A terrifying air pressure enveloped the undead, and a curse that existed in ancient times descended here.

The body of the undead seemed to become fragile, and the skeleton walking towards Lin Qi fell down from time to time, breaking into pieces on the ground.

Lynch quickly approached the weak vampire and ended its twisted vitality with one stroke of the staff.

Lynch ordered the warriors to take the opportunity to launch an attack. Both skinks and lizardmen were able to roam among the undead that had been weakened by the spell.

Louis struggled to get off the Triceratops and purified the undead with the dwarf.

But the rampaging Triceratops is like a sports car with failed brakes. Only the skink's high cheers prove that everything is under control. Maybe.

The knight held on to one of the long inverted horns on the head of the Triceratops, and from time to time he tried his best to cut away the flying dead with his sword, hoping that the skink rider who was almost thrown away by the Triceratops could still control his mount.

He had to swear it was more exciting than any ride he'd ever been on.

Even a vulture is tamer than this wild crawling monster!

The Triceratops rushed past Lynch, knocking down the trees along the way, and finally hung the vampire lurking inside on its sharp horns.

Lynch looked at the white-faced Lewis on the Triceratops and the skinks cheering for the giant beast's wild performance.

The huge reptile beast has lost control. It has not been running in with the skink for a long time, or in other words, the skink has not trained it properly at all.

This ancient beast, which had never served in the temple city, galloped wildly among the undead, greatly boosting morale.

Maybe it was a good thing, Lin Qi couldn't help but think so, and he didn't let the skink calm the angry giant beast.

Romon screamed and rolled among the harmless skeletons. Every movement of his huge body could knock down a group of undead.

By the time Lynch killed the last vampire, the pirates' interception had failed.

The skink priest in the sky flew to nowhere, and Lynch called to the warriors to regroup.

As the trees became sparse, intensive gunfire sounded. Fortunately, those at the front were lizard men with tough bodies.

Lynch was just about to charge when he saw the pirates shaking their bodies and starting to retreat to the left.

Another group of musketeers appeared on the right and launched a tiresome harassment.

Lynch concentrated his forces and defeated the enemies on the left wing in one fell swoop. The enemies on the right wing had already run away, so Lynch did not pursue them and moved directly towards the battlefield.

When he discovered that the dead wanted to attack in a roundabout way, Lynch summoned Romon, mounted him and launched a surprise attack.

The gunpowder hit Romon, and the sea lizard screamed and charged faster.

Lynch once thought that he had been seriously injured, but when he looked sideways, he saw that the musket shot did not even leave the faintest trace on Romon's scales.

Sea Lizard closed his eyes and jumped into the undead to start a fierce battle. In his wail, the sailors were crushed into pieces of flesh and bones.

Lynch didn't even have time to jump off of Luo Meng.

Lin Qi urged him to turn around and return. Only then did Luo Meng open his eyes and look around, jumping between the jungles with a strange smile, and caught up with the cold-blooded army in just a few breaths.

The trees became sparser and sparser, and a dazzling arc of light shot from a distance, directly clearing a small patch of bushes in front of Lynch.

Continuous shelling sounded in the front, and smoke floated into the sky, becoming the embellishment of the battle between pterosaurs and bats.

Lynch ordered the battle group to advance steadily, but he ran headlong into the army of the dead that was looming ahead.

Spells wreaked havoc on both sides, and Nakai's huge figure reappeared at the end of Lynch's sight.

Lynch did not see the boundaries of the undead wave, which may be hundreds of thousands or even millions.

Lynch rushed towards the undead manipulating the cannon. The corpse commander came to stop him with a group of sword-wielding undead sailors, but was killed by Lynch in a confrontation. The remaining pirates also wailed under the light of Kotago. die.

There was a sound of breaking through the air behind him, and Lynch swung his tail violently, knocking away the vampire who launched a sneak attack.

Lynch turned around and pounced on it, breaking its neck with a stick, then turned back and rushed towards the artillery position to start killing.

A violent roar sounded, and a huge death-screaming horror beast pounced on Lynch, who was running rampant among the dead.

Lynch responded with a melting arc of light that tore through the air with Koteg's scepter.

The laser cut open the body of the super giant bat, and the smelly liquid splashed on Lynch, and the two bodies fell to the ground separately.

Lynch's performance caused the Skinks to cheer as they slowly approached the battlefield. As Lynch destroyed the artillery pieces and killed the vampires who came to stop them, the Skinks had fallen into a state of frenzy.

The lizard-men who slaughtered unstoppably among the undead satisfied the skink's imagination of slaughter.

Kotago's light, which never fades amid the enemy's wailing, is more like the final instruction thrown by the ancient saint to the world.

"Kotego!" The superstitious cold-blood screamed and shouted the name of the ancient saint.

"Lynch!" But there are still some skinks who are in awe of the cruelty and strength of the lizard people.

Lynch tore apart the hastily formed line of undead pirates, killed the vampires mixed in, and tirelessly smashed the corpses' bodies.

The loud shouts came slightly vaguely, but Lynch had already devoted his body and mind to the war.

Lynch charged from the artillery position into the distance, and he didn't react until he shattered the crab shell of a Corrupted Leviathan.

He seemed to be at the center of the battlefield.

The arc of light created by the solar engine streaked across the sky, the exchange of magic echoed everywhere, and the volleys of muskets even sounded like thunder.

The ancient blood lizard warrior riding a tyrannosaurus was right in front of Lynch. Some of the giant lizards wore gloves with blue light on their arms. Under the influence of the power device, they used more terrifying power to break the enemy's line.

This is the army from Huta, the army sent by Lynch from the place where he was hatched!

Lynch did not see his compatriots who were born with him. Maybe they were fighting elsewhere on the long front, but it was more likely that they died in the battle.

Obviously, after defeating the sneak attack of the undead, this legion fought all the way to the depths of the Vampire Coast and did not directly support the City of Echoes.

Lynch waved his staff to repel the undead that came around again, and while turning around, he used his tail to knock away an arrogant giant crab.

The battle group he led did not directly follow Lynch in-depth. They followed Lynch's pace from the edge.

The subtle shouts were still echoing, and Lynch used a fierce force to ram deeper into the pirate army.

The battle group he led had already joined the lizardman army, and the skink lizards were still cheering and shouting the names of Lynch and the ancient saint.

Some skinks who didn't understand why also started shouting, when the Lynch Formation beheaded the vampire pirate captain who dominated this small battlefield, and stood on the completely dead Corrupted Leviathan and roared.

The loud shouts even frightened the charging beasts, and Stink had found the target he was cheering for.

Please read it! I’m going to start reading PK again soon! thanks for your support! After the recommendation period is over, I will try my best to update as much as I can. If I owe one hundred monthly tickets for one chapter, I will settle it once a month. There is no cap and I will pay it back every day.

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