Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 32 The Incarnation of Agil

The demon prince's wild laughter made Lynch very uneasy. Lynch had seen it in Nurgle's garden through the rift before. It should not have come so easily.

Lynch had long expected that the demon of Nurgle had colluded with the undead, and it was very likely that the demon had forcibly contaminated the undead, because the undead would not like Nurgle's gaze.

But he didn't expect that the prince of Nurgle could already come to the mortal realm.

This is a completely different concept from the impact it can have on the mortal realm!

Huta's legion may have directly attacked the Vampire Coast for this reason.

The battle in the City of Echoes is important, as there is a massive rift there.

Once it falls, a steady stream of demonic legions will come cheering to the mortal realm.

Only an imminent crisis can force Huta's magic toad priests to make the decision to change the legion's direction, abandon the original plan, and directly attack the Vampire Coast.

You know, Huta is located on the Vampire Coast.

But why did the Demon Prince come? There are conditions required for a demon to come to the mortal world, and it is impossible to travel freely between the two worlds!

This demon seems to have ignored the great protection that still exists, and travels between the demonic realm and reality at will.

Think of the demons raging in the rainforest, and the reminders from the demons.

Lynch believed that the chief demon of a certain god of change had arrived, and it used unparalleled magic power to open up some unstable realms!

I just don’t know how the fate-weaver came to this world.

Nurgle, who represents stasis, and Tzeentch, who represents change, are mortal enemies!

But followers of Tzeentch can exploit even their mortal enemies.

Lynch can make cautious references and make bold guesses, but he cannot be completely blind.

Luther Haken is not an ordinary person. If it is a demon wandering to the vampire coast with a purpose, it will definitely escape before danger comes.

In fact, that's how it's been hiding from the lizardmen all these years.

Only the great demon that unexpectedly and instantly descended around Luther Haken could secretly occupy the magpie's nest and infect countless vampires in ignorance.

Why did Varachi Harken come to Lustria?

Perhaps Luther Haken still had his own will and sent out a request for help from the outside world, but messages that clearly mentioned the Demon of Nurgle would obviously be intercepted.

Varachi didn't go to see his brother?

After this stupid blood dragon came to the New World, could it be that he regarded Nakai's war group as a threat to his brothers?

That's not wrong, but the demon's influence is significantly more deadly than that of a powerful warrior.

You can hide in the vast ocean when you encounter a powerful enemy, but you can't help but be controlled by demons.

The Slann are probably putting out fires everywhere, but they don't have time to close all the cracks, so there has been an abnormal proliferation of demons in the rainforest recently.

The great daemon of Tzeentch would never just go around slashing and killing like the great daemon of Khorne.

Lynch recalled the war instructions issued by Slann Yue before. No matter how stupid a creature is, they can see that these powerful beings who can predict the future saw a war sweeping Lustria!

It has even seriously endangered the ancient saint's grand plan. Just a wandering demon is not enough to make Slan so nervous.

Lynch wanted to understand the enemy's plan, but he couldn't.

He is just an insignificant individual, while the plans of the All-Changing Demon Lord cover the whole situation and are often covered up layer by layer.

Why does the snake god mention "Itaza" and "Ashoranka"?

Lin Qi could sense the connection between the Lost One and himself, and he was not bothered by the snake god's sudden mention of this ancient saint.

But Itaza, the leader of the cities, has nothing to do with Lynch.

Does the devil want to repeat the siege of Itaza again?

Lynch almost laughed out loud. The remains of High Priest Croca are in the First City. This first-generation Slann who could resist death still has the power to move mountains and seas.

Unless a large army like that of eight thousand years ago was summoned, how could just a few demon legions still want to threaten the core of this giant spiritual network?

While Lynch was thinking, all the priests were gathered together except for those Skink Priests who controlled the wind.

The monitor lizard violently tore down a small patch of jungle, and the leader of the skink was busy leading the workers to build an altar.

The Skink began to pray to the Old One Taibok, asking for help from this mysterious Old One.

Skink priests gather together to perform rituals over crude symbols.

After a long ceremony, there were calls to the ancient saint "Tepok".

Koteg retreated, gloomy dark clouds enveloped the land, and the howling wind made countless skinks cheer up and shout the name of the feathered serpent god.


This ancient saint who can resist magic and control magic is also the guardian of the wind and the holy land.


After the roar of thunder, several thick bolts of lightning split the sky.

The demon prince disappeared. It seemed that he did not want to fight against the entire legion of mages on his own.

A Skink Priest ascends the altar, channeling the increasingly powerful winds of heaven.

Agil's power was unprecedentedly powerful, and the storm was summoned by the priests.

The heavy downpour fell to the ground, as if trying to wash away all the filth.

Wind, rain, thunder and lightning gathered under the command of the skink priest. Lynch watched the thunder and lightning fall on the priest, turning him into a feathered serpent composed of wind and thunder.

The priest captured the heavenly wind in this area and turned it into an incarnation of the Aegir element!

The feathered serpent flew into the sky, and after several roars, the sky was filled with silver snakes.

Thunder and lightning fell towards the castle-like cyst under the command of the feathered serpent, and the heavy rain washed the dirt away from the cold-blooded species.

The cyst exploded in the lightning's fury, but it didn't explode all around.

The fungus blanket on the ground was destroyed by lightning that fell densely, and silvery white light occupied every corner of Lynch's sight.

The strong wind seemed to have become energetic, gathering into a tornado that towered over the sky, disappearing from Lynch's sight with a filthy uncleanness.

When the filth completely disappeared, the feathered serpents in the sky dissipated like dark clouds in the sunlight.

It seems that the Skink Priest cannot flexibly control a spell of this scale.

This is the price of casting a spell, but it is much better than becoming the incarnation of the element that completely loses its mind and wreaks havoc among its former compatriots.

Although the obstacle had been removed, this sudden disaster still seriously affected the Lizardmen's march.

The army quickly passed through the bare pit, and there was still warmth in the soil under Lynch's feet, which was the trace left by lightning.

Lynch has been alert to the demon's surprise attack, but the Nurgle demon seems to have made up its mind not to directly engage in a direct battlefield confrontation with the cold-blooded species.

A nasty disease began to spread, which, although not fatal, seriously weakened the fighting ability of the warriors.

The Saurus Ancient Blood Warriors had to break off their march, leaving the Skink Priests to deal with a wide variety of illnesses.

Lynch isolates the three visitors from the old world, as well as Lomon.

The four unfortunates had caught a cold, and Lynch hoped it was really just a cold.

The legion was paralyzed here by the tricks of the Nurgle Demon. Lynch did not want to sit still and wait for death, so he approached the commander of the legion.

Please read it! ! The battle is a bit fierce, I don’t want to pounce to death! ! ! Thank you all for your support. Updates will be released soon after they are released. By the way, please pay for monthly tickets to get more updates.

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