Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 15 Descendants of Abhorash

Lynch's arrival attracted the attention of the dwarves, and the nine dwarves locked in different cages glared at Lynch.

The dwarf, who looked like a foreigner, was yelling and saying something, but Lynch couldn't understand the dwarf language.

After an oppressive silence, he seemed to understand that Lynch was not his enemy.

Because Lynch silently used his scepter to break their shackles.

The dwarves emerged from their iron prisons and gathered together, plotting loudly among themselves for a moment.

It was obvious that they were already suppressing themselves, but their loud voices almost shook the dust off the ceiling.

That special dwarf walked up to Lynch, pointed at himself, and said dullly:


Lin Qi gave him a strange look and greeted him in the language of his previous life.

"what are you saying?"

The expression behind the dwarf's thick beard became extremely complicated. He didn't react until other dwarves whispered to him.

"Nothing, you can call me Grim Yanmei."

Grim muttered:

"I thought I was the only one, but it seems I can no longer be the King of the Five Seas!"

Lynch learned from him the experiences of the dwarves.

They come from the old world and are residents of Barak Haimen Pass.

Instigated by Grim's whims, the other eight dwarves followed Grim on their adventure.

They bid farewell to the king, remodeled a human merchant ship, and prepared to travel to the New World and discover more special waterways like the human adventurers of the Sigma Empire.

Grim felt that he had a broad vision that others could not achieve. He believed that there was a new civilization in the New World and would become a reliable ally of the dwarves.

This was a correct guess, but he clearly didn't do his intelligence work well.

There must be intelligent species in the vast rain forest. The adventurers who returned home have confirmed this, but the lizard people are not easy to deal with.

Clearly, he doesn't understand the world.

None of the nine young dwarves had ever been to the Southland, so they didn't even know there was such a special race as lizardmen.

If they had listened to the advice of their elders or brought along a respected long-bearded dwarf, they would not have entered danger so recklessly.

The cargo ships modified by the dwarves were comparable to the empire's warships, so the green-skinned pirates on the vast ocean did not pose a threat to them.

Before encountering the lizardmen, the unlucky group met the singing sirens in a storm.

Lady Saltwater's song did not kill these dwarves who rejected magic. Although some dwarves fell into a slight trance, other companions quickly woke them up.

But their ship was destroyed by a swarm of sargassum dominated by evil forces!

After abandoning a large amount of heavy objects, they regretfully discovered that the shipwreck was irreversible.

The dwarves fought the undead in the ocean and fought bravely to the coast, where they were surrounded by a larger number of zombie sailors.

After chopping down countless skeletons and being exhausted, they were captured one by one.

Luckily, this was what happened to them a day ago.

If the lizard people stayed at night for a few more days, this group of dwarves would have been transferred to Luther Harken by Lady Saltwater to serve as miserable experimental subjects.

The dwarves thanked Lynch and vowed to repay their kindness.

Lynch didn't care about their stubborn notions of grudges. He was going to let these relatively healthy dwarves take the other captured survivors away.

When they learned that Lynch was engaged in a war against vampires, as expected by Lynch, the dwarves wanted to participate impassionedly.

They can't wait to eliminate this hatred!

Lynch changed his mind. If he forced them to leave, he would offend these small-minded dwarves.

As he led the dwarves to the surface, Lynch found a better candidate.

A sycophantic Tyrian who is ingratiating himself with the skinks that guard them.

What was difficult for Lynch to accept was that the skinks knew the languages ​​of all races, and the Old Ones obviously did not consider that the lizards also needed to socialize.

Under the translation of the skink, Lynch conveyed his request, and then left here with the soldiers.

The dwarves picked up the weapons on the ground along the way. Although they kept complaining about the quality of the weapons, the armor they came with was thrown into the sea in the shipwreck, and the hammer was thrown away by the undead. They could only use it reluctantly. .

This does not affect their ability to destroy the undead in their roar.

After clearing the last vampire from the fortress, Lynch followed Nakai and continued south.

Before reaching the Pakuta River Basin, dozens of vampires wearing blood-colored armor led the undead army to lay an ambush and surround the lizard people.

"Khazukan Khazakit Ha!"

The dwarves' thunderous war cries drowned out the vampire's eerie spells.

Many vampires who did not know their own strength bravely rushed towards me for hand-to-hand combat.

But the special attack of Koteg's scepter on the undead made them understand the cruelty of reality.

As if entering an uninhabited land, Lynch wandered among vampires and undead, leaving only the purified ashes of the undead wherever he passed.

Dwarves are not agile enough in the swamps, but they are tough enough, just like their mountain kingdom.

The dwarfs were like rocks fixed in the water, and the waves of the undead could not move them at all.

Although the skinks are timid, even Romon dares to rush among the skeletons when they are supported by so many powerful allies.

The reckless skinks and monitor lizards fought off the enemies time and time again, and the experienced Thoros worked together to kill the incoming vampires from time to time.

Just when Lynch thought this boring battle was about to come to an end, Senhan's spell sounded again.

But this time it was no longer a blasphemous death curse, the gray wind of magic stirred up, tearing open the cover that Lynch had not seen through.

Countless vampires used shadow magic to cover the whereabouts of themselves and their slaves, and while the lizard people were entangled, they secretly approached the battlefield.

The Bridge of Shadows was erected by magic, and more legions of the dead walked out of it.

A vampire wearing blood-colored armor, riding a winged flying beast, controlled the shadow tentacles to grab the warriors.

Lynch felt slightly tired. The dwarves were panting and wanted to yell, but they couldn't yell under the influence of the spell.

Obviously, vampires do not only know the spells of the undead, but many vampires are also good at manipulating the wind of shadows.

The number of vampires is increasing under the influence of shadow magic.

They mixed in the illusion and caused heavy losses to the lizard people.

Lynch could only hit each one with a stick regardless of the real or the real. Anyway, he had better physical fitness and could completely crush these vampires.

Many skinks were slaughtered, but this did not affect the fact that the lizards and monitors were still irresistible, although some lizards were caught off guard and cut into pieces by vampires.

The Skinks' front was no longer stable, and many Skinks timidly wanted to escape, even though Nakai and Lynch were about to kill through the Sea of ​​Undead.

Worse, vampire spells amplify this cowardice.

Some vampires took out stringless violins and played desperate dirges, and the music echoed directly in the minds of the warriors.

The dwarves were able to weaken this influence with their physiques, and the warriors of the Mountain Kingdom were never afraid of fighting until the last moment.

The fragile skink could only recite the holy name of Taebok silently in fear, and its reason was defeated by the supernatural power.

A group of ghost knights riding ghost horses and holding scythes took the opportunity to charge.

Under the surprise attack of the Spiritbinder Knight, the Skink completely collapsed.

Please follow up, I will start the PK soon, it is really important to follow up, thank you all!

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