
At first only one Skink shouted this, but when the sound rose again, a small group of Skink shouted the honor that the warrior deserved.

Gradually, all the Stubborns were shouting loudly for the respect that Lynch had gained during the fierce battle.

In the distance, Lynch continued to advance rapidly, and no matter what methods the vampire used, he could not stop him.

The scales were shattered by the swarming vampires, the flesh was torn by the volleys of muskets, and the body was covered with dense arrows like a hedgehog, but Lynch still cut a long line in the army of the undead.

The arrows on his body were blown apart by a new round of fire from the hand cannon, and the wound healed as before after a few breaths. The weakened spell only made Lynch move slightly slower. Wherever Kotago's light touched, the undead fell in pieces!

Lynch was like a surprise soldier who broke into the enemy's hinterland, causing the pirates to lose the coordination of their front and rear positions.

The undead front line was broken by the charge of dozens of triceratops, and the noisy skinks formed small battle groups around the giant lizards.

The giant lizard swung the stone hammer and knocked away pieces of flesh-and-blood undead pirates.

The skinks jumped for joy at the bravery of their giant compatriots. They swarmed forward with obsidian rods held high, killing the undead sailors defeated by the giant lizards and opening a wider gap.

The Lizardmen formed a long platoon and drove away the fish that slipped through the net.

Although most of these lizard-men are newly hatched recruits, from time to time some lizard-men fall into primal rage and directly break away from the line and charge towards the enemy.

But the huge number conceals the slight flaws. This is a cold-blooded army that can compete with and even repel the invasion of the demon army time and time again!

The Tyrannosaurus rex rushed forward and bit into the Leviathan Crab's claws. The Ancient Blood Warrior took the opportunity to smash the Crab's head with a spear.

The Death Screaming Horror, which dared to land and face the jungle overlord, was also torn apart by the Tyrannosaurus in its terrifying roar.

Occasionally, a vampire trying to decapitate would rush towards him on a giant crab, only to be picked up by the ancient blood warrior's spear.

The tyrannosaurus is already dripping with blood, which is the only gain from the occasional musket and crossbow arrows, but the scars can only anger this masterpiece of the ancient saint Iqi!

Ancient blood warriors with thousands of years of conquest experience did not abandon their troops like Lynch or Nakai.

It constantly observes the battlefield and roars violently to adjust the position of the battle group.

The keen hearing of the lizardmen ensures the smooth execution of orders, but the skinks can only rely on the adaptability of the skink leaders.

The terrifying roar of the Tyrannosaurus is the war drum of the Lizardmen!

The high-pitched roar resounded throughout the battlefield, which also allowed the leader of the Skink to cooperate with the ancient blood warrior's plan at a macro level.

From time to time, an out-of-control Ankylosaurus or Triceratops brought variables to the battlefield, and their Skink Tamers were amazed by their wild fury. The out-of-control beasts even approached Lynch's location at one point.

Just as Lynch was about to turn around and wrestle with the charging giant crab, a reckless Ankylosaurus knocked him away.

The skink rider on it had long since disappeared. The ankylosaurus relied on its several layers of hard carapace to bump and bite among the dead sailors.

The hand gunners and musketeers who turned to shoot at the Ankylosaurus managed to break through the outermost armor of the Ankylosaurus. Through the shattered back shell, the brand new hard armor underneath could be seen.

This iron tortoise-like creature shared the pressure for Lynch, who broke through the dead man's blockage at a faster speed.

The vampire hiding behind the dead pirate no longer dared to face Lynch's sharp edge and allowed him to purify the sailors one by one.

This lizard is like a tireless, unkillable monster!

Throughout the years when vampires have been roaming the ocean, they have never encountered such a stubborn hunter!

If the wanderers who have reached the other side of the army are killed, they are a natural disaster that the vampires cannot resist.

The lizard man who looked like he could be killed, but kept fighting tenaciously gave the vampire a glimmer of hope.

When this glimmer of hope was shattered by violence, the vampires began to flee.

And the Skink's thundering battle cry is exacerbating this tendency!

The thunderous war drums sounded, and the vampires who hurriedly avoided the lizardmen's onslaught suddenly cheered up and mustered up the courage to delay the cold-blooded advance.

There were fewer and fewer obstacles in front of Lynch. When he fought his way through the entire battlefield, he discovered that a strange army of the dead was approaching.

They are all bloated zombies, but the smell of decay is always lingering around them.

The jungle the zombies walked through turned yellow, and the disgusting smell of plague made Lynch extremely vigilant.

This doesn't sound like a vampire trick!

Above the walking corpse, a female vampire riding a Death Screaming Horror was swollen, and even its mount had unhealthy pustules.

The vampire seemed to have no will at all, and its bloated body drove the flying beast towards Lynch.

The rotten and huge flying beast was easily cut open in the abdomen by Lin Qi, and blood mixed with pus fell to the ground. Fortunately, Lin Qi had already nimbly rushed forward to avoid it.

Wanderer Nakai had already started killing among the stinky zombies. The splash of juice forced Lynch to make a detour and turn around to deal with the bloated vampire who refused to give up.

These abnormal undead souls seem to have extra evil activity. Even if they are cut open by Kotago's scepter, they are slowly healing themselves.

If the wound is caused by an ordinary weapon, it is very likely that it will recover as before in an instant.

But no matter what kind of self-healing power, it can't save a puddle of mud.

Lin Qi suppressed his disgust and allowed the poisonous pus to fly onto his body, destroying the vampire and its mount in one go.

The slight dizziness made Lin Qi uneasy. Even he, with his extraordinary physique, could be affected by the disease, let alone ordinary skink lizards and even humans.

The two warriors alone were unable to stop the advance of this army. The bright beams of light from the sun engine on the back of the Ankylosaurus in the distance could only purify a handful of corrupted undead.

The solar engine is a special device left behind by the ancient saints. It can produce pure solar rays, and the beams can greatly damage chaotic and twisted things.

But these relics left by the ancient saints were massively destroyed by demons in the war during the first great invasion of Chaos eight thousand years ago!

You know, eight thousand years ago, the wind of magic washed the world like a tsunami, and the power of demons was closely related to the energy tide blowing from this chaotic demonic realm.

The extremely powerful demon made the elves desperate to defend themselves on the island of Ulthuan, inside the ringed mountains, relying on the terrain and the help of countless dragons.

The overflowing demons forced the dwarf kings to passively resist by detonating the fallen fortresses and city-states.

The appearance of a targeted demon like the Ever-Changing Demon King caused heavy losses to the Slann people.

After losing the magical help of Slann, the Lizardmen could no longer maintain the stalemate with the demons. They could only carry out the relics left by the ancient saints and fight hard, using limited relics to fight against the infinite demons.

In fact, in today's war, Lynch was surprised enough that two solar engines appeared on the battlefield under the protection of temple guards.

The zombies carrying the horrific plague finally approached the battlefield.

The Triceratops, which was rushing among the undead, had just hit a few walking corpses, and after taking a few steps, it staggered and fell down with a cry.

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