
Skinks scream the holy names of the Old Ones, whether they are born fishermen, destined craftsmen, or fragile scribes.

When the Ancient Ones need them, they can all transform into the bravest warriors.

Although these Skinks, who are not on the battlefield, are as fragile as mortals, they possess a firm belief that is rare among mortals.

Dying in the process of promoting the 'big plan' is the highest honor in lizardman society!

If he could die under the watchful eyes of the Old Saint, that would be a gift that a Skink could never imagine.

The lizards gathered silently, one step ahead of the skinks, and formed a battle line facing the enemy.

The giant lizard held the hammer with the help of the skink, and slowly followed the chirping skink to face the grotesque demon.

Lynch mingled among the lizards, and he was shocked to find that these lizards were all veterans with scars.

The battle formation is more loosely organized than a fully organized Saurus warband, but these long-trained warriors make up for this slight flaw with experience, and are even more deadly.

The first thing the Slaanesh demon faced was the light of Lynch's scepter, and the weak Slaanesh demon was ignited in the pure sunlight.

Kotheg's wrath descends on his enemies, and even if they are lucky enough not to be driven out directly, the bright fire causes the demon great pain.

The silky white and smooth skin of the Slaanesh demon turned black, and many enraged banshees rushed straight towards Lynch.

The demon's screams of agony inspired the skinks even more, and one climbed onto Romon's body, preparing to rush towards the enemy with the monster.

But it was obvious that Romon was more scared than them, and even had some abnormal reactions due to the devil's evil charm.

Romon hid behind a thick tree trunk, his claws firmly fixed on the tree. No matter how much the skinks urged, they refused to take a step forward. The skinks had no choice but to pick up blow darts to harass the enemy.

The air is filled with the musk emitted by the banshee. If they were mortals, many people would have succumbed to the dark temptation of the banshee.

But the lizardmen who smelled the blasphemy became more ferocious and ruthlessly launched a cruel counterattack against the power of chaos.

Lynch knocked away an ugly banshee with a single stroke of his staff, then wildly rushed into the demon and started killing it.

The Wanderer slowly stepped out from behind the trees and launched a fierce and unstoppable charge.

The strong wind passed by Lin Qi, who was excitedly rushing towards the killing. Pieces of blood mist exploded, and the giant lizard's powerful power burst out at an incredible speed.

It directly swung the giant hammer to create a path of blood among the demons of Slaanesh!

When the secret keeper lazily emerged from the shadows, this was what he saw.

The demon who was about to join the fight stopped and quickly turned around and ran away.

The Bridge of Stars still echoes with the wails of demons. As "old friends", the Keepers of Secrets don't want to be sent back to the cruel trial field just after returning from the subspace!

The Prince of Darkness had no instructions, and no being could blame it for retreating without a fight.

If a passage didn't happen to appear in front of it, it wouldn't even want to stop torturing 6,666 mortal souls in the Demon Realm.

The big demon disappeared into the shadows in a few breaths. The remaining demons did not know that their dark master had escaped and were still fighting bloody battles.

The Chaos Hound was penetrated by the lizard man's spear, and the banshee attacked the lizard man at an extremely fast speed, but the thick scales of the lizard man made them not afraid to trade their injuries for their lives.

Lynch activated his scepter and directly split a stumbling, deformed chaos egg into two pieces. His artifact was quite effective against such a giant creature.

The two-story-high lizards unleashed their primal fury among the demons, but fewer and fewer of the banshees besieged them. They screamed and pounced on Lynch under the painful burning of Kotego's light.

Lynch didn't care at all about these flashy demons. He had faster reactions, stronger strength, and a tougher body than them.

Even if he became the focus of the battlefield, Lynch seemed to be able to do it with ease.

The Chaos Furies pounced on the Skinks, and the two began to fight fiercely in hand-to-hand combat until the clever Skinks summoned their brothers.

Having already dealt with the enemy's giant lizard, it effortlessly defeated the offensive of these flying demons.

The battle ended with Nakai's second charge. The deformed and twisted body of the Slaanesh beast was wiped out in the air, and the lust demon driving the Seeker's chariot was knocked flat together with the chariot.

Lynch killed the last chaos egg and watched in disgust as it fell to the ground, its flesh and blood growing like a huge humanoid piece of flesh that had lost its restraints.

After the battle was won, the Skink began to get busy again.

The corpses of companions are gathered together and burned, which prevents them from becoming vectors for Nurgle Daemons or Skaven diseases.

Some demon severed limbs were also purified in the flames, but they would not die completely, but were simply exiled back to the Demon Realm of Chaos.

Lynch found Luo Meng hiding behind a tree, and after making sure that the guy was not tempted, he relaxed and went to rest.

The skinks built crude altars, which did not affect their devout prayers at all.

After the sacrifices to the ancient saint Kotheg were over, the skinks began to offer unburned mutated flesh to the snake god Sotek.

After both rituals were over, the skinks gathered around the bonfire and sang songs that Lynch had never heard before.

“Kotego, the sun god, gives me courage, and Kotego’s light will always be bright!

The patron saint Kuiji gave me scales to make my body tough and my will strong. "

The strange snapping sound of the cold-blooded species echoed in the jungle. Lin Qi leaned on the tree trunk and watched the skinks praising the ancient saints. Romon also curiously came over to watch this exotic custom.

The scattered and low singing of the skinks gradually became unified.

“The experience of hunting passed down by Huang Qi, the God of Predators, taught me how to hide in the rainforest.

It is the water god Zongqi who guides my breathing! He made me familiar with the nature of water. "

From time to time, the monitor lizards would raise their heads and emit a blood-curdling roar, making this slow and eerie hymn even more wild.

Lynch's thoughts drifted away, worrying about what would happen hundreds of years later. He had to quickly accumulate a reputation so that he could have a say in the lizardman society.

"The mysterious Taibok makes me not afraid of evil spells, and he commands the strong wind to protect the holy place.

The ruthless Razkoto taught me to despise death, and I will be better prepared to give my life as planned! "

The fanatical skinks became more and more hysterical, and the most timid creatures became reckless in the sudden shrill singing.

The cold-blooded horror singing brought back Lynch's thoughts. He seemed to be a little unfounded. It was still early, and when he had enough strength, he would definitely be able to make a name for himself.

"I offer my wildness to Ichi! The noble, cold-blooded lord of beasts rules the jungle.

The bloodthirsty Sotek turns into a swarm of snakes, and all rodents will be devoured by him! "

Finally, all the skinks looked up to the sky, trying to see the stars beyond the shining evil moon.

The blasphemous light that obscured the starry sky did not dismay the Skinks, for the records of the Tablets already identified that great day.

As if telling a destined prophecy, the language was twists and turns, and he spoke slowly and firmly again:

"The lost Ashoranka will eventually return! After completing the impossible mission, He will surely come again!"

The atmosphere of piety and fanaticism touched Lynch's soul, but he knew that the ancient saint would never come back.

While these skink lizards still have blind and unrealistic desires, the cold Slann is much more practical.

Slan was just following the plan, it had always been like this, and he never had the foolish faith that only mortals have.

Lynch also looked up at the sky, and the less obvious starlight lit up the illusory data flow in front of him.

Like a screen with poor signal, Lynch could only see sporadic fragments of the dense ancient symbols. It read in the words left by the ancient saints:

".Research on Ashoranka, a cutting-edge life project in the dimension to resist the enemy."

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