Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 12 The birth of the first generation

Lynch walked out of the bunker and recognized this special being.

Wanderer Nakai, its name means "ancient contract" in the lizard language.

This first-generation giant lizard was hatched while the Ancient Saint was still alive, and was born into the world with a special mark of the Ancient Saint.

The sky city of Taranxila is its home. During the catastrophe, the demon destroyed that prosperous city, and Nakai was the only survivor of the war.

It became an ownerless wanderer and did not join any more temple cities.

Maybe it was the instructions left by the ancient saint, or maybe it was the secret guidance of a certain Slann.

Since then, the Wanderer has frequently shown up wherever the "big scheme of things" needs it.

The most famous battle is the Siege of Itaza more than 7,000 years ago!

Countless demon legions launched a fierce attack on the head of the cities. The legendary first-generation Slann and Lord Croca, who personally passed down the magic experience from the ancient saint Tepok, single-handedly propped up the magic protection network that has protected Itaza for hundreds of years.

The energy released by the noble High Priest Croca surrounded and protected the entire Itaza, and the full pure energy annihilated countless chaos demons.

The Blood God Khorne, who sat on the brass throne and looked down at the world, was furious about this!

But even the first generation cannot channel such powerful magical power for a long time.

When the guardianship was on the verge of collapse, Croca detonated the defensive barrier. After the explosion killed hundreds of thousands of demons, the brutal street fighting began.

Just like every invasion the lizardmen faced in that era, flesh and blood covered every corner of the city, and countless demons and lizardmen died every moment.

In the end, a tide of demons took over, and most of Itaza's city fell, leaving only the Great Pyramid dedicated to the ancient Saint Ichi in the center!

The Bridge of Stars is the main thoroughfare leading to the Great Pyramid Temple. When the demons were about to rush across the bridge, Wanderer Nakai came over wielding a giant hammer.

Nakai defended the Star Bridge alone in the bloody battle. Among the four advanced demon legion vanguards, not a single demon crossed the Star Bridge and entered the Iqi Pyramid.

It fought tooth and nail until the Temple Guard Corps arrived at the Star Bridge and took over the defense task from the bruised Nakai.

There were so many demons killed by Nakai on the Star Bridge that the demons who didn’t know what fear was actually feared Nakai!

After that battle, Nakai disappeared deep into the rain forest.

The priests thought it was dead until another demonic invasion occurred, and Nakai burst out of the rainforest again, tearing the lizardfolk's enemies to pieces.

Nakai's body is covered with gold ornaments, which are the blessings and respect given to him by the skink priests after the battles.

Lin Qi watched the ancient giant lizard retreat, and followed along with the skink lizards.

Whenever Nakai appears, it must indicate that a war is about to happen!

Lynch needs war. He wants to prove himself with the blood of his enemies to improve his status in the lizardman society.

Lynch made his way through the lush ferns, following the path of the skinks and skirting dangerous carnivorous vines and spores.

His excellent hearing caught the faint cry of pain behind him, and he gradually slowed down, waiting for those who followed him.

A huge lizard head peeked out from the low shrubs behind Lynch, its green vertical pupils facing Lynch who was looking back.

The lizard raised one claw, and a creepy smile appeared on its ferocious face.

Lynch walked up to Luo Meng, used his scepter to push aside the bushes, and looked at the blood-sucking tree ball that had been attached to his dorsal fin at some point.

Huge maggots squirmed among the flesh, and blood-sucking insects flew in from time to time, thirsty for a drink.

"The rainforest of Lustria is very dangerous. If you don't want to go to the Far East, it's best not to run around alone."

After Lin Qi finished speaking, he quickly turned around and continued forward, stopping a skink.

"follow me."

The cold-blooded language is low and slow, mixed with some tongue-licking sounds.

Looking at the holy object in Lynch's hand, the skink paid tribute to the ancient saint Koteg and obediently followed Lynch to the back of the team.

Lynch pointed his staff at the giant sea lizard lying on the ground, signaling the skink to treat Romon's wounds.

The skinks surrounded Romon in fear. After confirming that the monster was not hostile, they approached cautiously.

As Romon bared his teeth and screamed strangely, the little guy who often dealt with wild beasts finished treating his wounds.

After the Skink left, Lynch and Luo Meng had another one-sided communication.

Lynch hopes that Luo Meng will save his life as much as possible. After the war, Lynch will find a way to send him to a safe place, preferably to find other strangers in the process.

As for Lynch himself?

He discovered that he liked war and challenging powerful enemies.

Therefore, he will continue to challenge the dark powers as a member of the Lizardman Empire.

All right! Lynch wants to be at the top of the Lizardman Empire and use the power of this lost empire to fight against the Endgame, and he needs war.

Lynch led Romon to follow the wanderer, and then headed towards the unknown battlefield.

From time to time, other lone lizardmen spontaneously merged into this scattered battle group. After several days of running-in, the sensitive skink lizards also accepted Romon's existence.

They even started trying to feed Lomon, like they did with Triceratops and Ankylosaurus.

The safe environment gave Lynch a bold idea. One day, in front of Luo Meng, and under his horrified gaze, Lynch used a scepter to cut open his belly.

[Failed to collect data]


A cold reminder sounded in his mind, and Lin Qi regretfully found that he could not take advantage of the loophole.

The wound healed quickly, and before the skinks were attracted by the smell of blood, Lynch had recovered as before.

Luo Meng stared down at Lynch blankly, closing his eyelids in disbelief.

In the following days, Lynch kept encouraging Luo Meng to beat him up, but all he got was a snort of disdain from Luo Meng.

From then on, he looked at Lynch with more pity.

At night, the evil moon Morsribu hangs coldly in the sky.

The skinks uneasily began to spread some superstitious remarks.

The Evil Moon is a dimensional stone as big as three moons. This evil star is an ominous omen for the order race!

The lizard men and monitor lizards were indifferent to this. Thoros was born to fight, and the monitor lizard's dull mind could not understand what fear was.

The intelligent ancient monitor lizard has an indifferent attitude toward death like Thoreaus. It longs for enemies to appear in front of it.

After learning the meaning of the Skink's whispers from Lynch, Romon also became as frightened as the Skink.

Seeing the squirming posture of the giant beast, Lin Qi impatiently summoned the purifying function of the scepter.

In the awed eyes of the skinks, the crystal at the top of the scepter was like a tiny sun, illuminating this small patch of rainforest.

The reverence for the ancient saint Cothago outweighed the fears of these little ones.

They thought that the ancient saint was watching this place, and each one of them waved their weapons excitedly to show their bravery, as if they were in a state of excitement.

Therefore, when the treacherous laughter sounded and the demon army of Slaanesh suddenly appeared, they were faced with a group of warriors who had forgotten about death.

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