The name of a devil appeared in Lin Qi's mind, and he threw it into the depths of his mind.

The danger of big demons is not only on the frontal battlefield, they have god-like powers to some extent.

Lin Qi didn't know whether the corrupted stranger was a genuine reminder or a false inducement.

He knew so little, he just felt like he was being caught in a big web.

The skink priest quickly approached Lynch's camp. The bonfire in the camp suddenly became strong, and the rich blood exuded a fishy smell of blood.

The heads of eight vampires were stacked together and appeared in the center of the flames.

They are obviously the strong ones among the vampires, filled with blood and arranged as neatly as cutlery.

Lynch cast a solemn gaze on this unique tribute from the Daemon of Khorne, a gift from the Daemon of Khorne to his worthy opponent.

But this gift of chaos only made Lynch furious, and Kotago's scepter lit up a dazzling arc of light, annihilating the bloody skull.

Looking around, Sea Lizard Romon should be frightened, but Lynch will teach him what courage is.

The two butchers looked extremely angry, and Lynch knew that they had also been provoked.

Louis prayed over the sword, and Lynch didn't doubt his resolve.

Lynch just hoped that the demon would quickly gather his legion for a head-on battle.

The Skink Priests performed a ritual of respect for Kotego for the flames, and the bonfires in the camp were rearranged according to the positions of the stars, with the central bonfire aligned with the astrological position of the sun.

The rekindled flame seemed to be sacred. Lynch guessed that it was some kind of heavenly spell, and the ancient Saint Kotago should not have shown his power.

Except for the snake god Sotek, other gods believed by the lizard people should have disappeared long ago.

The sudden commotion did not disturb the tranquility of the night. Amidst the hearty snoring of the dwarves, Lynch looked up at the stars in the sky.

The starlight appeared brighter after the reverence ceremony, and the fine stardust lit up a broken illusory drawing.

The upper half of the drawing is filled with vague ancient text. In the center is Lynch's familiar panel, and below are incomplete pictures and corresponding text.

Using the starlight, Lynch struggled to identify the symbols emerging from the data stream.

Only the words "dimension", "Ashoranka", "cutting-edge life" and other words can be vaguely seen.

This seems to be a research report, because the name of the ancient saint "Lost One" Ashoranka also appears in the middle position directly below the title.

Although the picture at the bottom of the drawing is incomplete, Lynch can still see that it lists humans, elves, dwarves, ogres and other creatures, and even greenskins.

It contains almost every species known to Lynch, as well as many more strange creatures that Lynch cannot recognize.

Lynch even found the species to which Romon belonged, as well as the island-like monster he had encountered.

The text next to it is more like a scholar’s ​​introduction and deconstruction of the race in the picture.

Further down, a long paragraph of symbols appeared, which may be an encrypted language that Lynch could not identify at all.

An image of a lizard-man appears at the end, but it seems to be structurally different from ordinary lizard-men.

Its scales are thicker and thicker, its muscles are stronger, and its scales are densely engraved with symbols.

A clearer line of comments was captured by Lynch:

". Use **** to make up for the lack of initiative. The resistance is relatively excellent. It has growth potential. It will be tested in the initial stage of mass production."

".The experiment failed, and the preset protection against subspace interference has been activated. It was found that the successful individual could not be located due to timeline disturbance."

The bright stars gradually dispersed, along with the data flow in front of Lin Qi.

The cool night breeze blew against Lynch, waking up his slightly dizzy consciousness from interpreting the data stream.

Lin Qi quietly watched the night scene of the jungle, waiting for the morning light to come.

The next day, the huge army slowly moved.

The roar of the giant beast reappeared in the jungle, and the high-pitched cry of the skink could be heard from time to time.

The enemy seemed to be spotted on the front line, but silence returned after a few rounds of gunfire.

Lynch believed that it was the cold lizard riders who used a wave of charge to eliminate the enemy. There were thousands of lizards riding cold lizards wandering on both sides of the army.

Lynch discovered that fungi in this rainforest were growing extremely vigorously, while the tall trees were withering.

The skink's panicked cry came from the front, the tyrannosaurus let out a long low roar, and the cold-blooded species in front of Lynch began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Lynch hadn't figured out what was going on, so he could only quickly retreat to the rear with the army.

Trees fell in pieces, and a fishy smell suddenly appeared in the air.

The legion retreated for several miles before stopping. Lynch turned around to observe the situation, but found that a giant tumor as big as a castle had appeared out of thin air in the distance!

Countless sliding shadows could be seen under the greasy surface of the tumor, filled with thick juice.

The suffocating stench was carried by the wind, but was blown away the next moment by the strong wind summoned by the Skink Priests.

The cold-blooded species who unfortunately breathed the rotten atmosphere died in large numbers. The army retreated a long distance, and many cold-blooded species who found something strange about themselves left the group.

The jungle seemed to have had its vitality drained out, and all the plants that Lynch could see, except fungi, withered in a few breaths.

Lin Qi looked at the blasphemous creation and almost felt nauseated and vomited like a human and two dwarves.

Fortunately, he doesn't have this urge physically for the time being, and he won't pollute the jungle by vomiting undigested raw meat all over the ground like the sea lizard Romon.

The skinks kept calling strong winds, and the completely rotten trees were blown into powder by the strong winds. The ten-kilometer radius around the tumor had become a "clearance".

Around the castle-like tumor, fungi and plants on the ground were connected together, like a colorful carpet.

Lynch looked at the mushroom's pus-oozing cap and rotten flesh-like stipe.

Even though there was a long distance, there was still a faint smell of excrement.

Lynch could clearly see the flies hovering above the giant cyst, like bees smearing "honey" on the tumor.

But this "honey" has no sweetness, only a stench consistent with its yellowish appearance.

The cyst continues to absorb these nutrients to grow.

The cold-blooded army is too large and it is impractical to go around it, and Lynch cannot guarantee that there will be no traps in other directions.

You can't expect Lynch and Nakai to rush over and eliminate the castle-like enemies. This is the job of the mages.

The tumor was so big that Lynch couldn't imagine how he could completely destroy it without leaving any consequences. The soldiers couldn't do it anyway.

Lin Qi could guess that once the tumor was broken, the full juice would splash out and directly contaminate a larger area of ​​​​the rainforest!

A dull laugh came from the sky. It was a bloated figure with two wings on its back. It seemed to be celebrating this abnormal vitality.

Obviously, this cyst should be a ritual that the demon prince had prepared for a long time, and it completely exploded today to stop the march of the cold-blooded species.

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