Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 33 Schizophrenia (please read more)

Lynch found a lizard-human ancient blood warrior named Ta'il and asked him to lead a team to raid the Dark Castle.

The Dark Castle is the residence of the vampire Luther Harken, located in the Blood Swamp north of the mouth of the Kuweizha River.

Lynch wanted to carry out a decapitation operation. He did not want to face endless undead souls when encountering Nurgle demons, nor did he want to passively endure the ravages of disease.

Moreover, if he is lucky, Lynch can directly banish the demon as long as it dares to appear in front of Lynch.

Lynch, who is in charge of the artifact, has this confidence. His weapon is most suitable for purifying demons or undead. If it is a giant dragon, Lynch will lose this confidence.

Ta'il agreed to Lynch's request, but there were too many soldiers infected with the stubborn disease, and it could only mobilize ten scarers to help Lynch.

The army will be accompanied by a Skink Priest who specializes in celestial magic.

Wanderer Nakai is wandering in the north. No one knows what this ancient giant lizard is hesitating about. It refuses to join Lynch's absurd team, but it can feint to attract the enemy's attention.

Lynch returned to the camp and said goodbye to his compatriots.

Although both the butcher and the adventure knight have the courage to go to the Longtan Tiger's Den with Lynch.

But Lynch didn't want to make meaningless sacrifices. Their physical fitness was obviously not as good as the thick-skinned lizards.

In fact, Lynch alone is enough.

The cold-blooded species began to prepare for hunting, and Lynch cast his cold gaze towards the increasingly dangerous swamp.

Black Castle, on the throne in the hall.

Luther Haken cast his ruthless gaze towards the north, as if looking at a non-existent opponent.

"My dear friend, those stupid reptiles are wreaking havoc on my territory!"

The vampire looked sideways at a skeleton, and a fat white maggot crawled out of the skeleton's empty eye socket.

A mouth opened on the maggot's fat body, and a dull voice echoed in the hall:

"He's here and I can feel the mark I've left."

The vampire was not angry at the other party's ignorance. It had a pleasant smile on its face, cordial and dignified, just like an emperor reminiscing with his courtiers.

"Sashab, I know you will help me drive away those annoying and disgusting cold-blooded monsters, and you will gain the friendship given to you by the Emperor of Lustria."

The prince of Nurgle was too lazy to talk to the prisoner, but the vampire became more and more energetic.

"I will grant you one-tenth of the land of Lustria. When the ugly reptiles are completely eliminated, you will become the prince of Lustria!"

The fat maggot suddenly swelled, and another eye opened in its cracked mouth.

The one eye looked at the vampire with pity, as if looking at a fool.

"If my people are willing to convert, you are just an ant that can be crushed by them at any time. I will commemorate your contribution because you used your life to persuade them to enjoy eternity with me."

Luther Harken's smile froze, but there was no trace of dissatisfaction on the white-haired vampire's face, and the eye that was not covered by the eyepatch moved cunningly.

Suddenly, Luther Haken's eyes became dull, and then regained his clarity in the next moment.

The vampire glared at the maggots and roared righteously:

"I am the Old Saint! You filthy demon! Go get my power back from the Slann who stole my magical abilities. This is your only chance to be forgiven!"

One Eye looked at the insane vampire with even more pity.

To be honest, if not understand the world, learn about this vampire.

He never imagined that the undead with split personality could have such a heavyweight personality as the Ancient Sage.

It's a pity that it is just the imagination of an undead spirit, and it is not the real ancient saint.

"Huta." Sashaab knew that this word would make the "Old One" furious.

"That fool Haken is an ignorant and ignorant idiot! The lowest creatures are more intelligent than it! It dares to touch the protection of the temple!"

The "Old Sage" that was spitting suddenly stopped, and the panic in its eyes proved that it was forced to switch personalities again.

"Where am I? Where is Anna? Have you seen my doll?"

The vampire made a little girl-like whisper from its mouth, but its eyes instantly changed in several ways, some gentle, some curious.

Finally, Luther Haken's own eyes reappeared, as if he had no idea what had just happened, and continued the previous topic with a smile:

"If you get to know me better, you'll find that I have a higher value than just being a gift."

"Perhaps my countryman is too stubborn and must hurry into his grandfather's garden.

Lustria is dangerous, Carlos is weaving a dangerous conspiracy, and that nasty two-headed chicken will hurt my countrymen! "

Sashab's tone was full of anger when he mentioned the Great Demon of Tzeentch, who was induced to land on the Vampire Coast.

During the confrontation in the Demon Realm, that damn birdman gave Sashab a true prophecy on the battlefield, but deliberately blurred the time of the prophecy.

He couldn't resist the message given by Carlos. There were his compatriots here. If he didn't come to save them, those compatriots would surely die from the changes brought about by the mutators.

When Sashabo excitedly captured Luther Haken and was about to go to the dungeon to rescue the three fellow villagers.

He discovered that his compatriots would arrive at Luther Harken's dark castle in the future and be imprisoned in the dungeon by the vampire lord.

And, this is just one possibility for the future.

The fellow countryman named Lynch didn't look like a weakling who would be captured. He almost killed half of Lustria!

The more detailed content was erased by the Changer, which caused Sashab to miss the opportunity to meet the dwarves and humans in advance.

Sashaab now doesn't want Carlos's plan to succeed, which will bring huge changes to the world and allow the power of the Lord of Change to temporarily dominate the other three gods.

Changes also break the great cycle of loving father and nurgle!

But Sashabo doesn't even know what Carlos really wants to do. He can only guess at the moment that this damn Almighty Demon Lord wants to shake the lizard people's spiritual network.

Sashabo saw in the Demon Realm that countless demons of the Blood God rushed towards the passage from the Demon Realm to the Echo City of Zahhuitak.

Carlos seems to have united with the bloodthirsty people. Great turmoil will bring war, and war will make the blood god stronger.

Even the disgusting demon of Slaanesh was encouraged by Carlos to come.

At the very least, there are two mentally twisted God-Lord Secret Keepers wandering in the rainforest. Sashaab doesn't know if they want to attack the demonic army of Khorne, or if they are preparing to subvert the Twilight Fortress at the southernmost tip of Lustria.

The Twilight Fortress is a colony of elves, and there is also a secret spiritual hub there. The lizardmen use the high elves to maintain it.

The daemons of Slaanesh have always loved the souls of elves.

Sashaab is worried about the fate of his three compatriots. He does not yet know that there is a special existence called Romon, because Carlos's prophecy did not mention him.

The disease-bearing undead that kept disappearing from the horizon made Sashabo come back to his senses. His fellow villager who was more violent than the bloodthirsty was here.

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