Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 34 The Sound of Mysterious Gu (please follow up)

In the foggy swamp, Lynch smashed the resentful spirit that suddenly surfaced in the mud.

It's hard to believe that Nurgle's plague has even infected spirits, turning these banshees into idiots.

Under the radiance of Kotago's scepter, the other eleven cold-blooded species quickly eliminated the target.

Although the Skink Priest is very thin, he is actually a nimble melee fighter.

There seemed to be many eyes looking at Lynch in the mist, and the stinky swamp gas obscured those twisted things.

From time to time, black shadows passed behind the tree trunks, and a burst of sound broke through the air. Lin Qi relied on his reflexes that were far superior to his peers to avoid this inexplicable attack.

Lynch turned sideways and saw the attacker clearly. It was a tree.

A blood-stained tree that looks exactly like any other tree in the swamp when it's not moving.

This swamp is full of these weird plants with human blood flowing through them.

The overestimating plant did not hinder Lynch. He just deftly avoided the tentacle-like branches and cut it off directly with the tip of his staff after approaching.

The sounds of fierce fighting and the mage's spells rang out. It seemed that other cold-blooded species also suffered sneak attacks from plants.

Flesh and blood squirmed on the broken trunk. After confirming that it would not heal, Lynch turned around and cut off the branches entangled with the priest, saving the lizard man who was almost torn apart by three strange trees.

Koteg's scepter shines with a bright arc of light from time to time, and the priest casts a spell to bring luck to the cold-blooded species.

After a fierce battle, the cold-blooded species defeated dozens of strange trees that suddenly attacked.

Just when Lynch ordered to avoid the plants, long roots suddenly pulled out from the quagmire and strangled a number of cold-blooded species!

The teeth on the roots are eager to suck flesh and blood through the scales.

Obviously, just cutting off the part on the ground cannot completely eliminate the enemy.

The priest quickly took out a small stone hammer and let it fall into the mire.

After chanting a short spell, Lin Qi felt a pressure from the sky coming down instantly.

The terrifying force almost pushed Lin Qi to the ground. The stone hammer trembled violently, and the bloodthirsty plants also trembled.

In the sharp noise, the powerful spell directly shattered the surrounding plants, and even the mud on the ground became loose.

Lynch glanced at the bloody priest, who was almost killed by his own spell.

Even the physically powerful lizard man looked sluggish, let alone it.

The caster is decisive enough, but Lynch believes that there is a better option, although it will take longer to fight and increase the variables.

The cold-blooded species began to crawl again, and in the light green mist, the priest suddenly stopped.

It silently stayed away from the group, chanted a long spell, and kept praying for the cold-blooded species.

“The gate of plague is upon me, I have encountered an enemy!

May Kuiji protect your scales, I will die here, and you will banish demons, for the great plan! "

The skink looked left and right in fear, its eyes suddenly lost focus, and its consciousness used the wind of heaven to peer into the future.

"Kotego's power cannot clear away the plague! Take no harm, the enemy is in the air!"

The muffled screams of the Skink put the cold-blooded species on alert.

Lynch looked over at the self-isolating skink, which looked terrified.

His nervous eyes kept moving, and his violently shaking body made him look extremely timid.

"For the Old One's grand plan."

Lynch responded in a low voice, looking at the priest who seemed to be greatly inspired, leading the team away slowly.

The complicated spells behind him and the screams echoing in the air made Lin Qi turn around and look around.

The skink priest's mouth and eyes poured out flashing winds, and its limbs were stiffly spread out in a cross shape.

The scales on the already bloody body cracked, and a storm of light and energy tortured the priest's body.

A light yellow sphere appeared above the priest's head, and Nurglings leaned out of the sphere.

Lightning spurted from the priest's wound, and the horde of Nurglings that descended wailed and disappeared.

When the ball faded away, only a blackened lizard corpse was left.

Lynch turned around and moved faster.

The cold-blooded species carefully avoided the trees in the swamp and swam in the mist.

Undead souls kept crawling out of the mire, trying in vain to stop the warriors' attack.

Lynch purified a rotting snake corpse that rushed towards him, and was about to move forward when a dull, whispering voice sounded in the empty swamp.

"You are here, my friend, why don't you take your other two compatriots with you?"

Lynch ignored it, but only made the scarers be more vigilant.

"You must know that the end will happen two hundred years later."

Of course Lynch knows, he is familiar with this world, and he is preparing for the end two hundred years later.

He needs to accumulate strength, first of all to win this battle and make the rulers of the Lizardman Empire face up to his existence.

Personal power alone cannot shake the tide of destruction. He needs to mobilize this sealed and lost empire.

The dull voice continued to speak in Lynch’s native dialect:

"Nothing can stop the four true gods who work together. The gods are almost tired of playing the great game of controlling the mortal realm. The false gods of various races are no longer able to protect themselves. The world is destined to be destroyed in the end brought about by the four gods' joint selection. "

Lin Qi's eyes narrowed dangerously, but the devil's whisper still lingered in the ears of the soldiers.

"Stop resisting, come on! Accept the gift from loving father Nurgle!"

"You are dreaming! I would rather die under the power of destruction than become a maggot in the Plague Lord's cesspool!"

Lynch's fierce rebuttal did not anger the devil in the dark, and the devil continued to tempt him.

"The Blood God will cruelly eliminate the weak, the Great Deceiver will only play with the miserable souls on the chessboard, and the Prince of Darkness will pick out the debauched beauty."

“Only a loving father! Only a loving father!

God loves the world! No matter old or ugly, good or evil, He leads us, just like a loving father caring for his beloved son! Everyone can receive divine grace! "

"Your oozing god is too philanthropic. I don't want germs to share my body!" Lin Qi whispered sarcastically.

"That's different. No matter how small a life is, it's still life. Death also has new life. Disease and ruins are just one aspect of the endless cycle."

"You don't even know what you are praising, miserable devil, are you still you?"

"I just abandoned the useless honor and belief of mankind. My dear compatriots, you should treat all life fairly!

The vision of mortals is narrow. Come, come to the garden of Grandfather God and you will understand everything. "

Lynch clenched Kotago's scepter tightly, the anger in his eyes was blazing and inhuman.

"Haha, the honor you abandoned is something I cherish, because it is the reward given by the sufferer to the rescuer, and it is the laurel crown on the head of the pioneer!"

The demon's dull voice almost dispersed the fog, and it roared:

"After upgrading, you can still get honors and gain more lives!

Stop being stubborn, you will really die in the tide of world destruction! "

Please continue reading. I’m going to fight Nurgle later. I don’t recommend eating and reading.

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