The Stinks began to scatter, which meant that the entire Lizardmen front collapsed.

Only Thoros and the giant lizard were left fighting to the death in roars, while the dwarf allies had been separated by the undead to places where they could not see.

Lynch roared and killed a group of strong cave ghosts, and cut open a huge corrupted Leviathan, and the stinking crab roe splashed into the swamp.

The undead kept coming, as if they were endless, and they just relied on their numbers to hold Lin Qi back.

The sound of curses sounded again, but louder than them was the horrifying scream of the wanderer's rage.

The fleeing skinks regrouped, holding on to their fear, surrounding the conspicuous Romon, and fought against the enemy.

If you ignore vampire magic, the fragile dead are not worth fearing.

A dazzling light lit up, even overshadowing the light of Cotego's scepter in Lynch's hand.

A small sun formed over the swamp. As the vampire looked around in panic, the concentrated sun began to tremble.

Then, it exploded!

The white light washed over the dead like a wave, and the dead disappeared in the wail.

The entire swamp fell silent instantly, and the tranquility of the swamp was pierced by the screams of the skinks that were shouting "Tepok" for courage without responding.

Romon subconsciously closed his giant mouth and took a big bite of the air, which should have bitten a huge bat wolf.

The dwarves standing back to back were stunned and looked around blankly. The clean swamp looked like there had never been an army of undead.

It was like a hopeless nightmare, and now dawn woke them.

In the swamp, a blind dragon brought its owner to the surface.

Lin Qi looked at the familiar Skink Prophet and felt a little confused.

It was the oracle who had made a prophecy in front of Lynch. Its current state was obviously not normal.

Behind the golden mask, Skink's eyes were colder than winter.

That cold gaze, which was not what any kind of creature should have, was directed at Lynch and Nakai. Lynch once again felt the vast will far beyond that of ordinary people.

Under the magnificent gaze, the wanderer let out a long growl, scratched his body docilely, and the gold jewelry made a crisp sound when it collided.

Lin Qi had a suspicion, lowered his head and avoided the sight.

There are few such unique spells!

Seven thousand years ago, it banished millions of demons.

In Lustria, there is only one Slann who remembers the spell passed down by the ancient saint Taibok.

Obviously, the Skink Prophet in front of him is its representative.

Even if they are dead, even if their power is only a negligible echo of their former glory, the powerful first-generation Slann can easily destroy towns and level mountains!

Thoughts greater than the immensity of will Lynch had ever felt underground receded.

The prophet's eyes became alert again.

Without saying hello to the other lizardmen, the servant of the Old Saint left quietly, just as he had silently rescued a group of living people.

The army began to advance silently again, and the dwarves were lucky not to lose a single compatriot.

Their size and number are not outstanding, and they are even more inconspicuous in the sea of ​​the undead.

Vampires secretly avoid these creatures that disgust them. Under the transformation of the ancient saints, the dwarves have excellent resistance to magic.

Anyone with the ability to cast spells would not like to deal with them!

The next progress was smooth. There were only a few undead in the fortress near the coast of the Pakuta River. It seemed that the vampires had shrunk their power.

Lynch just walked around with the scepter and wiped out the undead.

Perhaps the sun exploding in the swamp frightened the undead, and in the next few days no vampire came to harass the lizardmen's march.

The arduous trek through the swamp exhausted the dwarves, and in the end Lynch had to trick them onto Romon's back.

Dwarves are too stubborn and will accept death.

Fortunately, the dwarves in Haimen Pass are easier to get along with than their kin, and Grimm doesn't mind cooperating with Lynch's white lies.

Romun also didn't mind taking nine heavy dwarves for a swim.

This sea lizard is at home in the swamp and enjoys the company of his fellow villagers, although he can only express his emotions to a limited extent.

When he learned that Romon was a special foreigner, Grim would communicate with him in Chinese nonstop every day, mostly bragging about his "great achievements" over the past year.

Lynch just wants to laugh, he knows the world well enough to easily recognize the self-processing of the dwarves.

Grim claims to be well-known in Blackwater Bay and is one of the apprentices of Barak, the commander of the Seagate Fleet.

Well. It used to be that the stubborn old dwarf finally died in the vicious siege of the Skaven fleet.

Grim relied on the experience of his previous life and used strategies that dwarves rarely used.

Uh, okay!

This dwarf proudly showed off his attacks in the east and west, bluffing, and under the cover of various conspiracies, commanded the armored ship to behead the rat-man main ship.

This was so advanced in dwarven society that the bearded elders did not know whether to condemn Grim for his deviance or to praise him for erasing the hatred in the Book of Hatred.

Of course, he was eventually punished and rewarded by the dwarves.

Since Grim is good at detouring and pulling in battles, he can sneak up on the enemy when they are tired and unprepared.

Grimm received his honorary nickname and was known to the dwarves as Grimm the Backstalker.

After glancing at the passionate dwarf, Lynch finally didn't say anything and continued marching in the mire.

Nicknames like Backstabber and Mean Dagger are more common among greenskin orcs and skaven.

The dwarves sang rough songs, praising the dwarf god of war Grimnir. Their loud and tuneless voices scared away several pliosaurs basking in the sun.

Lynch only thought they were noisy.

The skinks listened to the dwarves' music, and not to be outdone, they began to talk to each other in strange accents, and prayed loudly to the ancient saint Talan Xila.

This ancient female sage, who likes to fly across the battlefield in a chariot, seems to the skink to be the embodiment of the warlike nature of the lizard people.

Although Lynch believed that it was not a chariot at all, but the aircraft of the ancient saint.

The Ancient Sage was not inspecting the battlefield, but more likely collecting battle data.

Lynch gradually got used to the noise made by the two groups, and the competitive chants stopped when the sun set.

A group of knights riding skeletal Pegasus and wearing blood-colored armor blocked the way of the warriors.

There were many such knights in the previous battle. They liked close combat more than ordinary blood descendants, and their skills were obviously more superb.

Although Lynch can still kill them in one meeting...

A white-haired vampire holding the Holy Grail of Blood in his left hand and a scarlet sword in his right hand stood on a skeletal dragon, looking down at the lizardmen in the swamp.

Some dwarves recognized the identity of the vampire. The dwarves looked gloomily at the powerful knight in the sky, recited the records in the Book of Hatred over and over again, and clenched their battle axes.

Lynch heard them repeat the pronunciation "Walachi. Haken" repeatedly, and quickly found the corresponding existence in his memory.

I think this should be Luther Haken's brother, the Grand Master of the Blood Dragon Knights.

It once killed Balin, the dwarf king of Torrent Pass!

If we talk about the ancestor of the blood dragon, Abohrash is a tiger and an honorary warrior.

The blood knights of Varachi Haken are the cheetahs.

Although not as proficient as their progenitors, these aggressive vampires are deadly enough.

More importantly, the disciples and disciples of Abhorash did not have the same sympathy and compassion for the weak as he did. They were complete monsters!

Another change that shouldn't have happened made Lynch a little uneasy.

This blood descendant of Abhorash should live in seclusion at the junction of the Sigma Empire and the Kingdom of Bretonnia.

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