The Chaos Spawn, which is very characteristic of Nurgle, appears after the toads. The fang-like spikes on their bodies are not as deterrent as the swollen yellow-green blisters.

Lynch had to admit, they were disgusting enough to stop him.

No matter how disgusted you are, the fight must go on.

The plague toad couldn't wait to jump over and use its ulcerated tongue to get close to the cold-blooded species.

The spears nailed the smelly tongues sticking out to the ground, and the lizard men cut off the passion of the plague toad with their sharp claws.

Lin Qi cut open the body of the giant toad, and a large amount of yellow-green liquid spilled out.

The Chaos Eggs that followed pushed the lizards away with their tentacles, and the lizards were forced to separate and fight in the stinky swamp.

Lynch tried his best to push away the excited plague toad in front of him. He wanted to summon the warriors, but the cold-blooded species had been pushed further and further away by the dirty yellow-green demon.

There may be no casualties for the time being, but the secretly spreading disease is like a hanging sword.

A chaos egg suddenly pushed towards Lynch's back and threw him far away while he was killing the toad completely.

Lynch squashed a small piece of Nurgling. These little guys, no bigger than the knees, appeared here at some point.

They imitated various roars, playfully climbed up Lynch's body and pulled his tail.

Lin Qi exploded with all his strength, shook off the little guy on his body, and swung out several sticks in an instant, and his tail whipped at the Nurglings like a long whip.

In the blink of an eye, all the Nurglings that were entangled with Lynch exploded into juice.

A terrifying slime storm broke out at Lynch's location, and all the Nurgle demons near Lynch were destroyed. The dirty liquid corroded the blood trees in the swamp.

The plague toads that swarmed in like clingy pets contained the killing storm, and they once again used their huge bodies to push Lynch around.

Lynch inflicted wounds on Plague Toad during the free breaks he could take advantage of.

When there was just enough room for a lizard man to stand among the demons, Lynch hit the toad that was coming towards him and fell into the mire with the help of the reaction force.

He no longer cared about energy consumption, activated the melting of the scepter, and used the melting arc to open a sticky path to freedom.

Several breakout orders were Lynch's last effort. He couldn't save other cold-blooded people. These demons found his weakness. He was not heavy enough.

Maybe for other creatures, the lizard man is a boulder that cannot be lifted, but the huge demon can easily push the lizard man around, just like kicking a ball.

If they were demons from other evil gods, Lynch could quickly banish them on contact, but not Nurgle demons.

They have excellent self-healing power and strong bodies.

Lynch wanted to strengthen his quality, but these demons didn't seem to want to harm him directly, but only used contact to spread the disease.

He needs an enemy who can cripple him to make up for this sudden shortcoming!

The strange musk wafted through the air, changing even the stench of Nurgle's demons.

The stench that should have made people sick turned into a fragrance like flowers.

Lynch felt an unspeakable urge to turn back and continue contact with the slimy Nurgle demon.

Amid Lynch's strong will to resist, Lynch inexplicably felt that the sticky touch of the toad was like a girl's skin.

It seems that there is some kind of power trying to awaken Lynch's desire, but Lynch has no such secular function.

The demon prince's dull voice roared like thunder. It could be heard that Sashab was extremely angry and even spoke in dialect:

"Son of a secret keeper! Vivatics? I have to kill you, you bastard!"

Lynch's inadvertent turning back gave him a huge mental shock!

I saw those fat and cyst-covered Nurgle demons already entangled together like lovers.

The yellow-green swollen limbs fit tightly together, and from time to time pustules were broken by friction. The fishy liquid was like lubricant, assisting the demons in their intimacy.

Some scarred people who were not yet dead took the opportunity to kill the demons piled on them, violently knocked down the disease-carrying people who were blocking the way, and regrouped around Lynch.

Unexpectedly, all ten scarred people were still alive, but they all showed signs of infection.

Lynch used the scepter to try to suppress the spreading virus, but this seemed to be a germ that was not afraid of high temperatures.

Lynch took advantage of the demon's internal strife and led the lizard men towards the black castle where the top of the tower could already be seen.

The swamp seemed to have turned into a plump and huge living creature. Just by stepping over it, Lynch could feel the pleasure of waves.

Every time he settled down, it became an unspeakable enjoyment, but this terrifying joy only brought pain to Lynch.

This was not a temptation that reason could resist, and Lynch watched helplessly as he slid into the abyss.

A melodious female voice was laughing, and the laughter like the collision of silver bells made the frenzied behavior in the swamp even more rampant.

Lin Qi abandoned all distracting thoughts in panic, only retaining his desire for hunting.

At some point, the road ahead of the cold-blooded species became wider and smoother.

There were torches on both sides of the road, and the blood-red flames reflected in the eyes of the charging lizard men.

The light yellow mist was soaked in blood, and the environment ahead no longer looked like a swamp.

Brass floors replaced the muddy soil, and the beating of war drums dispersed the seductive female voices.

The intoxicating touch under his feet disappeared, replaced by blood-like stickiness.

Prince Nurgle's roar extinguished the flames and disturbed the war drums.

The twisted and crazy will directly drove a piece of information into the minds of everyone in the swamp.

"This is my territory!"

The blood-like thickness at Lin Qi's feet disappeared, and he could no longer feel the unforgettable softness.

Rotten vegetation grew rapidly from the swamp, and the bloody trees screamed like a filial son at a funeral.

The swamp was filled with evil vitality. A gust of wind blew by, and the smelly weeds whispered the names of different flus.

A village appeared around the Black Castle. Lynch passed through the gate that was not blocked by the wooden fence and saw corpses scattered between the houses.

In this scene where authenticity is difficult to distinguish, the bodies of dead humans are festering and the blood is solidified.

Various medicines are scattered around each corpse, and there is still a trace of hope in the wide-open eyes of the deceased.

They all faced the center of the village, as if they were dying and believed that a rescuer would appear in that direction.

Prince Nurgle's fury overwhelmed the two hidden daemons, but he soon fell into a deranged madness.

"It's not me! It's not me who destroyed the village! I'm saving them!"

"I can't cure you! Little Nona, believe me! My uncle knows the medical skills of the Far East, and this time it will be like the previous flus!"

"Why don't the antibiotics work? This isn't a cold? But it was just a cold the day before."

"Why, I have studied modern medicine for thirty years, but I can't save their goddess of mercy! Have mercy on her! She is only ten years old!"

The crazy will even made Lynch feel a little dizzy. The villages that withered in the plague were twisted and elongated, and finally shattered into empty phantoms.

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