The Rat Man quickly surrounded Lynch, jumping between stones.

Lynch kept changing his position, trying not to expose his back to the rat man.


A ball was thrown at Lynch by the Rat Man. Lynch swung his staff and tried to hit it far away, but was stopped by the darts that followed.

The dart hit the stick, causing Lynch to slow down a beat, which was enough for the ball to complete its mission.

Under Lin Qi's uneasy gaze, a roar sounded, and the violent explosion caused a partial collapse of the cave, burying Lin Qi underneath.

The Rat Man nimbly moved away from the dangerous area in the chaos, but it did not leave.

It must ensure that its target dies and prevents other creatures from interfering with the situation.

Under the rocks, Lynch was bruised and bloody, and the flames restricted his ability to recover.

The lack of oxygen was more fatal than Lynch's injuries.

Lynch called out the panel again.

[Current potential development degree: 25]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity]

[Enhancement optional]

Lynch was looking for useful modifications, and an affix called "deoxygenated life form" came to his mind.

This would free him from the constraints of oxygen on his life.

At some point, Lynch stopped breathing.

[Renovation successful]

[Current potential development degree: 30]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form]

Lin Qi waited quietly for the injury to heal. After an unknown amount of time, he pushed aside the rocks on his body and prepared to fight again.

In the darkness, Black Thirteen, who was waiting for work, looked at Lin Qi who crawled out with some confusion.

It had to admit, this lizard thing was its toughest target yet.

But it still has a way to kill this seemingly immortal monster.

Black Thirteen took out a chipped dark dimensional stone blade, which was a good thing he got from the Skry clan.

It is a special short knife made of a mixture of metal and warpstone, which can easily break through the armor of the dwarf king!

It's sharp enough, but it's not strong enough.

Black Thirteen almost lost it in a previous commission.

When the tenacious dwarf king was seriously injured and on the verge of death, he could still launch a dying counterattack.

Black Thirteen, who had no time to dodge, used the dimensional stone blade to catch the dwarf's hammer.

This caused it to be damaged, which made Black Thirteen feel distressed. Fortunately, the dwarf thing was too weak and its power was far less than before.

Warpstone blades cannot be used as conventional weapons. Just carrying them carries great risks. Warpstones are highly toxic and radioactive.

The addictive reaction caused by long-term use of warpstone by the Skaven makes them not care about these dangers.

Warpstone is so useful that whether it is precious armor or rare talismans in rat society, warpstone will be added to it.

This magically powerful stone is the most valuable currency!

Black Thirteen looked at the dagger one last time with some reluctance.

The reward for this mission is very generous. Maybe it can go to the Skry clan to find an engineering warlock to get a dimensional stone blade.

Before Lynch could crawl out completely, Black Thirteen jumped directly to him and slit his throat with a short knife.

It almost cut off Lynch's head entirely, if Lynch hadn't hastily used his claws to force Black Thirteen to defend.

When Black Thirteen jumped back, he did not forget to use his tail blade to create terrible wounds on Lynch's arm.

The sudden heavy injury made Lynch almost crazy. He pounced on the rat man like a beast, trying to kill the assassin with his teeth and claws.

Fortunately, Lynch's sanity was quickly restored. After forcing the Rat Man away, he quickly picked up his weapon and defended against the wall.

Lynch took the opportunity to open the panel and start a new strengthening transformation. This time he chose the term "full of physical strength".

It is foreseeable that if the rat assassin does not give up the assassination, this will be a long battle.

Black Thirteen took advantage of the victory to pursue, and kept shooting at Lynch's wounds with various hidden weapons.

Lynch blocked these attacks with his hands, but his palms were almost cut off by the mysterious sharp blade.

This time the wound healed far less quickly than in the past, and discarded flesh and blood continued to fall off.

His immunity also has limits, even after strengthening.

Warpstone has a more insidious and terrifying power than venom, and is more difficult to eliminate by pure living organisms.

After leaving a pile of necrotic flesh and blood, Lynch managed to survive the most dangerous period without any danger.

Of course, Black Thirteen will not sit back and watch Lynch recover, and it will quietly launch attacks from time to time.

Since Lynch focused on protecting his throat, it resorted to the next best thing and made a slender wound on Lynch's stomach.

Lynch has to admit that he did it largely on purpose.

This is a perfect opponent, it cannot kill Lynch instantly, but Lynch is not afraid of heavy damage, and even looks forward to it.

Waving the scepter to repel the Rat Man, and opening the panel again, Lynch chose to strengthen his reflexes.

His burst speed is actually not slower than that of Rat Man, but his reaction is too slow.

[Current potential development degree: 40]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form, abundant physical strength, extraordinary agility]

Lin Qi noticed that the rat man's movements had slowed down. No, it was Lin Qi who had become faster.

Use the body of the staff to block the dimensional stone blade that the rat man was attacking from the left. As the rat man looked at him sadly, the stone blade was broken into pieces by the strong scepter.

Lynch had no intention of keeping it, and despising the enemy would be self-destruction.

The rat man retreated deftly, but Lynch did not catch up. When it focused on escaping, Lynch could not catch up with it.

The Rat Man took a roundabout way and dropped a few more darts, but Lynch narrowly intercepted them.

When it was confirmed that Lynch was not lucky enough to block his attack, but was getting stronger as he fought, Black Thirteen became a little shaken.

But the Assassin Master's pride makes him unwilling to give up!

It still has methods, it always has techniques to kill its targets, just like in the past.

Black Thirteen has no experience of failure. If it gives up, it will become the first Black Thirteen to fail in assassination!

This is a shame that is difficult to wash away. Even if it is killed, it cannot wash away the stain stained by the Essin clan.

After taking a deep look at Lin Qi, Black Thirteen's figure disappeared into the darkness.

It will come back, for what little dignity it has sadly left.

The conflict came to an end, and Lin Qi looked at the direction Black Thirteen left without too much worry.

He had already defeated this assassin once.

Lynch will only get stronger and stronger, so why should he be afraid of a mouse that can only live in the shadows?

Sooner or later, Lynch will encourage the lizardmen to attack the Rat Demon City and personally eradicate these filthy creatures.

The lizard people will start the "Great Purge" again just like they did thousands of years ago.

With the Scepter of Koteg, Lynch is no longer afraid of being recognized by Slann. The relics of the Ancient Sage have proven his reliability.

He just needs to prove that he is qualified to master the sacred object.

Then, it was time for him to find a way to get Slan to take the initiative to interfere with the world!

Lynch continued to move along the underground coast. The caves in this area were not connected to each other and were all dead ends.

He had to face the water that he feared and explore along the coast.

Well, he wasn't too scared. Lynch just didn't want to die in an unknown way. There was no honor in dying in the aftermath of the monster's actions.

That huge sea beast can cause horrific natural disasters just by turning over inadvertently!

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