodborn who were hiding in secret to help in the battle wanted to use magic to interfere with the warriors, but this despicable sneak attack was stopped when Romon quietly approached and launched his bite from under the water.

Even though his timidity was despised by all the warriors present, his power as a giant beast was unquestionable.

The power of the ancient holy artifact is unquestionable, but before the artifact comes into contact with the strange shadow, the strange shadow dissipates first.

Its chaotic and crazy shouts still echo here.

"White Wolf God Yurik! Please let me forget that knowledge! Please!"

"It's just a's just a cold...No! Don't come here! Dear father!"

"Save me! Lord of the Wilderness! Tal! Save... you false god...

No! I didn’t ask for a favor, get out of here! Plague Lord...get out of here...please let them go..."

"Don't blame me! Grandpa Rosa, the plague in the village has nothing to do with me!"

"It wasn't me, it wasn't me who killed them! I just thought of Nurgle, it wasn't me..."

"Goddess of Mercy! Sharya! Show me your mercy! Dylan and Nona are still children, please... don't let them die in the plague..."

"Sotegor! Ancient Saint Sotek! Help me...sevenfold curse! Sevenfold mutation! Sevenfold blessing!"

The shrill cry made Lin Qi freeze in place, and the shadow world was fading rapidly.

When Valachi's screams echoed across the battlefield, the fight that would make mortals tremble with fear came to an end.

After Lynch returned from the Kingdom of Shadows, what came into view was the skeletal dragon that had been dismembered by Nakai, and only half of his body was left writhing and crawling in the mire.

It hurriedly wanted to stay away from Nakai, but an inadvertent kick from the ancient giant lizard completely ended its long life.

The Holy Grail containing the blood of a powerful enemy merged with its owner, turning into a puddle of mud that was indistinguishable from each other.

Lin Qi looked at the scarlet sword that turned into a ball of iron, and felt quite regretful that he could not participate in this confrontation.

If it was Nakai who was isolated by the spell, maybe Valachi could fight Lynch for a long time until the caster could no longer maintain the spell and let Nakai return.

But it is a pity that Valachi chose to throw the most bullied lizard man out of the battlefield and bravely face a powerful enemy that can make the big devil fearful.

This should be the belief of the Blood Dragon Knight!

Lynch looked around the battlefield and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the two foreign visitors were fine.

But other dwarves were not so lucky.

The brutal battle took the lives of four dwarves. Even if Lynch could find the resurrection crystal that was treasured under the pyramid temple, he could not save them.

Because the Resurrection Crystal only works on lizardmen, it can only resurrect recently dead lizardmen.

Before the dwarves could mourn their compatriots, the roaring sound of cannons broke the tranquility of the swamp again.

Lynch reacted quickly and uttered short syllables. The lizard man was prompted and followed Lynch towards the woods not far away.

The vampire underestimated the lizard man's strength, and Varachi thought he could delay it for enough time, but the belated pirate fleet only had time to bombard him to death.

The first round of calibrated shots did not cause effective damage, and the dwarves were heartbroken that they could not take away the bodies of their companions.

They quickly took away the weapons of their dead companions, glanced at the direction of the artillery fire with hatred, and followed the lizard men to retreat into the sun-blocking woods.

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