Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 37 Fighting to the death

The intoxicating chuckle of the Keeper of Secrets echoed in the broken illusion. How could a demon ascender with serious flaws face the great demon of Slaanesh who knew other people's privacy?

A group of Slaanesh demons emerged from the edge of the swamp and attacked the Nurgle demons who regained consciousness in the swamp.

The plague carrier on the edge of the battlefield slowly turned around and crashed into the enemy without a trace.

Before the long sword of the plague bearer struck the demon of desire, the demon's sharp claws had lightly cut open the skin of the plague bearer. However, there was not a red heart under the skin of the plague bearer, and these demons were not afraid.

This greatly disappointed the desire demon who longed to appreciate the pain of his enemy, and he hurriedly avoided the long sword coming from the plague bearer.

The screams of the banshees mingle with the crackle of the pustules, and the wails of the Nurglings are louder than the Plaguebearers' chant to the Plague Lord.

The Slaanesh beast stepped on the Nurglings that exploded into pieces along the way. The scorpion tail instantly penetrated the Nurgling beast that hit it, but this could not kill the fat monster.

It was like a cross between an anteater and a scorpion, a creature of Slaanesh, suppressed by the maggot-like Nurgle.

Slaanesh struggled to break free of the maggots, but its strength was far inferior to Nurgle's pet.

The mounts of the seekers of Slaanesh were creatures that resembled a mixture of anteaters and raptors. Six hundred and sixty seekers penetrated directly through the plague army of Nurgle.

The pink tide bit into the yellow-green from the left side of Nurgle's army, just like a dexterous tongue wandering among the Nurgle demons, licking the yellow-green demon army.

What was supposed to be a decisive charge was cleverly resolved by the tenacious Nurgle Demon, and the riders were forced into a lasting stalemate.

On the front of the battlefield, hundreds of Seeker chariots rushed into the battlefield under the cover of the god Slaanesh.

The sharp blade on the top of the chariot easily cut through the plague carriers blocking the way, and the Nurgle demons fell in pieces.

The person carrying the disease was divided into several pieces of rotten flesh, and the flesh and blood squirmed at the wounds. It seemed that they could heal themselves.

The chariots drew the emblem of Slaanesh composed of hundreds of curves in the yellow-green ocean, but the Nurglings were like dense ant colonies, and the charge of hundreds of chariots was only a drop in the bucket.

This artistic charge was met with a brutal counterattack. A large number of Nurglings took the opportunity to jump onto the chariot, and dozens of Nurglings suppressed the driving demon.

The driverless chariot crashed into the plague toad, sinking deeply into the toad's oozing flesh.

The sudden Slaanesh army attracted the attention of Nurgle's plague army, and no demon paid attention to Lynch, who had already led the team close to the Black Castle.

The stone door was violently broken open, and in the hall on the first floor there was a throne made of corpses of humans, elves, and lizardmen.

The white-haired one-eyed vampire sat on the throne, gritting his teeth and looking at the intruder.

"Aha! You have successfully offended me, rude guests!"

From time to time, it turned its head to look at the skeleton beside it, but the skeleton seemed to have completely turned into a dead thing.

Luther Haken looked at Lynch dangerously, as if he would draw his sword and chop Lynch into pieces in the next moment.

But even when the cold-blooded creature approached the throne, it still didn't move.

"Leave here, now! This is your only chance to survive!"

The vampire looked down at Lynch and issued instructions slowly.

Lin Qi ignored him and rushed to wake him up, because he didn't understand at all.

Luther Haken took out the revolver at his side and pointed it at Lynch:

"Damn it, you lizards who can't understand human language!"

Violent gunshots rang out, and a crack appeared on the scales on Lynch's chest, but this obviously did not threaten his life.

The vampire smashed the revolver at Lynch, lowered his head to avoid the Kotago scepter swung by Lynch, and drew out his long sword.

Before Lynch could use up all his remaining strength, he changed direction in mid-air and smashed downwards, but was blocked by Luther Haken with his sword.

After the battle, they stuck together and wrestled, but the stalemate was broken by spears thrust by other Scars.

Luther Haken seemed to be welded to the throne, and he did not get up to avoid the ten spears thrust towards him.

"Sashab? Let me go!"

The vampire skillfully dodged most of the thrusts, but there were still spear points coming from three directions that he couldn't avoid.

"Sashab! You are so ugly that even the sirens don't want to get close to you! Let me go!"

Now it wants that damn Nurgle Demon to be completely wiped out!

After being captured, its throne was tampered with by the demons of Nurgle.

It secretly tried countless methods, but could not get rid of the throne's shackles.

If it still had the ability to cast spells, there might be a chance, but it has yet to recover from the trauma.

The spear pinned the vampire into the pile of corpses. Although there was no other personality to cause trouble at the critical moment, Luther Harken was unable to resist a group of scarers under the constraints.

"I surrender! Reptiles, Lustria will be surrendered to you! Let's sign an agreement!"

The vampire shouted urgently, but obviously, the only thing in the dictionary of cold-blooded people is to destroy the enemy. Of course, it is more likely that there is a language barrier.

Seeing that the cold-blooded species was not moved at all, Luther Haken shouted angrily like every villain:

"You can't kill me! Reptiles, don't let me come back again! I will skin you!"

Ten spears penetrated the vampire's body one after another, and Lynch took the opportunity to directly use Kotago's scepter to fly off its head.

The victory was so easy that Lynch temporarily doubted whether the person he killed was Luther Harken himself.

With no time to think, Lynch led the lizardmen to search the castle and found only some dissected hot-blooded species and mutated plants.

Lynch left the castle and looked at the swamp that was already in chaos.

The scarred ones all made an attack stance, and it seemed that the cold-blooded ones had no intention of leaving the battlefield alive.

Having been infected by the plague, there is only a chance of survival if they return to the army to recuperate. For these scarred people, it is better to die in battle with dignity in the process of expelling demons.

Although no creature has deciphered the ancient saint's grand plan so far, there is no doubt that destroying these unclean demons is definitely a part of the grand plan!

The Scarred Ones are honorary veterans and the sharp spears left by the ancient saints in the world.

For these eldest sons of the ancient saints, it is better to die in the process of promoting the big plan than to die silently due to the plague.

Lynch understood them and was unwilling to allow these demons to wreak havoc in the rainforest.


Following an order, the eleven tough-skinned warriors rushed towards the endless demons.

"Talanxra is stationed here!"

"For the big plan!"

"Zcardi grant me power!"

"Ihamenshi is furious! He demands the banishment of the unclean!"

The Scars screamed and killed the fighting banshees and plague bearers.

The red clouds at sunset seem to be burning with fire. The Scarred Ones believe that it is the wrath of the mighty Ihamenshi that ignited the sky!

Perhaps Z'kadi, the giver of power, truly manifested himself, or perhaps Taranxra inspired the primitive wildness of the Saurus people at the other end of time.

The small battle group is like the spear of the ancient Saint Taranxra, tearing apart the demons of desire, knocking down the plague carriers, and sinking deeply into the wave of demons.

There are only eleven lizard men, but they have the momentum of thousands of troops.

Kotago's light attracted both warring parties, and the demons all looked at these intruders who overestimated their capabilities.

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