Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 38 Battle of Four Armies

After a brief moment, the Slaanesh demon and the Nurgle demon continued their brutal bloody battle, but the demons who were close to the cold-blooded species rushed towards the lizard man in unison.

The unholy fury blew away the thin fog, and the worship of the evil god gathered into a dull chant.

"Seven curses, seven diseases, seven blessings!"

The whole battlefield was cheering for the great gift of the loving Father, shouting it with one voice seven times in a row, no matter how big or small, whether strong or weak.

Various voices merged into the blasphemous words of tens of thousands of people who fell to the plague.

This unified chorus of men, women, old and young overshadowed the killing sounds played by six thousand gods and demons for the Prince of Darkness.

Amidst the wild cries of the heretics, Lynch vented his volcanic rage, chopped several lust demons in half, and turned all those carrying the disease in front of him into flesh.

The plague carriers who hurriedly gathered around were about to slash Lin Qi's back with their long swords, but were repelled by the scarred ones behind Lin Qi with their spears.

The demon's stumps spattered into the distance, and the eleven lizard men squandered their power.

The Scared Man no longer considered conserving his strength in the long war, and every thrust penetrated the demon's body with a sound of breaking through the air.

The lizards worked together to cut the swift Slaanesh beast into pieces, not forgetting to use their claws and claws to vent their anger on the unclean around them.

The festered scales behind him were torn off by the lust demon's sharp claws, but the lizard man responded with a powerful sweep of his thick tail.

The spear tips curled up as they kept piercing the obstacles, and every lizard man turned into a blood man.

Many Slaanesh lust demons strangely gave up resistance, no longer trying to take out the lizard man's heart with a perfect thrust, but happily rammed into the lizard man's spear.

For these lust demons, killing the enemy is not the whole purpose. The feelings of both parties are the most important core on the battlefield.

Apparently, the lizard men's focus on killing ignited their unknown pleasure point.

Among the ecstatic screams, the sound of conquest was a little more blasphemous.

This seemed to anger someone hiding in the dark, and the sudden blast of the war drum disturbed the banshees' interest.

The swamp on the south side was ignited by flames. In the flames, vampires holding hell blades roared and rushed towards the pink and yellow-green chaotic stage.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

The roar of war awakened the intoxicated banshees, and this rude killing made the bisexual banshees who woke up from their dreams furious.

The red blood tide crashed into the battlefield, and the blood and pink were like magnetic poles attracting each other. They invariably passed over the Nurgle demons and collided with each other in a mighty way.

The cold-blooded species is like a small boat floating in the storm. No matter how the waves change, it can never extinguish the light of Kotago in the stormy waves.

Lynch knocked down the plague toad that was about to be hollowed out by the banshee, and the scarred one killed a closed circle along the outer circle.

The maniacal laughter of Slaanesh echoed in the swamps filled by demons. Prince Nurgle had lost all reason and only knew how to sing the praises of Father Nurgle.

Several plague toads were gathered into the sky and assembled into a huge body.

The two chaos eggs were pulled under the body, turning into two tall and ugly legs as the flesh squirmed.

The two Nurgle beasts were pulled to both sides of the body and submerged into the thick body, forming two tentacle-like arms.

The bat wings shook off the fishy yellow liquid on them, covering a small battlefield like a giant dragon spreading its wings.

"Seven levels of decay, seven levels of disease, and seven levels of blessing!"

It roared, and together with the demons of Nurgle paid tribute to its loving father, it rushed towards a shadow in the forest like a beast.

The Keeper of Secrets was like a pretty girl with a smile on her face, teasing the irrational incarnation of Prince Nurgle.

The shadow nimbly avoided the attack like a falling meteorite, and the demon incarnation shook the earth, setting off a violent air wave that threw all the surrounding demons into the sky.

This twisted creation is like a mad dog, chasing the secret keeper who shuttles through the shadows, knocking away any demon that dares to stand in its way.

Lin Qi, who was fighting, felt the tremors getting closer and closer, and was slightly distracted to observe the battlefield.

I saw a tall and graceful secret keeper rushing towards me from a distance with a mountain of monsters.

Lynch used all his strength to cooperate with the Scars to forcefully penetrate deeper into the battlefield to avoid this absurd disaster.

But the divine secret keeper seemed to be deliberately leading the monster to Lin Qi, and he also turned around!

As the earth shook, the banshees decapitated by the vampires formed two rows of torches, and the deep blood-red flames burned into eight fire pillars. A giant dragon with a huge dog's head appeared in the center of the fire pillars.

The strange dragon howled wildly and pounced on Lin Qi, just as the great demon of Slaanesh also rushed towards him with the monster.

Kotago's scepter lit up with a dazzling arc of light, leading the cold-blooded species to break through the bloodletters and lust demons who were fighting while fighting.

The loud crash behind him left Lynch temporarily deafened, but that was just the beginning.

A sharp pendulum suddenly appeared in the void and swung straight at Lynch.

Lynch jumped forward to avoid this insidious spell, but it did not disappear. He waved it in the void several times before ending.

The demons around the cold-blooded species were all crushed to pieces by the terrifying pendulum. The scarers quickly formed a defensive array, wary of prying eyes in the dark.

The Slaughter Prince of Khorne and the incarnation of Prince Nurgle left in the fierce battle, but the Keeper of Secrets of Slaanesh was not part of that earth-shaking battle.

In Lynch's strong sense of crisis, a scarred person was penetrated by black pincers protruding from the shadows, and the devil's claws directly took out its bright red heart!

But the cold-blooded species did not die immediately. It took the opportunity to bite the dark scorpion pincers and plunged the spear directly into the shadow.

A tall demon, neither male nor female, emerged from the shadows, with a spear half-engraved in one of the six full breasts on the demon's chest.

The Keeper of Secrets had a gloomy look on his face, looking down at the lizard man who dared to harm its sacred body. In just a blink of an eye, the stubborn Scar Man was divided into six parts.

Each broken body has a symmetry like a work of art. When it lands, it fits together to form the foul emblem of Slaanesh. The number of corpses is deliberately divided into the holy number of Slaanesh.

Even on the battlefield, the Keepers of Secrets must pay tribute to the Prince of Darkness with a ritualistic and perfect killing.

Only Lynch could barely see its movements clearly, and it was even faster than Black Thirteen, who had sneak-attacked Lynch!

The cold-blooded tacit understanding surrounded the Keeper of Secrets, and the Great Demon of Slaanesh allowed the Scar One to confine him within.

It glanced at the ancient holy artifact in Lin Qi's hand with great interest, and suddenly swung out a pair of scorpion pincers, intending to interrupt Lin Qi's hand holding the weapon.

It seems that the Keeper of Secrets does not want to directly confront Lynch's weapons. It wants to first eliminate this threat that can harm it.

Lin Qi raised his staff to meet the enemy, but was cleverly bypassed by the secret keeper, and the scorpion pincers swung at a strange and ambiguous angle.

Lynch could only try his best to avoid the fate of having his arm cut off and directly take the damage with his body.

This slash did not actually land on Lin Qi, but it seemed like there was an invisible blade, leaving a long blood mark on Lin Qi's body.

If it falls on his hand, it will definitely cut off Lynch's arm!

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