The plague spread among the living creatures, and the Skink leaders screamed and gave orders, which reminded them of the plague brought by the Skaven!

The name of the snake god Sotigo was shouted over and over again by the skink. The cold-blooded beasts that kept falling reminded Stenker of the tragedy when Queza was destroyed.

The red-crowned skink began to enthusiastically initiate sacrifices, and all infected flesh and blood, regardless of enemy or friend, were sacrificed to the snake god Sotek.

Looking at his compatriots struggling in the plague, there was a rare hatred in Stubborn's eyes.

This sentiment spread among the lizardfolk groups, and was ultimately demonstrated in the bloodiest ritual.

The Skink leader ordered the corpses to be piled up, and the fallen Lizardfolk voluntarily surrendered to the Serpent God.

With the help of the giant lizard, hills of rotting corpses appeared all over the battlefield.

It may not be as unified as the sacrifices led by the serpent-god prophets, but the skink's fiery emotions still attract their god.

Lin Qi heard a slippery squirming sound, and countless snakes seemed to appear out of thin air in the jungle.

The hissing sounds of the snakes behind him kept calling for the bloodthirsty god.

The dwarves and humans on the edge of the battlefield had stopped fighting and were avoiding the poisonous snakes swimming around their feet uncomfortably. The sea lizard even climbed directly onto the giant tree.


The skink chanted in a long and eerie tone, offering a great prayer to the snake god.

More and more snakes appeared next to the pile of corpses. When Lin Qi finished killing the enemy and turned around to look back, there was already a thick carpet of snakes on the battlefield!

This is just the beginning, the sacrifice further expands the scale of the sacrifice, and both parties who kill become nourishment for the snake god.

Dark clouds appeared in the sky, and the dark clouds turned into giant snakes looking down at the world.

In Lin Qi's suddenly frozen sight, the giant python in the sky moved.

He lowered his body slightly and thrust his head that covered the sky into the human world.

Three mortals from the old world prayed loudly to their respective gods to hide their inner panic.

But Grimnir and the Lake God did not show their holiness in this hunting ground of the snake god.

Romon, who had little experience, looked at the sky-collapse scene, and his body and mind were frightened by the fear that smelled of blood.

The eyes of the giant snake in the sky lit up with blood. Perhaps the blood soaked the dark clouds, and the clouds gradually turned light red.

Lynch paid his respects to this unusual deity, and joined the skinks in chanting Sotek's prophecy.

The giant snake swam down slowly, and its head fell into the center of the battlefield.

The vampires had begun to flee like a herd of frightened deer, and the zombies struggled to drive the giant crabs away from the battlefield.

But this speed is extremely fast at the mortal level, but it cannot exceed the scale of a giant snake swimming slowly for an instant.

He suddenly accelerated, and Lin Qi watched helplessly as he opened his bloody mouth and began to devour it directly along the ground.

Lin Qi wanted to run away, but after finding out that all the cold-blooded creatures swallowed by the giant snake were safe, he stopped abruptly.

The giant snake swam past Lynch, who felt like he was sinking into an icy pool of water.

A huge number of walking corpses have disappeared, probably becoming embellishments in the snake god's bottomless stomach.

A whisper like the hissing of a snake appeared in Lin Qi's mind, and vast thoughts flashed past, almost shattering Lin Qi's thinking.

"Itaza Ashoranka."

Only these two words were captured by Lynch. The giant snake swam past Lynch in a few breaths. Lynch almost fell to the ground in exhaustion.

The phantom pain caused the objects in Lynch's eyes to overlap, and all sounds turned into a noisy hum.

Fortunately, all the enemies were devoured by the phantom of the giant snake. After eating all the enemies, the giant snake burrowed towards the ground.

Things on the ground clearly remained unchanged, but the giant snake seemed to have crawled into the snake hole and disappeared under the awe-inspiring gaze of the skink.

Lin Qi's chaotic thoughts gradually recovered after the army regrouped. At this time, he could still hear chaotic sounds.

Lin Qi wanted to think, but found that every breath he took now was torture for him, so he could only abandon this idea.

It was only when the army razed the forts at the mouth of the Cohuta River to the ground and began to march towards the Kuweizha River, the "capital" of the Vampire Coast, that Lynch fully recovered.

In the sparse swamp forest, Lewis on the back of the sea lizard spoke with concern. This human seemed to still be in some kind of fear.

"You suddenly become very scary!"

Lynch looked at the young knight and the two dwarves behind the knight, and responded in a hoarse accent:

"The snake god touched me."

The dwarf kept complaining, seeming to hide his inner terror.

Until the sea lizard raised its tail, its slender tail gently brushed the dwarf's face. Romon's move, which was either a provocation or a comfort, made the dwarf groan.

"TN, the touch of your tail is so exciting!"

The dwarf seemed to have just reacted. Grim looked at Lynch hurriedly and shouted so loudly that the Triceratops on one side of the team snorted.

"Fuck! You weren't discovered, were you?"

Lynch knew what he was worried about, but this worry was obviously meaningless. The gods would notice this group of outsiders if they glanced at them more.

It's just that they are restricted and cannot always show their presence.

The God's Chosen people everywhere are proof of their power. Whether they are priests or slightly special warriors, they are all cheap God's Chosen people.

"Think about that devil. It can also speak our language. I mean, it's not just the four of us." Louis sighed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lynch and Grim heard his hint, there must be exposed visitors from another world, and their appearance in this world itself is full of strangeness.

Even Romon began to slow down his pace and almost hit a tree trunk with only half of it left. He was obviously distracted.

If there is only one outsider, I can comfort myself that I am the lucky one among the vast number of sentient beings.

But this kind of time travel is obviously not an exception, there is some kind of force driving all of this.

Lin Qi didn't dare to think too much, he was afraid of falling into Tzeentch's fishing net.

At his suggestion, everyone quieted down and stopped discussing this dangerous topic.

When night falls, it's another white moon night.

The army was stationed in the swamp, and the chaotic roars of wild beasts made the rain forest lively at night.

Until the Tyrannosaurus rex let out a shocking roar, other creatures did not dare to speak out in fear.

Lynch looked at the blazing flames and could not find a trace of blood. Perhaps the Skink Priest walking around in the camp made that being fearful.

It may be that the huge army of lizardmen stopped the evil spirits in the darkness, and Lynch was unable to wait for the attackers.

But Lynch heard some hazy words, and the reactions of Grimm and Lewis proved that they also had auditory hallucinations.

Only Romon looked at the three people who were facing a formidable enemy with his animal eyes in confusion.

“Why not embrace the blessing, go to the eternal garden, join my loving grandfather, and become a free spirit with me?”

"The more you know, the more you should understand the fate of this world!

bring it on! I have prepared a refuge for you in the garden, my people.”

The dull voice suddenly became fierce, as if he was fighting an invisible enemy.

"Why would I say such a thing? No! I don't respect the Plague Lord!

Beware of the devil who can see the past and the future! "

The hysterical screams dissipated in the ears of the three strangers.

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