A magnificent idea interrupted Lin Qi's thoughts. Lin Qi once thought that a certain god cast his sight.

Cold and clear thinking declares:

"Lizard people! Prepare weapons of war, the ancient enemy has returned!"

The idea that could distort the mountains swept across the entire continent, and countless lizardmen received this order at the same time.

Lynch clutched Koteg's scepter tightly. This was a Slann directly delivering important information!

The situation was so urgent that Slan woke up and even issued an order beyond his level?

The Skink Priests who usually only serve Slann interpret the murmurs of the Demon Toads in their sleep. At best, they speak in person, and then the Skink Priests pass on the instructions step by step.

Obviously, the enemy is so powerful that the demon toads who can foresee the future are not willing to waste a moment.

Lynch prayed for his fellow humans on earth. There must have been a large-scale demonic invasion.

Isthmus of Lustria, the top of the pyramid in the center of Hesiota.

Lord Mazdamudi projects his thoughts across the world.

Not long ago, across the pond of the world, a new kingdom united to defeat its great enemy.

In order to protect the world, the Demon Toads have been working hard to strengthen the "Great Guard" and weaken the power of demons for more than ten years, which indirectly provides them with help.

The Demon Toads were supposed to continue to bless the Great Guardian, but only the younger Lord Ed Itago revealed its prophecy.

This ancient second-generation Slann, the ruler of the moon city of Taraxlan, and the most outstanding moon diviner saw the crisis approaching Lustria secretly!

Lord Mazdamudi looked towards the broken continent to the north.

In the north, self-destructive elves have entered the rainforest in large numbers. These stupid hot-blooded species are looking for things they shouldn't touch.

The ancient Demon Toad did not pay much attention to them. The Gray Guardian Mountains he raised thousands of years ago blocked the Druzi army. They could only harass various temple cities like mosquitoes.

The lizardfolk's brother race is still in civil war, and Mazdamudi's silence on Asur's overstepping of Ulthuan may facilitate the implementation of the grand plan.

Decades ago, Mazdamudi met a pair of gifted Asur, and the elven mage convinced the creature who had assisted the Old Ones in transforming the world.

In the old world on the other side of the big pond, the dwarf kingdoms in the World's Edge Mountains are fighting a fierce battle with the green tide of green-skinned orcs.

The demon rats underground are ready to take action, even if they have just suffered several catastrophic failures.

Heading north along the towering mountains, you pass by the Kingdom of Kislev, which has just been ravaged by the army of Chaos.

Mazdamudi cautiously threw his will to the northern peninsula, and the minions of the enemy of Chaos gathered again.

To the south, across the cold strait, savage beasts are raging in the forests of the empire, and all the southern countries are shrouded in the shadow of war.

Its thoughts traveled over mountains, across oceans, and finally returned to Lustria.

The Slans are working hard to close the chaotic rift that suddenly appeared in Zahhuitak.

At the same time, on the Vampire Coast, the restless dead man's cub began to become restless again.

The wild orc tribes in the south migrated to Hesiota, and Mazdamudi could see the shadow of a conspiracy.

When the Demon Toad's mind crossed the ground, a huge unknown creature underground caught its attention.

That may be a rare species that existed before the arrival of the ancient saints, because the knowledgeable Demon Toad has never seen a creature similar to it.

Lin Qi silently paid his respects to the lord of cold-blooded beasts and the ancient saint Iqi, hoping that this would prevent him from being noticed by the giant beast that suddenly surfaced from the underground sea.

When it rose, the entire underground sea was lifted up by several feet!

It rolled and struggled in the waves. After the ups and downs of the river like a natural disaster, the giant beast settled down again.

There was inexplicable cold reason in the giant pale yellow eyes. Lin Qi looked at the opponent's giant lizard-like head, hiding behind the rocks, not daring to move.

The top of the flat and thick fins, like sharp claws that could easily crush a pyramid, reached out of the water and grabbed somewhere on the other side of Lynch.

The ground began to tremble, pieces of dust collapsed, and the sun shone down.

After doing all this, the giant beast shook its head, and the indifference in its eyes was taken over by wildness again.

It was half floating in the water confused, as if it didn't know what had just happened.

After a moment, the island-like beast sank into the water, creating a huge whirlpool at the same time.

Lynch stared blankly at the sunshine in the distance. It seemed that his underground journey was about to end.

But he had to find a way to reach the other side, which required crossing at least one kilometer of underground sea.

Lynch now has a strong resistance to the entire underground sea!

Along the coast, Lynch started moving again, trying to take a long way around and follow the rocks to the other side.

After trekking for three days, Lynch followed an irregular curve along the coast and was still at least half way to the hole leading to the ground.

The howl of the wild beast made Lynch stop. Some kind of tragedy seemed to be happening ahead.

Lin Qi crawled forward, and it didn't take long before he saw the Druchi animal trainer he had seen before.

There are no other Druchi to defend this beast tamer.

Only the beast tamer and three sorceresses were left, the leading sorceress still had burn scars on her body.

A ferocious manticore was roaring at the giant lizard bound by the shadow, which even made it ignore the new smell.

The lizard was as big as an adult tyrannosaurus. It was covered with thick fish scales and had huge gill covers on its cheeks. It looked like some kind of aquatic sea lizard.

The manticore can only be regarded as a baby in front of it, but its green pupils are full of fear, which makes Lynch quite puzzled.

The animal trainer kept whipping it with a magical whip, causing it to wail in waves.

Its eyes glanced at the four dark elves from time to time. When passing by the ragged sorceress, Lin Qi felt that there was something greasy and obscene in it.

It's not an illusion. This thing seems to be intelligent?

The giant sea lizard couldn't suppress its anger during the whipping. It screamed and forced itself to get up, but was suppressed by three sorceresses with magic.

When it was pinned to the ground by the magic power, Lynch clearly saw in its eyes that it had no hope of life.

The trainer's whip smashed its dorsal fin, and only the flat tail that kept twisting proved that it was still trying to resist.

The giant sea lizard's forelimbs bulged with muscles. Lynch thought it was going to fight desperately, but he saw it stretched out its right paw. The three toes on the paw were slightly bent, and then with some difficulty straightened the middle toe, which was not very straight. Standard middle finger.

Lin Qi's eyes froze slightly. With this humanized movement, it seemed that it might be him.

The dark elf obviously didn't recognize that it was an international friendly gesture from Lynch's previous life.

The trainer, Omarin, might have been tired from beating him, or he might have thought that the cold-blooded creature's weird gesture was a sign of submission, so he stopped beating him.

But Omarin did not let down his guard. This damn beast had become particularly cunning two months ago.

He even knew how to pretend to obey, and then took advantage of Asul to attack the Black Ark, and jumped into the ocean to escape during the charge!

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