Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 11 Fellow folks meet fellow folks

The sorceress Teresa looked at the beast with disdain. She could tell that the lizard had gained wisdom inexplicably. Perhaps it was Hoss who sent down his false blessing.

Khaine's sister gods would have loved the sacrifice, if the Witch-King was not prepared to support it.

The giant sea lizard started to stir again, and the high-level sorceress just raised her staff slightly to suppress him.

The other two sorceresses were already sweating profusely, trying their best to help Teresa guide the magic.

Teresa's sudden scream caused the other four creatures to stop moving at the same time.

Omarin turned around uneasily and saw a lizard man half exposed behind the stalactite beside the sorceress, piercing her body with a scepter.

The two sorceresses resisted the backlash of their spells and quickly reached for the daggers at their waists. At the same time, they distanced themselves, forming a tacit understanding to form a pincer attack on Lynch.

Omarin slapped the manticore hard. The manticore roared and walked to the sea lizard. Omarin himself sneered at Lynch.

Lynch could see that the sea lizard wanted to escape, but for some reason, he was really afraid of a manticore!

After the magic shackles disappeared, he kept trying to break out, but was stopped by the manticore.

Looking at the cowering beast with a bit of hatred, Lynch threw the penetrated Druzi into the underground sea before Omarin and the two sorceresses could react, lunged to the right, and swung his scepter to smash it. Another unlucky warlock died.

At the same time, Lynch's thick tail knocked the only remaining sorceress behind him onto the rock.

Omarin had just taken one step, and Lynch had already killed all the sorceresses with a last hit.

Druzi's vicious smile froze on his face, and then he shuddered.

The spear was thrown at Lynch, and Omarin turned around hastily, preparing to mount the manticore and escape.

But Lynch had already avoided this weak attack and rushed over to beat him into a piece of rotten flesh with his scepter.

The manticore was stimulated by the blood, let out a terrifying roar, and turned to look at Lynch with bloodthirsty.

Not to be outdone, Lin Qi confronted it, and its ferocious momentum faintly overwhelmed the chaotic beast.

The sea lizard behind the manticore was trying to escape quietly. Lynch held the scepter and charged towards the manticore.

The manticore let out a loud roar, opened its bloody mouth and pounced on Lynch.

Lynch did not resist, and flexibly turned a corner halfway to avoid the beast's bite.

Behind the manticore, its long and slender tail with venomous sting launched a pursuit with a sound that broke through the air.

Lynch avoided the insidious sting and stabbed the manticore with his scepter.

Amid the beast's shrill cries of pain, Lynch activated Kotago's scepter to melt and cut off its tail and hind legs.

After the scepter completed its mission, Lynch turned off the extremely energy-consuming melting and cutting function.

Lynch avoided the beast's desperate counterattack and cautiously distanced himself.

The manticore, whose brain was immersed in cruelty, even though it lost its hind limbs, still turned around and jumped towards Lynch with brute force.

But Lynch is no longer what he used to be, and his agility is no less than that of the most agile rat-men.

The manticore's rage before death was easily dodged by Lynch. It drew a blood-soaked parabola in the air and landed on the sea lizard, which had already run some distance away.

The sharp ghost scream stung Lynch's inner ears, and he turned to look at the sea lizard with a cheetah-like posture.

The sea lizard jumped sideways vigorously, its thick limbs clinging to the rock wall.

Lin Qi silently blocked the sea lizard's path, which made the sea lizard's eyes wander restlessly.

This timid monster left Lynch with no fear at all.

Seeing that Lin Qi didn't move, the sea lizard began to relax. After thinking for a moment, it opened its huge mouth and let out a strange cry.

Lynch could tell that he wanted to communicate verbally, but his anatomy didn't allow it.

It's like a dog whimpering, or a cat meowing.

Lynch watched the farce indifferently, and he was almost amused.

The sea lizard raised its forelimbs and gestured wildly. It seemed that he wanted Lynch to think that he could also communicate.

Suddenly, the sea lizard patted his head with his left palm, squatted down like a cat, and popped out his sharp claws on his right palm, carving some kind of pictographic symbols crookedly on the rock.

It took him a long time to write two ugly words. Fortunately, Lynch has excellent discernment skills.

The two words on the rock that are more abstract than a doctor's signature are:


Lynch read it out in his hometown language with a slightly weird accent.

Sea Lizard's whole body stiffened and he slowly turned his head to look at Lin Qi.

Luo Meng's huge body trembled violently, and his smart beast eyes were somewhat confused.

There was no water mist to cover his green vertical pupils, because he had lost the ability to "shed tears" forever.

Romon's mouth opened slightly, and a rather sad "uh-huh" sound came out from between the sharp fangs.

The monster slumped and closed its mouth, lying on the ground weakly, looking at Lin Qi with joy and sadness.

Lynch looked at the scarred homeless man, and it seemed that Luo Meng was not able to adapt to his current life.

Maybe it would have been better if he had not encountered Drucci. A perceptual intelligent creature cannot be locked in a cage and forcibly tamed like a dog.


The cold-blooded strange tone echoed in the ground. Romon stood up again and nodded with difficulty.

Lynch slowly turned around and spoke again, his slow and low tone showing little emotion.

"I have a mission, a war on earth that I must fight."

"The world is at stake, and I cannot abandon the responsibility of this body."

“Across the ocean, there is a country in the Far East ruled by the Dragon Emperor.

If you can see some friendly customs there, I won't be able to be with you.

Leave Lustria as soon as possible! Disaster is coming. "

Lin Qi walked step by step toward the road leading to the ground in the distance, with silence and silence behind him.

Lynch looked at the long-lost sunshine and let Kotago's scepter bathe in the sunshine.

On the top of the scepter, the crystal clear diamond-shaped gem emits a colorful halo under the light of Kotago.

On the silver-gray staff, the complex inscriptions light up one by one, then dim one by one, in a continuous cycle.

Lynch climbed up the hill made of stones and soil. He found that the trees on the ground were unusually low, although on average they were still more than ten meters high.

Just like the jungle near the coast when he went to eliminate the dark elf pirates.

Heavy footsteps echoed in the rain forest. Lynch hid under the tall mushrooms, clutching Kotago's scepter, always ready to fight.

A burly Kraxigor appeared in Lynch's sight. Even among monitor lizards, it looked like a giant.

The tyrannosaurus would be dwarfed by it!

Skinks holding spears and blowing darts appeared next. They either jumped nimbly among the tree canopies or walked through the dense vegetation on the ground.

Without exception, all the Skink lizards followed the scarred Kraxigor with a kind of reverence, as if they were looking at the ancient saint himself!

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