Lin Qi blinked, and the data stream disappeared like an illusion.

Keeping this matter deep in his heart, Lynch used Kotago's scepter to warm his body and quietly waited for the dawn to come.

The rest of the night was uneventful. Perhaps the demons had figured out the dangers of this place and no longer blindly launched raids.

When Kothago rose again, dispelling the darkness, the skinks extinguished the bonfire.

The wanderers began to march in silence.

Lynch sat in the chariot that the skinks had temporarily built on Romon's body, and hitched a ride with several noisy skinks.

Maybe there's no rush, Lynch thought.

The lizard people did not travel all night, which already explained the problem.

Withered plants gradually appeared in the lush rainforest, and there were fewer and fewer creatures in the forest.

Eventually, Lynch saw an endless mangrove swamp and a wide river.

Tangled tree roots formed a web in the swamp, and dead amphibians roamed the swamp.

Lynch held Kotago's scepter, and his fiery anger made him understand, and an unprecedented change took place.

This is the Vampire Coast, the jungle of death ruled by Luther Harken, and the Singo River Basin in the northeastern corner of Lustria.

The lizardmen should have focused on dealing with demons and adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards vampire Luther Harken, but Slann's passive overflow of magic suppressed him on the vampire coast.

Slan himself still needs to maintain the "Great Guard" and decipher the "Grand Plan", so he has no time to deal with this mentally abnormal and powerful vampire.

Because the number of the Thoros Legion is limited, the battle group composed of skinks and monitor lizards cannot effectively defeat the enemy.

Therefore, the lizard people can only make such a compromise and give up this part of the land. Anyway, there is no important hub on it.

Reckless hotbloods and dead mancubs will also share the pressure of demonic invasion.

Only when they go too far will they be surrounded and suppressed by regular legions.

There are countless young races who come to Lustria for exploration and plunder!

If we disperse our power and completely eliminate these mosquito-like adventurers, the demon army that comes from time to time will take the opportunity to destroy more important things.

For a long time, only a large number of non-professional soldiers dealt with them.

Apparently, a certain Slann guided Nakai to this cursed place, preparing to end it all before the war came.

It must have discovered Lynch holding the sacred object, and then it gave Koteg's envoy the opportunity to join.

Lynch has made his choice, it's time for that ambitious vampire to get out of Lustria!

It's time to end his ridiculous reign and dismantle that disgusting kingdom.

More importantly...Lynch can use this war to prove himself!

The Wanderer's huge body broke through the ferocious tree trunk, and Lynch raised his scepter to evoke the light of Kotago.

Dead and dead, the monitor lizards cut their way through the swamp in an unstoppable manner.

Pale faces popped out of the water, then shrieked and disappeared under the illumination of Kotago.

The physical skeleton was smashed by the skink with an obsidian stick. Romon, who overcame his inner fear, would crush the resurrected undead curiously from time to time.

Lynch did not stay too long. If the master of the undead did not die, they would not be able to kill them all.

The Rangers' battle group advanced rapidly, and half a day later, Lynch saw the fortress standing on the river mouth and the extinct volcano on the island on the shore.

The lizardman's brutal offensive obviously attracted the attention of the local master. A translucent and ferocious figure floated out of the extinct volcano cave.

Under the fearful gaze of the living on the fortress wall, she opened her bloody mouth and sang a seductive song.

The living, who were bound by chains by the dead, fell into coma in fear.

Lynch felt a sense of malice, but Kotago's warmth dispelled it.

The Siren floated into the fortress and saw that his singing had no effect on the cold-blooded species, so he stopped singing.

Under the command of the dead witch, the undead in the swamp rose again, and then quickly disappeared under the influence of Lynch's scepter.

The witch looked at Lynch viciously, just as the giant lizard was about to rush to the fortress and knock on the city gate with a giant hammer.

She pointed at a monitor lizard and uttered a blasphemous incantation.

The giant lizard's huge body began to fester, but it still smashed open the city gate with a sledgehammer regardless of the pain.

Kotago's irradiation killed the germs, but the witch's spell was not ideal and could not even make the giant lizard lose its fighting ability.

Nakai led the monitor lizards and lizardmen into a crushing battle between the zombies and manta wolves, while Lynch rushed directly down the stairs towards the witch.

On the witch's spirit body, the blood-red eyes lit up with an evil light.

Lynch felt that it became difficult to move, but the Kotago scepter in his hand gave him resistance to evil.

Poor salt water lady!

As the infamous Siren, the most terrifying undead creature in the Vampire Coast second only to Luther Harken himself, he met his destined nemesis at this moment.

Mrs. Saltwater's spirit body expanded, and she breathed out a breath full of rotten fish and seaweed.

But this only disgusted Lynch, and the damage caused was not even as good as the undead guard's slashing at Lynch's scale armor.

When Mrs. Saltwater wanted to escape, Lynch stood a long distance away, no longer deliberately showing off his slowness, and suddenly accelerated his charge.

The undead people paralyzed by Lynch had to pay the price.

The swift Bloodborn tried to stop Lin Qi, but he was easily repelled by Lin Qi with his scepter.

The blasphemous body immediately burst into flames after being touched by the scepter.

The slow undead couldn't keep up with Lynch's speed, and even Mrs. Saltwater herself didn't react.

Kotago's scepter easily defeated the etheric armor on Mrs. Saltwater's body. The moment the magic shield was shattered, dazzling sunlight lit up inside Mrs. Saltwater's body.

By the time the sunlight dissipated, the miserable witch had disappeared.

The short melting cut did not waste much energy, and Lynch continued to maintain the purification field and advance in the fortress.

There are many captured living people in the fortress, and they are no longer normal.

There is no good flesh on the face of the muttered elf. This is the product of the jealous anger of the witch who lost her appearance in life.

There is no blood on the disabled humans. It seems that they are livestock that have been raised.

Lynch summoned a skink and told it to keep an eye on these hot-blooded species. They were not sacrifices to Sotek.

After the skink put away its eager eyes, Lin Qi felt relieved and continued to delve deeper.

Lynch knew how unreliable these little guys were. The high elves had made a mistake when they first set foot on Lustria.

Slan just muttered vaguely to himself, but was interpreted by the Skink Priest as wanting to kill the unlucky Asur.

The temple guards subconsciously executed it, which eventually led to a tragedy.

The Demon Toad's reaction in reality was extremely slow. When it came to its senses, only one elf was lucky enough to escape.

Lynch purified the lycanthropic vampires blocking his way and entered deeper into the dungeon.

The prisoners here are more active!

The dwarf who was imprisoned in the iron prison banged the iron rod tenaciously and cursed angrily in dwarf language and human common language.

The Chinese and advanced vocabulary mixed in it made Lynch understand.

This person also seems to be a visitor from another world, and he is very good at praising the enemy's relatives.

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